
时间:2020-12-26 21:44:01

I'm looking for a Python library for printing tables like this:


=======================| column 1 | column 2 |=======================| value1   | value2   || value3   | value4   |=======================

I've found asciitable but it doesn't do the borders etc. I don't need any complex formatting of data items, they're just strings. I do need it to auto-size columns.


Does such a thing exist, or do I need to spend a few minutes writing my own?


13 个解决方案



Here's a quick and dirty little function I wrote for displaying the results from SQL queries I can only make over a SOAP API. It expects an input of a sequence of one or more namedtuples as table rows. If there's only one record, it prints it out differently.

下面是我为显示SQL查询的结果而编写的一个快速而肮脏的小函数,我只能通过SOAP API进行查询。它期望一个或多个命名元组的序列的输入作为表行。如果只有一条记录,它会以不同的方式打印出来。

It is handy for me and could be a starting point for you:


def pprinttable(rows):  if len(rows) > 1:    headers = rows[0]._fields    lens = []    for i in range(len(rows[0])):      lens.append(len(max([x[i] for x in rows] + [headers[i]],key=lambda x:len(str(x)))))    formats = []    hformats = []    for i in range(len(rows[0])):      if isinstance(rows[0][i], int):        formats.append("%%%dd" % lens[i])      else:        formats.append("%%-%ds" % lens[i])      hformats.append("%%-%ds" % lens[i])    pattern = " | ".join(formats)    hpattern = " | ".join(hformats)    separator = "-+-".join(['-' * n for n in lens])    print hpattern % tuple(headers)    print separator    _u = lambda t: t.decode('UTF-8', 'replace') if isinstance(t, str) else t    for line in rows:        print pattern % tuple(_u(t) for t in line)  elif len(rows) == 1:    row = rows[0]    hwidth = len(max(row._fields,key=lambda x: len(x)))    for i in range(len(row)):      print "%*s = %s" % (hwidth,row._fields[i],row[i])

Sample output:


pkid                                 | fkn                                  | npi-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------+----405fd665-0a2f-4f69-7320-be01201752ec | 8c9949b9-552e-e448-64e2-74292834c73e | 05b517507-2a42-ad2e-98dc-8c9ac6152afa | f972bee7-f5a4-8532-c4e5-2e82897b10f6 | 02f960dfc-b67a-26be-d1b3-9b105535e0a8 | ec3e1058-8840-c9f2-3b25-2488f8b3a8af | 1c71b28a3-5299-7f4d-f27a-7ad8aeadafe0 | 72d25703-4735-310b-2e06-ff76af1e45ed | 03b0a5021-a52b-9ba0-1439-d5aafcf348e7 | d81bb78a-d984-e957-034d-87434acb4e97 | 196c36bb7-c4f4-2787-ada8-4aadc17d1123 | c171fe85-33e2-6481-0791-2922267e8777 | 195d0f85f-71da-bb9a-2d80-fe27f7c02fe2 | 226f964c-028d-d6de-bf6c-688d2908c5ae | 1132aa774-42e5-3d3f-498b-50b44a89d401 | 44e31f89-d089-8afc-f4b1-ada051c01474 | 1ff91641a-5802-be02-bece-79bca993fdbc | 33d8294a-053d-6ab4-94d4-890b47fcf70d | 1f3196e15-5b61-e92d-e717-f00ed93fe8ae | 62fa4566-5ca2-4a36-f872-4d00f7abadcf | 1



>>> from collections import namedtuple>>> Row = namedtuple('Row',['first','second','third'])>>> data = Row(1,2,3)>>> dataRow(first=1, second=2, third=3)>>> pprinttable([data]) first = 1second = 2 third = 3>>> pprinttable([data,data])first | second | third------+--------+------    1 |      2 |     3    1 |      2 |     3



I've read this question long time ago, and finished writing my own pretty-printer for tables: tabulate.


My use case is:


  • I want a one-liner most of the time
  • 我大多数时候都想要一句俏皮话
  • which is smart enough to figure the best formatting for me
  • 哪一个足够聪明,可以为我找到最好的格式?
  • and can output different plain-text formats
  • 并且可以输出不同的明文格式

Given your example, grid is probably the most similar output format:


from tabulate import tabulateprint tabulate([["value1", "value2"], ["value3", "value4"]], ["column 1", "column 2"], tablefmt="grid")+------------+------------+| column 1   | column 2   |+============+============+| value1     | value2     |+------------+------------+| value3     | value4     |+------------+------------+

Other supported formats are plain (no lines), simple (Pandoc simple tables), pipe (like tables in PHP Markdown Extra), orgtbl (like tables in Emacs' org-mode), rst (like simple tables in reStructuredText). grid and orgtbl are easily editable in Emacs.

其他受支持的格式有plain(无行)、simple (Pandoc简单表)、pipe(类似于PHP Markdown Extra中的表)、orgtbl(类似于Emacs的org-mode中的表)、rst(类似于structuredtext中的简单表)。在Emacs中,网格和orgtbl很容易编辑。

Performance-wise, tabulate is slightly slower than asciitable, but much faster than PrettyTable and texttable.


P.S. I'm also a big fan of aligning numbers by a decimal column. So this is the default alignment for numbers if there are any (overridable).




okay old thread,, but the best I've found for this is Prettytable... are there better?




For some reason when I included 'docutils' in my google searches I stumbled across texttable, which seems to be what I'm looking for.




I too wrote my own solution to this. I tried to keep it simple.




from terminaltables import AsciiTabletable_data = [    ['Heading1', 'Heading2'],    ['row1 column1', 'row1 column2'],    ['row2 column1', 'row2 column2']]table = AsciiTable(table_data)print table.table+--------------+--------------+| Heading1     | Heading2     |+--------------+--------------+| row1 column1 | row1 column2 || row2 column1 | row2 column2 |+--------------+--------------+table.inner_heading_row_border = Falseprint table.table+--------------+--------------+| Heading1     | Heading2     || row1 column1 | row1 column2 || row2 column1 | row2 column2 |+--------------+--------------+table.inner_row_border = Truetable.justify_columns[1] = 'right'table.table_data[1][1] += '\nnewline'print table.table+--------------+--------------+| Heading1     |     Heading2 |+--------------+--------------+| row1 column1 | row1 column2 ||              |      newline |+--------------+--------------+| row2 column1 | row2 column2 |+--------------+--------------+



Version using w3m designed to handle the types MattH's version accepts:


import subprocessimport tempfileimport htmldef pprinttable(rows):    esc = lambda x: html.escape(str(x))    sour = "<table border=1>"    if len(rows) == 1:        for i in range(len(rows[0]._fields)):            sour += "<tr><th>%s<td>%s" % (esc(rows[0]._fields[i]), esc(rows[0][i]))    else:        sour += "<tr>" + "".join(["<th>%s" % esc(x) for x in rows[0]._fields])        sour += "".join(["<tr>%s" % "".join(["<td>%s" % esc(y) for y in x]) for x in rows])    with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".html") as f:        f.write(sour.encode("utf-8"))        f.flush()        print(            subprocess            .Popen(["w3m","-dump",f.name], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)            .communicate()[0].decode("utf-8").strip()        )from collections import namedtupleRow = namedtuple('Row',['first','second','third'])data1 = Row(1,2,3)data2 = Row(4,5,6)pprinttable([data1])pprinttable([data1,data2])

results in:


┌───────┬─┐│ first │1│├───────┼─┤│second │2│├───────┼─┤│ third │3│└───────┴─┘┌─────┬───────┬─────┐│first│second │third│├─────┼───────┼─────┤│1    │2      │3    │├─────┼───────┼─────┤│4    │5      │6    │└─────┴───────┴─────┘



If you want a table with column and row spans, then try my library dashtable


from dashtable import data2rsttable = [        ["Header 1", "Header 2", "Header3", "Header 4"],        ["row 1", "column 2", "column 3", "column 4"],        ["row 2", "Cells span columns.", "", ""],        ["row 3", "Cells\nspan rows.", "- Cells\n- contain\n- blocks", ""],        ["row 4", "", "", ""]    ]# [Row, Column] pairs of merged cellsspan0 = ([2, 1], [2, 2], [2, 3])span1 = ([3, 1], [4, 1])span2 = ([3, 3], [3, 2], [4, 2], [4, 3])my_spans = [span0, span1, span2]print(data2rst(table, spans=my_spans, use_headers=True))

Which outputs:


+----------+------------+----------+----------+| Header 1 | Header 2   | Header3  | Header 4 |+==========+============+==========+==========+| row 1    | column 2   | column 3 | column 4 |+----------+------------+----------+----------+| row 2    | Cells span columns.              |+----------+----------------------------------+| row 3    | Cells      | - Cells             |+----------+ span rows. | - contain           || row 4    |            | - blocks            |+----------+------------+---------------------+



I know it the question is a bit old but here's my attempt at this:




It is a bit more readable IMHO (although it doesn't differentiate between single / multiple rows like @MattH's solutions does, nor does it use NamedTuples).




I use this small utility function.


def get_pretty_table(iterable, header):    max_len = [len(x) for x in header]    for row in iterable:        row = [row] if type(row) not in (list, tuple) else row        for index, col in enumerate(row):            if max_len[index] < len(str(col)):                max_len[index] = len(str(col))    output = '-' * (sum(max_len) + 1) + '\n'    output += '|' + ''.join([h + ' ' * (l - len(h)) + '|' for h, l in zip(header, max_len)]) + '\n'    output += '-' * (sum(max_len) + 1) + '\n'    for row in iterable:        row = [row] if type(row) not in (list, tuple) else row        output += '|' + ''.join([str(c) + ' ' * (l - len(str(c))) + '|' for c, l in zip(row, max_len)]) + '\n'    output += '-' * (sum(max_len) + 1) + '\n'    return outputprint get_pretty_table([[1, 2], [3, 4]], ['header 1', 'header 2'])



-----------------|header 1|header 2|-----------------|1       |2       ||3       |4       |-----------------



You can try BeautifulTable. It does what you want to do. Here's an example from it's documentation


>>> from beautifultable import BeautifulTable>>> table = BeautifulTable()>>> table.column_headers = ["name", "rank", "gender"]>>> table.append_row(["Jacob", 1, "boy"])>>> table.append_row(["Isabella", 1, "girl"])>>> table.append_row(["Ethan", 2, "boy"])>>> table.append_row(["Sophia", 2, "girl"])>>> table.append_row(["Michael", 3, "boy"])>>> print(table)+----------+------+--------+|   name   | rank | gender |+----------+------+--------+|  Jacob   |  1   |  boy   |+----------+------+--------+| Isabella |  1   |  girl  |+----------+------+--------+|  Ethan   |  2   |  boy   |+----------+------+--------+|  Sophia  |  2   |  girl  |+----------+------+--------+| Michael  |  3   |  boy   |+----------+------+--------+



Here's my solution:


def make_table(columns, data):    """Create an ASCII table and return it as a string.    Pass a list of strings to use as columns in the table and a list of    dicts. The strings in 'columns' will be used as the keys to the dicts in    'data.'    Not all column values have to be present in each data dict.    >>> print(make_table(["a", "b"], [{"a": "1", "b": "test"}]))    | a | b    |    |----------|    | 1 | test |    """    # Calculate how wide each cell needs to be    cell_widths = {}    for c in columns:        values = [str(d.get(c, "")) for d in data]        cell_widths[c] = len(max(values + [c]))    # Used for formatting rows of data    row_template = "|" + " {} |" * len(columns)    # CONSTRUCT THE TABLE    # The top row with the column titles    justified_column_heads = [c.ljust(cell_widths[c]) for c in columns]    header = row_template.format(*justified_column_heads)    # The second row contains separators    sep = "|" + "-" * (len(header) - 2) + "|"    # Rows of data    rows = []    for d in data:        fields = [str(d.get(c, "")).ljust(cell_widths[c]) for c in columns]        row = row_template.format(*fields)        rows.append(row)    return "\n".join([header, sep] + rows)



This can be done with only builtin modules fairly compactly using list and string comprehensions. Accepts a list of dictionaries all of the same format...


def tableit(dictlist):    lengths = [ max(map(lambda x:len(x.get(k)), dictlist) + [len(k)]) for k in dictlist[0].keys() ]    lenstr = " | ".join("{:<%s}" % m for m in lengths)    lenstr += "\n"    outmsg = lenstr.format(*dictlist[0].keys())    outmsg += "-" * (sum(lengths) + 3*len(lengths))    outmsg += "\n"    outmsg += "".join(        lenstr.format(*v) for v in [ item.values() for item in dictlist ]    )    return outmsg



from sys import stderr, stdout    def create_table(table: dict, full_row: bool = False) -> None:        min_len = len(min((v for v in table.values()), key=lambda q: len(q)))        max_len = len(max((v for v in table.values()), key=lambda q: len(q)))        if min_len < max_len:            stderr.write("Table is out of shape, please make sure all columns have the same length.")            stderr.flush()            return        additional_spacing = 1        heading_separator = '| '        horizontal_split = '| '        rc_separator = ''        key_list = list(table.keys())        rc_len_values = []        for key in key_list:            rc_len = len(max((v for v in table[key]), key=lambda q: len(str(q))))            rc_len_values += ([rc_len, [key]] for n in range(len(table[key])))            heading_line = (key + (" " * (rc_len + (additional_spacing + 1)))) + heading_separator            stdout.write(heading_line)            rc_separator += ("-" * (len(key) + (rc_len + (additional_spacing + 1)))) + '+-'            if key is key_list[-1]:                stdout.flush()                stdout.write('\n' + rc_separator + '\n')        value_list = [v for vl in table.values() for v in vl]        aligned_data_offset = max_len        row_count = len(key_list)        next_idx = 0        newline_indicator = 0        iterations = 0        for n in range(len(value_list)):            key = rc_len_values[next_idx][1][0]            rc_len = rc_len_values[next_idx][0]            line = ('{:{}} ' + " " * len(key)).format(value_list[next_idx], str(rc_len + additional_spacing)) + horizontal_split            if next_idx >= (len(value_list) - aligned_data_offset):                next_idx = iterations + 1                iterations += 1            else:                next_idx += aligned_data_offset            if newline_indicator >= row_count:                if full_row:                    stdout.flush()                    stdout.write('\n' + rc_separator + '\n')                else:                    stdout.flush()                    stdout.write('\n')                newline_indicator = 0            stdout.write(line)            newline_indicator += 1        stdout.write('\n' + rc_separator + '\n')        stdout.flush()



table = {        "uid": ["0", "1", "2", "3"],        "name": ["Jon", "Doe", "Lemma", "Hemma"]    }create_table(table)



uid   | name       | ------+------------+-0     | Jon        | 1     | Doe        | 2     | Lemma      | 3     | Hemma      | ------+------------+-



Here's a quick and dirty little function I wrote for displaying the results from SQL queries I can only make over a SOAP API. It expects an input of a sequence of one or more namedtuples as table rows. If there's only one record, it prints it out differently.

下面是我为显示SQL查询的结果而编写的一个快速而肮脏的小函数,我只能通过SOAP API进行查询。它期望一个或多个命名元组的序列的输入作为表行。如果只有一条记录,它会以不同的方式打印出来。

It is handy for me and could be a starting point for you:


def pprinttable(rows):  if len(rows) > 1:    headers = rows[0]._fields    lens = []    for i in range(len(rows[0])):      lens.append(len(max([x[i] for x in rows] + [headers[i]],key=lambda x:len(str(x)))))    formats = []    hformats = []    for i in range(len(rows[0])):      if isinstance(rows[0][i], int):        formats.append("%%%dd" % lens[i])      else:        formats.append("%%-%ds" % lens[i])      hformats.append("%%-%ds" % lens[i])    pattern = " | ".join(formats)    hpattern = " | ".join(hformats)    separator = "-+-".join(['-' * n for n in lens])    print hpattern % tuple(headers)    print separator    _u = lambda t: t.decode('UTF-8', 'replace') if isinstance(t, str) else t    for line in rows:        print pattern % tuple(_u(t) for t in line)  elif len(rows) == 1:    row = rows[0]    hwidth = len(max(row._fields,key=lambda x: len(x)))    for i in range(len(row)):      print "%*s = %s" % (hwidth,row._fields[i],row[i])

Sample output:


pkid                                 | fkn                                  | npi-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------+----405fd665-0a2f-4f69-7320-be01201752ec | 8c9949b9-552e-e448-64e2-74292834c73e | 05b517507-2a42-ad2e-98dc-8c9ac6152afa | f972bee7-f5a4-8532-c4e5-2e82897b10f6 | 02f960dfc-b67a-26be-d1b3-9b105535e0a8 | ec3e1058-8840-c9f2-3b25-2488f8b3a8af | 1c71b28a3-5299-7f4d-f27a-7ad8aeadafe0 | 72d25703-4735-310b-2e06-ff76af1e45ed | 03b0a5021-a52b-9ba0-1439-d5aafcf348e7 | d81bb78a-d984-e957-034d-87434acb4e97 | 196c36bb7-c4f4-2787-ada8-4aadc17d1123 | c171fe85-33e2-6481-0791-2922267e8777 | 195d0f85f-71da-bb9a-2d80-fe27f7c02fe2 | 226f964c-028d-d6de-bf6c-688d2908c5ae | 1132aa774-42e5-3d3f-498b-50b44a89d401 | 44e31f89-d089-8afc-f4b1-ada051c01474 | 1ff91641a-5802-be02-bece-79bca993fdbc | 33d8294a-053d-6ab4-94d4-890b47fcf70d | 1f3196e15-5b61-e92d-e717-f00ed93fe8ae | 62fa4566-5ca2-4a36-f872-4d00f7abadcf | 1



>>> from collections import namedtuple>>> Row = namedtuple('Row',['first','second','third'])>>> data = Row(1,2,3)>>> dataRow(first=1, second=2, third=3)>>> pprinttable([data]) first = 1second = 2 third = 3>>> pprinttable([data,data])first | second | third------+--------+------    1 |      2 |     3    1 |      2 |     3



I've read this question long time ago, and finished writing my own pretty-printer for tables: tabulate.


My use case is:


  • I want a one-liner most of the time
  • 我大多数时候都想要一句俏皮话
  • which is smart enough to figure the best formatting for me
  • 哪一个足够聪明,可以为我找到最好的格式?
  • and can output different plain-text formats
  • 并且可以输出不同的明文格式

Given your example, grid is probably the most similar output format:


from tabulate import tabulateprint tabulate([["value1", "value2"], ["value3", "value4"]], ["column 1", "column 2"], tablefmt="grid")+------------+------------+| column 1   | column 2   |+============+============+| value1     | value2     |+------------+------------+| value3     | value4     |+------------+------------+

Other supported formats are plain (no lines), simple (Pandoc simple tables), pipe (like tables in PHP Markdown Extra), orgtbl (like tables in Emacs' org-mode), rst (like simple tables in reStructuredText). grid and orgtbl are easily editable in Emacs.

其他受支持的格式有plain(无行)、simple (Pandoc简单表)、pipe(类似于PHP Markdown Extra中的表)、orgtbl(类似于Emacs的org-mode中的表)、rst(类似于structuredtext中的简单表)。在Emacs中,网格和orgtbl很容易编辑。

Performance-wise, tabulate is slightly slower than asciitable, but much faster than PrettyTable and texttable.


P.S. I'm also a big fan of aligning numbers by a decimal column. So this is the default alignment for numbers if there are any (overridable).




okay old thread,, but the best I've found for this is Prettytable... are there better?




For some reason when I included 'docutils' in my google searches I stumbled across texttable, which seems to be what I'm looking for.




I too wrote my own solution to this. I tried to keep it simple.




from terminaltables import AsciiTabletable_data = [    ['Heading1', 'Heading2'],    ['row1 column1', 'row1 column2'],    ['row2 column1', 'row2 column2']]table = AsciiTable(table_data)print table.table+--------------+--------------+| Heading1     | Heading2     |+--------------+--------------+| row1 column1 | row1 column2 || row2 column1 | row2 column2 |+--------------+--------------+table.inner_heading_row_border = Falseprint table.table+--------------+--------------+| Heading1     | Heading2     || row1 column1 | row1 column2 || row2 column1 | row2 column2 |+--------------+--------------+table.inner_row_border = Truetable.justify_columns[1] = 'right'table.table_data[1][1] += '\nnewline'print table.table+--------------+--------------+| Heading1     |     Heading2 |+--------------+--------------+| row1 column1 | row1 column2 ||              |      newline |+--------------+--------------+| row2 column1 | row2 column2 |+--------------+--------------+



Version using w3m designed to handle the types MattH's version accepts:


import subprocessimport tempfileimport htmldef pprinttable(rows):    esc = lambda x: html.escape(str(x))    sour = "<table border=1>"    if len(rows) == 1:        for i in range(len(rows[0]._fields)):            sour += "<tr><th>%s<td>%s" % (esc(rows[0]._fields[i]), esc(rows[0][i]))    else:        sour += "<tr>" + "".join(["<th>%s" % esc(x) for x in rows[0]._fields])        sour += "".join(["<tr>%s" % "".join(["<td>%s" % esc(y) for y in x]) for x in rows])    with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".html") as f:        f.write(sour.encode("utf-8"))        f.flush()        print(            subprocess            .Popen(["w3m","-dump",f.name], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)            .communicate()[0].decode("utf-8").strip()        )from collections import namedtupleRow = namedtuple('Row',['first','second','third'])data1 = Row(1,2,3)data2 = Row(4,5,6)pprinttable([data1])pprinttable([data1,data2])

results in:


┌───────┬─┐│ first │1│├───────┼─┤│second │2│├───────┼─┤│ third │3│└───────┴─┘┌─────┬───────┬─────┐│first│second │third│├─────┼───────┼─────┤│1    │2      │3    │├─────┼───────┼─────┤│4    │5      │6    │└─────┴───────┴─────┘



If you want a table with column and row spans, then try my library dashtable


from dashtable import data2rsttable = [        ["Header 1", "Header 2", "Header3", "Header 4"],        ["row 1", "column 2", "column 3", "column 4"],        ["row 2", "Cells span columns.", "", ""],        ["row 3", "Cells\nspan rows.", "- Cells\n- contain\n- blocks", ""],        ["row 4", "", "", ""]    ]# [Row, Column] pairs of merged cellsspan0 = ([2, 1], [2, 2], [2, 3])span1 = ([3, 1], [4, 1])span2 = ([3, 3], [3, 2], [4, 2], [4, 3])my_spans = [span0, span1, span2]print(data2rst(table, spans=my_spans, use_headers=True))

Which outputs:


+----------+------------+----------+----------+| Header 1 | Header 2   | Header3  | Header 4 |+==========+============+==========+==========+| row 1    | column 2   | column 3 | column 4 |+----------+------------+----------+----------+| row 2    | Cells span columns.              |+----------+----------------------------------+| row 3    | Cells      | - Cells             |+----------+ span rows. | - contain           || row 4    |            | - blocks            |+----------+------------+---------------------+



I know it the question is a bit old but here's my attempt at this:




It is a bit more readable IMHO (although it doesn't differentiate between single / multiple rows like @MattH's solutions does, nor does it use NamedTuples).




I use this small utility function.


def get_pretty_table(iterable, header):    max_len = [len(x) for x in header]    for row in iterable:        row = [row] if type(row) not in (list, tuple) else row        for index, col in enumerate(row):            if max_len[index] < len(str(col)):                max_len[index] = len(str(col))    output = '-' * (sum(max_len) + 1) + '\n'    output += '|' + ''.join([h + ' ' * (l - len(h)) + '|' for h, l in zip(header, max_len)]) + '\n'    output += '-' * (sum(max_len) + 1) + '\n'    for row in iterable:        row = [row] if type(row) not in (list, tuple) else row        output += '|' + ''.join([str(c) + ' ' * (l - len(str(c))) + '|' for c, l in zip(row, max_len)]) + '\n'    output += '-' * (sum(max_len) + 1) + '\n'    return outputprint get_pretty_table([[1, 2], [3, 4]], ['header 1', 'header 2'])



-----------------|header 1|header 2|-----------------|1       |2       ||3       |4       |-----------------



You can try BeautifulTable. It does what you want to do. Here's an example from it's documentation


>>> from beautifultable import BeautifulTable>>> table = BeautifulTable()>>> table.column_headers = ["name", "rank", "gender"]>>> table.append_row(["Jacob", 1, "boy"])>>> table.append_row(["Isabella", 1, "girl"])>>> table.append_row(["Ethan", 2, "boy"])>>> table.append_row(["Sophia", 2, "girl"])>>> table.append_row(["Michael", 3, "boy"])>>> print(table)+----------+------+--------+|   name   | rank | gender |+----------+------+--------+|  Jacob   |  1   |  boy   |+----------+------+--------+| Isabella |  1   |  girl  |+----------+------+--------+|  Ethan   |  2   |  boy   |+----------+------+--------+|  Sophia  |  2   |  girl  |+----------+------+--------+| Michael  |  3   |  boy   |+----------+------+--------+



Here's my solution:


def make_table(columns, data):    """Create an ASCII table and return it as a string.    Pass a list of strings to use as columns in the table and a list of    dicts. The strings in 'columns' will be used as the keys to the dicts in    'data.'    Not all column values have to be present in each data dict.    >>> print(make_table(["a", "b"], [{"a": "1", "b": "test"}]))    | a | b    |    |----------|    | 1 | test |    """    # Calculate how wide each cell needs to be    cell_widths = {}    for c in columns:        values = [str(d.get(c, "")) for d in data]        cell_widths[c] = len(max(values + [c]))    # Used for formatting rows of data    row_template = "|" + " {} |" * len(columns)    # CONSTRUCT THE TABLE    # The top row with the column titles    justified_column_heads = [c.ljust(cell_widths[c]) for c in columns]    header = row_template.format(*justified_column_heads)    # The second row contains separators    sep = "|" + "-" * (len(header) - 2) + "|"    # Rows of data    rows = []    for d in data:        fields = [str(d.get(c, "")).ljust(cell_widths[c]) for c in columns]        row = row_template.format(*fields)        rows.append(row)    return "\n".join([header, sep] + rows)



This can be done with only builtin modules fairly compactly using list and string comprehensions. Accepts a list of dictionaries all of the same format...


def tableit(dictlist):    lengths = [ max(map(lambda x:len(x.get(k)), dictlist) + [len(k)]) for k in dictlist[0].keys() ]    lenstr = " | ".join("{:<%s}" % m for m in lengths)    lenstr += "\n"    outmsg = lenstr.format(*dictlist[0].keys())    outmsg += "-" * (sum(lengths) + 3*len(lengths))    outmsg += "\n"    outmsg += "".join(        lenstr.format(*v) for v in [ item.values() for item in dictlist ]    )    return outmsg



from sys import stderr, stdout    def create_table(table: dict, full_row: bool = False) -> None:        min_len = len(min((v for v in table.values()), key=lambda q: len(q)))        max_len = len(max((v for v in table.values()), key=lambda q: len(q)))        if min_len < max_len:            stderr.write("Table is out of shape, please make sure all columns have the same length.")            stderr.flush()            return        additional_spacing = 1        heading_separator = '| '        horizontal_split = '| '        rc_separator = ''        key_list = list(table.keys())        rc_len_values = []        for key in key_list:            rc_len = len(max((v for v in table[key]), key=lambda q: len(str(q))))            rc_len_values += ([rc_len, [key]] for n in range(len(table[key])))            heading_line = (key + (" " * (rc_len + (additional_spacing + 1)))) + heading_separator            stdout.write(heading_line)            rc_separator += ("-" * (len(key) + (rc_len + (additional_spacing + 1)))) + '+-'            if key is key_list[-1]:                stdout.flush()                stdout.write('\n' + rc_separator + '\n')        value_list = [v for vl in table.values() for v in vl]        aligned_data_offset = max_len        row_count = len(key_list)        next_idx = 0        newline_indicator = 0        iterations = 0        for n in range(len(value_list)):            key = rc_len_values[next_idx][1][0]            rc_len = rc_len_values[next_idx][0]            line = ('{:{}} ' + " " * len(key)).format(value_list[next_idx], str(rc_len + additional_spacing)) + horizontal_split            if next_idx >= (len(value_list) - aligned_data_offset):                next_idx = iterations + 1                iterations += 1            else:                next_idx += aligned_data_offset            if newline_indicator >= row_count:                if full_row:                    stdout.flush()                    stdout.write('\n' + rc_separator + '\n')                else:                    stdout.flush()                    stdout.write('\n')                newline_indicator = 0            stdout.write(line)            newline_indicator += 1        stdout.write('\n' + rc_separator + '\n')        stdout.flush()



table = {        "uid": ["0", "1", "2", "3"],        "name": ["Jon", "Doe", "Lemma", "Hemma"]    }create_table(table)



uid   | name       | ------+------------+-0     | Jon        | 1     | Doe        | 2     | Lemma      | 3     | Hemma      | ------+------------+-