C/C++ 学习之 定时器

时间:2021-08-30 02:10:32

下面是两个简单的例子,说明在  windows  控制台应用程序中定时器的用法


// programe for timer

#include "stdio.h"
#include "conio.h"
#include <Windows.h>

int count = 0;

void CALLBACK TimerProc (HWND hwnd, UINT message, UINT iTimerID, DWORD dwTime)
printf("WM_TIMER in work thread count = %d\n",count++);

int main()
SetTimer (NULL, 0, 1000, TimerProc);
MSG msg;
if(count == 7)
printf("should stop!\n");
KillTimer (NULL, 0);
return 0;


//programe for timer
#include   <windows.h>  #include   <stdio.h>  #include   <conio.h>  unsigned   long   WINAPI   Thread(PVOID   pvoid); void   main()  {      DWORD   dwThreadId;      printf("控制台应用程序:线程-定时器\n");      HANDLE hThread = CreateThread(NULL, 0, Thread, 0, 0, &dwThreadId);//安全等级,默认栈空间,线程名,线程参数,编程标志,线程ID                       DWORD   dwwait = WaitForSingleObject(hThread,1000*30);      switch(dwwait)    {      case   WAIT_ABANDONED:          printf("main thread WaitForSingleObject return WAIT_ABANDONED\n");          break;      case   WAIT_OBJECT_0:          printf("main thread WaitForSingleObject return WAIT_OBJECT_0\n");          break;      case   WAIT_TIMEOUT:          printf("main thread WaitForSingleObject return WAIT_TIMEOUT\n");          break;      }      CloseHandle(hThread);      getch();  }  unsigned  long   WINAPI   Thread(PVOID   pvoid)  {      MSG   msg;    PeekMessage(&msg,   NULL,   WM_USER,   WM_USER,   PM_NOREMOVE);//该函数为一个消息检查线程消息队列,并将该消息(如果存在)放于指定的结构。//接收消息的 MSG 结构指针,句柄,指定被检查的消息范围里的第一个消息,最后一个,确定消息如何被处理//PM_NOREMOVE,PeekMessage处理后,消息不从队列里除掉//PM_REMOVE,PeekMessage处理后,消息从队列里除掉//PM_NOYIELD,此标志使系统不释放等待调用程序空闲的线程    UINT   timerid = SetTimer(NULL,111,1000,NULL);      BOOL   bRet;      int   count = 0;      while((bRet = GetMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0)) != 0)      {            if(bRet == -1)          {              //   handle   the   error   and   possibly   exit          }          else if(msg.message == WM_TIMER)         {              printf("WM_TIMER in work thread count = %d\n",count++);              if(count>4)  break;          }          else          {              TranslateMessage(&msg);   //将虚拟键消息转换为字符消息,下一次线程调用函数GetMessage或PeekMessage时被读出。            DispatchMessage(&msg);   //该函数分发一个消息给窗口程序,消息传递给操作系统,然后操作系统去调用我们的回调函数        }      }      KillTimer(NULL,timerid);      printf("thread  end  here\n");      return   0;  }