#5.3 5.4 alien_color = "green" if alien_color == "green": print("you get five points!") else: print("youg get ten points!") alien_color = "yellow" if alien_color == "green": print("you get five points!") else : print("you get ten points!") #5.8,5.9 usernames =["admin","b","c","d","e"] for username in usernames: if username == "admin": print("Hello admin, would you like to see a staus report?") else : print("Hello " + username + " ,Thank you for logging in again!") for username in usernames: del usernames[0] if usernames: print("we need some users!") #5.10 current_users = ["a","b","c","d","e"] new_users = ["a","f","g","h","b"] for new_user in new_users: if new_user in current_users: print("you need to input another username") else: print("This username is new!")