
时间:2021-08-07 21:47:15

It is an interview question. We have an array of integers of size N containing element between 0 to N-1. It may be possible that a number can occur more than two times. The goal is to find pairs that sum to a given number X.


I did it using an auxiliary array having count of elements of primary array and then rearranging primary according auxiliary array so that primary is sorted and then searched for pairs.


But interviewer wanted space complexity constant, so I told him to sort the array but it is nlogn time complexity solution. He wanted O(n) solution.


Is there any method available to do it in O(n) without any extra space?


3 个解决方案



No, I don't believe so. You either need extra space to be able to "sort" the data in O(n) by assigning to buckets, or you need to sort in-place which will not be O(n).


Of course, there are always tricks if you can make certain assumptions. For example, if N < 64K and your integers are 32 bits wide, you can multiplex the space required for the count array on top of the current array.

当然,如果你能做出某些假设,总有一些技巧。例如,如果N <64K且整数为32位宽,则可以在当前数组的顶部复用计数数组所需的空间。

In other words, use the lower 16 bits for storing the values in the array and then use the upper 16 bits for your array where you simply store the count of values matching the index.


Let's use a simplified example where N == 8. Hence the array is 8 elements in length and the integers at each element are less than 8, though they're eight bits wide. That means (initially) the top four bits of each element are zero.

让我们使用一个简化的例子,其中N == 8.因此,数组长度为8个元素,每个元素的整数小于8,尽管它们是8位宽。这意味着(最初)每个元素的前四位为零。

  0    1    2    3    4    5    6    7    <- index
(0)7 (0)6 (0)2 (0)5 (0)3 (0)3 (0)7 (0)7

The pseudo-code for an O(n) adjustment which stores the count into the upper four bits is:


for idx = 0 to N:
    array[array[idx] % 16] += 16 // add 1 to top four bits

By way of example, consider the first index which stores 7. That assignment statement will therefore add 16 to index 7, upping the count of sevens. The modulo operator is to ensure that values which have already been increased only use the lower four bits to specify the array index.


So the array eventually becomes:


  0    1    2    3    4    5    6    7    <- index
(0)7 (0)6 (1)2 (2)5 (0)3 (1)3 (1)7 (3)7

Then you have your new array in constant space and you can just use int (array[X] / 16) to get the count of how many X values there were.

然后你将新数组放在常量空间中,你可以使用int(array [X] / 16)来获取有多少X值的计数。

But, that's pretty devious and requires certain assumptions as mentioned before. It may well be that level of deviousness the interviewer was looking for, or they may just want to see how a prospective employee handle the Kobayashi Maru of coding :-)


Once you have the counts, it's a simple matter to find pairs that sum to a given X, still in O(N). The basic approach would be to get the cartestian product. For example, again consider that N is 8 and you want pairs that sum to 8. Ignore the lower half of the multiplexed array above (since you're only interested in the counts, you have:


 0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7    <- index
(0) (0) (1) (2) (0) (1) (1) (3)

What you basically do is step through the array one by one getting the product of the counts of numbers that sum to 8.


  • For 0, you would need to add 8 (which doesn't exist).
  • 对于0,您需要添加8(不存在)。

  • For 1, you need to add 7. The product of the counts is 0 x 3, so that gives nothing.
  • 对于1,您需要添加7.计数的乘积为0 x 3,因此不提供任何内容。

  • For 2, you need to add 6. The product of the counts is 1 x 1, so that gives one occurrence of (2,6).
  • 对于2,您需要添加6.计数的乘积是1 x 1,因此给出一次(2,6)。

  • For 3, you need to add 5. The product of the counts is 2 x 1, so that gives two occurrences of (3,5).
  • 对于3,您需要添加5.计数的乘积是2 x 1,因此给出两次出现的(3,5)。

  • For 4, it's a special case since you can't use the product. In this case it doesn't matter since there are no 4s but, if there was one, that couldn't become a pair. Where the numbers you're pairing are the same, the formula is (assuming there are m of them) 1 + 2 + 3 + ... + m-1. With a bit of mathematical widardry, that turns out to be m(m-1)/2.
  • 对于4,这是一个特例,因为您无法使用该产品。在这种情况下它没关系,因为没有4,但如果有一个,那就不能成为一对。如果您配对的数字相同,则公式为(假设有m个)1 + 2 + 3 + ... + m-1。通过一些数学widardry,结果是m(m-1)/ 2。

Beyond that, you're pairing with values to the left, which you've already done so you stop.


So what you have ended up with from


a b c d e f g h <- identifiers
7 6 2 5 3 3 7 7


(2,6) (3,5) (3,5)
(c,b) (e,d) (f,d) <- identifiers

No other values add up to 8.


The following program illustrates this in operation:


#include <stdio.h>

int arr[] = {3, 1, 4, 1, 5, 9, 2, 6, 5, 3, 5, 8, 9, 4, 4, 4, 4};
#define SZ (sizeof(arr) / sizeof(*arr))

static void dumpArr (char *desc) {
    int i;
    printf ("%s:\n   Indexes:", desc);
    for (i = 0; i < SZ; i++) printf (" %2d", i);

    printf ("\n   Counts :");
    for (i = 0; i < SZ; i++) printf (" %2d", arr[i] / 100);

    printf ("\n   Values :");
    for (i = 0; i < SZ; i++) printf (" %2d", arr[i] % 100);

    puts ("\n=====\n");

That bit above is just for debugging. The actual code to do the bucket sort is below:


int main (void) {
    int i, j, find, prod;

    dumpArr ("Initial");

    // Sort array in O(1) - bucket sort.

    for (i = 0; i < SZ; i++) {
        arr[arr[i] % 100] += 100;

And we finish with the code to do the pairings:


    dumpArr ("After bucket sort");

    // Now do pairings.

    find = 8;
    for (i = 0, j = find - i; i <= j; i++, j--) {
        if (i == j) {
            prod = (arr[i]/100) * (arr[i]/100-1) / 2;
            if (prod > 0) {
                printf ("(%d,%d) %d time(s)\n", i, j, prod);
        } else {
            if ((j >= 0) && (j < SZ)) {
                prod = (arr[i]/100) * (arr[j]/100);
                if (prod > 0) {
                    printf ("(%d,%d) %d time(s)\n", i, j, prod);

    return 0;

The output is:


   Indexes:  0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
   Counts :  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
   Values :  3  1  4  1  5  9  2  6  5  3  5  8  9  4  4  4  4

After bucket sort:
   Indexes:  0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
   Counts :  0  2  1  2  5  3  1  0  1  2  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
   Values :  3  1  4  1  5  9  2  6  5  3  5  8  9  4  4  4  4

(2,6) 1 time(s)
(3,5) 6 time(s)
(4,4) 10 time(s)

and, if you examine the input digits, you'll find the pairs are correct.




This may be done by converting the input array to the list of counters "in-place" in O(N) time. Of course this assumes input array is not immutable. There is no need for any additional assumptions about unused bits in each array element.


Start with the following pre-processing: try to move each array's element to the position determined by element's value; move element on this position also to the position determined by its value; continue until:


  • next element is moved to the position from where this cycle was started,
  • 将下一个元素移动到此循环开始的位置,

  • next element cannot be moved because it is already on the position corresponding to its value (in this case put current element to the position from where this cycle was started).
  • 下一个元素无法移动,因为它已经位于与其值对应的位置(在这种情况下,将当前元素放到此循环开始的位置)。

After pre-processing every element either is located at its "proper" position or "points" to its "proper" position. In case we have an unused bit in each element, we could convert each properly positioned element into a counter, initialize it with "1", and allow each "pointing" element to increase appropriate counter. Additional bit allows to distinguish counters from values. The same thing may be done without any additional bits but with less trivial algorithm.


Count how may values in the array are equal to 0 or 1. If there are any such values, reset them to zero and update counters at positions 0 and/or 1. Set k=2 (size of the array's part that has values less than k replaced by counters). Apply the following procedure for k = 2, 4, 8, ...

计算数组中的值如何等于0或1.如果存在任何此类值,则将它们重置为零并更新位置0和/或1处的计数器。设置k = 2(数组的部分值小于值而k由计数器代替)。对k = 2,4,8,......应用以下程序

  1. Find elements at positions k .. 2k-1 which are at their "proper" position, replace them with counters, initial value is "1".
  2. 在位置k ... 2k-1处找到处于“正确”位置的元素,用计数器替换它们,初始值为“1”。

  3. For any element at positions k .. 2k-1 with values 2 .. k-1 update corresponding counter at positions 2 .. k-1 and reset value to zero.
  4. 对于位置k ... 2k-1的任何元素,值为2 .. k-1更新位置2 .. k-1处的相应计数器并将值重置为零。

  5. For any element at positions 0 .. 2k-1 with values k .. 2k-1 update corresponding counter at positions k .. 2k-1 and reset value to zero.
  6. 对于位置为0 ... 2k-1且值为k ... 2k-1的任何元素,在位置k ... 2k-1处更新相应的计数器并将值复位为零。

All iterations of this procedure together have O(N) time complexity. At the end the input array is completely converted to the array of counters. The only difficulty here is that up to two counters at positions 0 .. 2k-1 may have values greater than k-1. But this could be mitigated by storing two additional indexes for each of them and processing elements at these indexes as counters instead of values.

该过程的所有迭代一起具有O(N)时间复杂度。最后,输入数组完全转换为计数器数组。这里唯一的困难是位置0 .. 2k-1的最多两个计数器可能具有大于k-1的值。但是,可以通过为每个索引存储两个附加索引并将这些索引处理元素作为计数器而不是值来减轻这种情况。

After an array of counters is produced, we could just multiply pairs of counters (where corresponding pair of indexes sum to X) to get the required counts of pairs.




String sorting is n log n however if you can assume the numbers are bounded (and you can because you're only interested in numbers that sum to a certain value) you can use a Radix sort. Radix sort takes O(kN) time, where "k" is the length of the key. That's a constant in your case, so I think it's fair to say O(N).

字符串排序是n log n但是如果你可以假设数字是有界的(你可以因为你只对总和到某个值的数字感兴趣)你可以使用基数排序。基数排序需要O(kN)时间,其中“k”是密钥的长度。在你的情况下这是一个常数,所以我认为说O(N)是公平的。

Generally I would however solve this using a hash e.g.



Though that is of course not a linear time solution.




No, I don't believe so. You either need extra space to be able to "sort" the data in O(n) by assigning to buckets, or you need to sort in-place which will not be O(n).


Of course, there are always tricks if you can make certain assumptions. For example, if N < 64K and your integers are 32 bits wide, you can multiplex the space required for the count array on top of the current array.

当然,如果你能做出某些假设,总有一些技巧。例如,如果N <64K且整数为32位宽,则可以在当前数组的顶部复用计数数组所需的空间。

In other words, use the lower 16 bits for storing the values in the array and then use the upper 16 bits for your array where you simply store the count of values matching the index.


Let's use a simplified example where N == 8. Hence the array is 8 elements in length and the integers at each element are less than 8, though they're eight bits wide. That means (initially) the top four bits of each element are zero.

让我们使用一个简化的例子,其中N == 8.因此,数组长度为8个元素,每个元素的整数小于8,尽管它们是8位宽。这意味着(最初)每个元素的前四位为零。

  0    1    2    3    4    5    6    7    <- index
(0)7 (0)6 (0)2 (0)5 (0)3 (0)3 (0)7 (0)7

The pseudo-code for an O(n) adjustment which stores the count into the upper four bits is:


for idx = 0 to N:
    array[array[idx] % 16] += 16 // add 1 to top four bits

By way of example, consider the first index which stores 7. That assignment statement will therefore add 16 to index 7, upping the count of sevens. The modulo operator is to ensure that values which have already been increased only use the lower four bits to specify the array index.


So the array eventually becomes:


  0    1    2    3    4    5    6    7    <- index
(0)7 (0)6 (1)2 (2)5 (0)3 (1)3 (1)7 (3)7

Then you have your new array in constant space and you can just use int (array[X] / 16) to get the count of how many X values there were.

然后你将新数组放在常量空间中,你可以使用int(array [X] / 16)来获取有多少X值的计数。

But, that's pretty devious and requires certain assumptions as mentioned before. It may well be that level of deviousness the interviewer was looking for, or they may just want to see how a prospective employee handle the Kobayashi Maru of coding :-)


Once you have the counts, it's a simple matter to find pairs that sum to a given X, still in O(N). The basic approach would be to get the cartestian product. For example, again consider that N is 8 and you want pairs that sum to 8. Ignore the lower half of the multiplexed array above (since you're only interested in the counts, you have:


 0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7    <- index
(0) (0) (1) (2) (0) (1) (1) (3)

What you basically do is step through the array one by one getting the product of the counts of numbers that sum to 8.


  • For 0, you would need to add 8 (which doesn't exist).
  • 对于0,您需要添加8(不存在)。

  • For 1, you need to add 7. The product of the counts is 0 x 3, so that gives nothing.
  • 对于1,您需要添加7.计数的乘积为0 x 3,因此不提供任何内容。

  • For 2, you need to add 6. The product of the counts is 1 x 1, so that gives one occurrence of (2,6).
  • 对于2,您需要添加6.计数的乘积是1 x 1,因此给出一次(2,6)。

  • For 3, you need to add 5. The product of the counts is 2 x 1, so that gives two occurrences of (3,5).
  • 对于3,您需要添加5.计数的乘积是2 x 1,因此给出两次出现的(3,5)。

  • For 4, it's a special case since you can't use the product. In this case it doesn't matter since there are no 4s but, if there was one, that couldn't become a pair. Where the numbers you're pairing are the same, the formula is (assuming there are m of them) 1 + 2 + 3 + ... + m-1. With a bit of mathematical widardry, that turns out to be m(m-1)/2.
  • 对于4,这是一个特例,因为您无法使用该产品。在这种情况下它没关系,因为没有4,但如果有一个,那就不能成为一对。如果您配对的数字相同,则公式为(假设有m个)1 + 2 + 3 + ... + m-1。通过一些数学widardry,结果是m(m-1)/ 2。

Beyond that, you're pairing with values to the left, which you've already done so you stop.


So what you have ended up with from


a b c d e f g h <- identifiers
7 6 2 5 3 3 7 7


(2,6) (3,5) (3,5)
(c,b) (e,d) (f,d) <- identifiers

No other values add up to 8.


The following program illustrates this in operation:


#include <stdio.h>

int arr[] = {3, 1, 4, 1, 5, 9, 2, 6, 5, 3, 5, 8, 9, 4, 4, 4, 4};
#define SZ (sizeof(arr) / sizeof(*arr))

static void dumpArr (char *desc) {
    int i;
    printf ("%s:\n   Indexes:", desc);
    for (i = 0; i < SZ; i++) printf (" %2d", i);

    printf ("\n   Counts :");
    for (i = 0; i < SZ; i++) printf (" %2d", arr[i] / 100);

    printf ("\n   Values :");
    for (i = 0; i < SZ; i++) printf (" %2d", arr[i] % 100);

    puts ("\n=====\n");

That bit above is just for debugging. The actual code to do the bucket sort is below:


int main (void) {
    int i, j, find, prod;

    dumpArr ("Initial");

    // Sort array in O(1) - bucket sort.

    for (i = 0; i < SZ; i++) {
        arr[arr[i] % 100] += 100;

And we finish with the code to do the pairings:


    dumpArr ("After bucket sort");

    // Now do pairings.

    find = 8;
    for (i = 0, j = find - i; i <= j; i++, j--) {
        if (i == j) {
            prod = (arr[i]/100) * (arr[i]/100-1) / 2;
            if (prod > 0) {
                printf ("(%d,%d) %d time(s)\n", i, j, prod);
        } else {
            if ((j >= 0) && (j < SZ)) {
                prod = (arr[i]/100) * (arr[j]/100);
                if (prod > 0) {
                    printf ("(%d,%d) %d time(s)\n", i, j, prod);

    return 0;

The output is:


   Indexes:  0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
   Counts :  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
   Values :  3  1  4  1  5  9  2  6  5  3  5  8  9  4  4  4  4

After bucket sort:
   Indexes:  0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
   Counts :  0  2  1  2  5  3  1  0  1  2  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
   Values :  3  1  4  1  5  9  2  6  5  3  5  8  9  4  4  4  4

(2,6) 1 time(s)
(3,5) 6 time(s)
(4,4) 10 time(s)

and, if you examine the input digits, you'll find the pairs are correct.




This may be done by converting the input array to the list of counters "in-place" in O(N) time. Of course this assumes input array is not immutable. There is no need for any additional assumptions about unused bits in each array element.


Start with the following pre-processing: try to move each array's element to the position determined by element's value; move element on this position also to the position determined by its value; continue until:


  • next element is moved to the position from where this cycle was started,
  • 将下一个元素移动到此循环开始的位置,

  • next element cannot be moved because it is already on the position corresponding to its value (in this case put current element to the position from where this cycle was started).
  • 下一个元素无法移动,因为它已经位于与其值对应的位置(在这种情况下,将当前元素放到此循环开始的位置)。

After pre-processing every element either is located at its "proper" position or "points" to its "proper" position. In case we have an unused bit in each element, we could convert each properly positioned element into a counter, initialize it with "1", and allow each "pointing" element to increase appropriate counter. Additional bit allows to distinguish counters from values. The same thing may be done without any additional bits but with less trivial algorithm.


Count how may values in the array are equal to 0 or 1. If there are any such values, reset them to zero and update counters at positions 0 and/or 1. Set k=2 (size of the array's part that has values less than k replaced by counters). Apply the following procedure for k = 2, 4, 8, ...

计算数组中的值如何等于0或1.如果存在任何此类值,则将它们重置为零并更新位置0和/或1处的计数器。设置k = 2(数组的部分值小于值而k由计数器代替)。对k = 2,4,8,......应用以下程序

  1. Find elements at positions k .. 2k-1 which are at their "proper" position, replace them with counters, initial value is "1".
  2. 在位置k ... 2k-1处找到处于“正确”位置的元素,用计数器替换它们,初始值为“1”。

  3. For any element at positions k .. 2k-1 with values 2 .. k-1 update corresponding counter at positions 2 .. k-1 and reset value to zero.
  4. 对于位置k ... 2k-1的任何元素,值为2 .. k-1更新位置2 .. k-1处的相应计数器并将值重置为零。

  5. For any element at positions 0 .. 2k-1 with values k .. 2k-1 update corresponding counter at positions k .. 2k-1 and reset value to zero.
  6. 对于位置为0 ... 2k-1且值为k ... 2k-1的任何元素,在位置k ... 2k-1处更新相应的计数器并将值复位为零。

All iterations of this procedure together have O(N) time complexity. At the end the input array is completely converted to the array of counters. The only difficulty here is that up to two counters at positions 0 .. 2k-1 may have values greater than k-1. But this could be mitigated by storing two additional indexes for each of them and processing elements at these indexes as counters instead of values.

该过程的所有迭代一起具有O(N)时间复杂度。最后,输入数组完全转换为计数器数组。这里唯一的困难是位置0 .. 2k-1的最多两个计数器可能具有大于k-1的值。但是,可以通过为每个索引存储两个附加索引并将这些索引处理元素作为计数器而不是值来减轻这种情况。

After an array of counters is produced, we could just multiply pairs of counters (where corresponding pair of indexes sum to X) to get the required counts of pairs.




String sorting is n log n however if you can assume the numbers are bounded (and you can because you're only interested in numbers that sum to a certain value) you can use a Radix sort. Radix sort takes O(kN) time, where "k" is the length of the key. That's a constant in your case, so I think it's fair to say O(N).

字符串排序是n log n但是如果你可以假设数字是有界的(你可以因为你只对总和到某个值的数字感兴趣)你可以使用基数排序。基数排序需要O(kN)时间,其中“k”是密钥的长度。在你的情况下这是一个常数,所以我认为说O(N)是公平的。

Generally I would however solve this using a hash e.g.



Though that is of course not a linear time solution.
