I'm trying to create a slot machine, i have 3 empty pictureboxes and a image list with a bunch of different pictures in it, i use a random number generator to put images into the picturebox from the image list.
Now how do i compare to see if the three random pictures are matching?
picturebox1.image == picturebox2.image;
//doesnt work because names aren't loaded to image property
picturebox1.imagelocation == picture2.imagelocation
//doesn't work because all images come from the same place.
I also can't try comparing the size or the extension because they are all the same I don't want to use multiple random number generators to select the random pictures and compare the different random numbers. Is there a trick i can do with the imagelist that i haven't thought of
2 个解决方案
One option would be to use the Tag
property... many classes have one, including Bitmap
, Image
, and PictureBox
. You could assign a unique value to each Image.Tag
var bmp = new Bitmap(1,1);
bmp.Tag = "uniqueTag";
pictureBox1.Image.Tag = bmp; // pictureBox1.Image.Tag == "uniqueTag"
... then check for equality:
if (pictureBox1.Image.Tag == pictureBox2.Image.Tag)
When your random generator picks the index of the element you will pull from your image list, store the index in the picturebox.Tag or picturebox.Text, then compare if both Tag o Text are equal.
当随机生成器选择要从图像列表中提取的元素的索引时,将索引存储在picturebox.Tag或picturebox.Text中,然后比较Tag o Text是否相等。
One option would be to use the Tag
property... many classes have one, including Bitmap
, Image
, and PictureBox
. You could assign a unique value to each Image.Tag
var bmp = new Bitmap(1,1);
bmp.Tag = "uniqueTag";
pictureBox1.Image.Tag = bmp; // pictureBox1.Image.Tag == "uniqueTag"
... then check for equality:
if (pictureBox1.Image.Tag == pictureBox2.Image.Tag)
When your random generator picks the index of the element you will pull from your image list, store the index in the picturebox.Tag or picturebox.Text, then compare if both Tag o Text are equal.
当随机生成器选择要从图像列表中提取的元素的索引时,将索引存储在picturebox.Tag或picturebox.Text中,然后比较Tag o Text是否相等。