
时间:2021-11-27 21:44:56

I want to make an array of 7 integers, each of which is a random value between 2 and 5. That's easy, but I want to make it so the total sum of these integers must be 20. Any ideas?


4 个解决方案


Generate 6 random numbers.


Calculate the sum of these numbers.


if the sum is larger than 19 or smaller than 15: start over.


7th number is 20 - sum

第7个数字是20 - 总和


Start with an array of seven twos. You now have a sum of 14. Add one to a random slot in the array six times, taking care to not overflow a value to more than five:


arr = {2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2}
n = 6

while n > 0:
    m = random(7)
    if arr[m] < 5:


Brute force: keep recalculating until you get an answer


import random

def random_sums_to(lower, top, n, sums_to):
    a = [random.randint(lower, top) for _ in range(n)]
    if sum(a) != sums_to:
        return random_sums_to(lower, top, n, sums_to)
    return a

print random_sums_to(2, 5, 7, 20)


If you need to make sure to get the exact same distribution at each position proceed as follows:


  1. Calculate a list with all possible sequences
  2. 计算包含所有可能序列的列表

  3. Pick one of these sequences randomly
  4. 随机选择其中一个序列


Generate 6 random numbers.


Calculate the sum of these numbers.


if the sum is larger than 19 or smaller than 15: start over.


7th number is 20 - sum

第7个数字是20 - 总和


Start with an array of seven twos. You now have a sum of 14. Add one to a random slot in the array six times, taking care to not overflow a value to more than five:


arr = {2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2}
n = 6

while n > 0:
    m = random(7)
    if arr[m] < 5:


Brute force: keep recalculating until you get an answer


import random

def random_sums_to(lower, top, n, sums_to):
    a = [random.randint(lower, top) for _ in range(n)]
    if sum(a) != sums_to:
        return random_sums_to(lower, top, n, sums_to)
    return a

print random_sums_to(2, 5, 7, 20)


If you need to make sure to get the exact same distribution at each position proceed as follows:


  1. Calculate a list with all possible sequences
  2. 计算包含所有可能序列的列表

  3. Pick one of these sequences randomly
  4. 随机选择其中一个序列