Python 2.7.3 process.Popen()失败

时间:2021-08-16 22:00:51

I'm using python 2.7.3 on a Windows 7 64-bit machine currently (also developing in Linux 32 bit, Ubuntu 12.04) and am having odd difficulties getting python to communicate with the command prompt/terminal successfully. My code looks like this:

我目前正在Windows 7 64位机器上使用python 2.7.3(也在Linux 32位上开发,Ubuntu 12.04),并且让python成功地与命令提示符/终端通信有一些奇怪的困难。我的代码是这样的:

import subprocess, logging, platform, ctypes

class someClass (object):

def runTerminalCommand:

        terminalOrCmdLineCommand = self.toString()

        process = subprocess.Popen(terminalOrCmdLineCommand, shell=True,stdout=subprocess.PIPE,stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
        output = process.stdout.readlines()

        if len(output) < 1:
            logging.exception("{} error : {}".format(self.cmd,process.stderr.readlines()))
            raise ConfigError("cmd issue : {}".format(self.cmd))
        return output

    except ValueError as err:
        raise err
    except Exception as e:
        logging.exception("Unexpected error : " + e.message)
        raise ConfigError("unexpected error")

Now, I know that the self.toString() returned value will process correctly if I enter it manually, so I'm limiting this to an issue with how I'm sending it to the command line via the subprocess. I've read the documentation, and found that the subprocess.check_call() doesn't return anything if it encounters an error, so I'm using .Popen()

现在,我知道如果我手动输入,self.toString()返回的值将会正确处理,所以我将这个问题限制为如何通过子进程将它发送到命令行。我阅读了文档,发现如果遇到错误,subprocess.check_call()不会返回任何内容,所以我使用。popen ()

The exception I get is,


    [date & time] ERROR: Unexpected error :
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "C:\[...]"
        raise ConfigError("cmd issue : {}".format(self.cmd))
    "ConfigError: cmd issue : [the list self.cmd printed out]"

What I am TRYING to do, is run a command, and read the input back. But I seem to be unable to automate the call I want to run. :(


Any thoughts? (please let me know if there are any needed details I left out)


Much appreciated, in advance.


1 个解决方案



The docs say:


Use communicate() rather than .stdin.write, or to avoid deadlocks due to any of the other OS pipe buffers filling up and blocking the child process.


You could use .communicate() as follows:


p = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
stdout_data, stderr_data = p.communicate()
if p.returncode != 0:
    raise RuntimeError("%r failed, status code %s stdout %r stderr %r" % (
                       cmd, p.returncode, stdout_data, stderr_data))
output_lines = stdout_data.splitlines() # you could also use `keepends=True`

See other methods to get subprocess output in Python.




The docs say:


Use communicate() rather than .stdin.write, or to avoid deadlocks due to any of the other OS pipe buffers filling up and blocking the child process.


You could use .communicate() as follows:


p = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
stdout_data, stderr_data = p.communicate()
if p.returncode != 0:
    raise RuntimeError("%r failed, status code %s stdout %r stderr %r" % (
                       cmd, p.returncode, stdout_data, stderr_data))
output_lines = stdout_data.splitlines() # you could also use `keepends=True`

See other methods to get subprocess output in Python.
