
时间:2021-11-27 21:44:32

My question is a simple one...I have the following structs declared:


struct Address {
   int id;
   int set;
   char *name;
   char *email;

struct Database {
   struct Address rows[512];

struct Connection {
   FILE *file;
   struct Database *db;

Now having that clear, I initialize my "Database" inside my "Connection" with some dummy Addresses. I later take this database and save it into the file inside my "Connection" struct with:


void Database_write(struct Connection *conn){

   int rc = fwrite(conn->db, sizeof(struct Database), 1, conn->file);
      if(rc != 1){
         die("Failed to write database.\n",conn);

   rc = fflush(conn->file);
      if(rc == -1){
         die("Cannot flush database.\n",conn);

Everything works great when I have a predetermined number of rows inside my "Database" struct for my Addresses i.e. 512. But, what if I want to make the number of rows dynamically? As in maybe as a param passed to a function? I have tried using the following...


struct Database {
   struct Address *rows;

And allocating space to this pointer with:


conn->db->rows = (struct Address*) malloc(sizeof(struct Address)*max_rows);

With max_rows being a param passed to a function...But, now the problem is that when I go and try to save this to the file inside my "Connection" struct I just save the pointer "struct Address *rows;" and not the data with the space allocated to it. Any suggestions as to how to save this allocated space or have a predetermined array inside a struct and then grow it dynamically?

使用max_rows作为传递给函数的参数...但是,现在的问题是,当我去尝试将其保存到我的“Connection”结构中的文件时,我只保存指针“struct Address * rows;”而不是分配给它的空间的数据。有关如何保存此已分配空间或在结构中具有预定数组然后动态增长的任何建议?

Thanks in advance!


1 个解决方案



You are on the right track with malloc for creating a dynamic number of Addresses.


conn->db->rows = (struct Address*) malloc(sizeof(struct Address)*max_rows);

But then you have a problem writing them out to file in Database_write. This is because the dynamically-allocated structure no longer has the number of rows hardwired into it. You will have to change Database_write to


  1. Pass in how many rows to write.
  2. 传递要写入的行数。

  3. Adjust your fwrite line to write out all the rows.
  4. 调整您的fwrite行以写出所有行。

You had:

void Database_write(struct Connection *conn)

    int rc = fwrite(conn->db, sizeof(struct Database), 1, conn->file);
    if(rc != 1){
        die("Failed to write database.\n",conn);

You now need something like:


void Database_write(struct Connection *conn, int num_rows)

    int rc = fwrite(conn->db, sizeof(struct Database), num_rows, conn->file);
    if(rc != num_rows)
        die("Failed to write database.\n",conn);


You could also add the number of rows to your database struct to record how many rows are supposed to be in the file:


struct Database 
    int num_rows;
    struct Address *rows;

In which case you should fwrite the number of rows to file first, then write num_rows of struct Address.

在这种情况下,您应首先写入要存档的行数,然后写入struct Address的num_rows。

You might also want to look up realloc for changing the number of rows on the fly. Hint - use with care, and pay close attention to the return value.

您可能还希望查找realloc以便动态更改行数。提示 - 小心使用,并密切关注返回值。



You are on the right track with malloc for creating a dynamic number of Addresses.


conn->db->rows = (struct Address*) malloc(sizeof(struct Address)*max_rows);

But then you have a problem writing them out to file in Database_write. This is because the dynamically-allocated structure no longer has the number of rows hardwired into it. You will have to change Database_write to


  1. Pass in how many rows to write.
  2. 传递要写入的行数。

  3. Adjust your fwrite line to write out all the rows.
  4. 调整您的fwrite行以写出所有行。

You had:

void Database_write(struct Connection *conn)

    int rc = fwrite(conn->db, sizeof(struct Database), 1, conn->file);
    if(rc != 1){
        die("Failed to write database.\n",conn);

You now need something like:


void Database_write(struct Connection *conn, int num_rows)

    int rc = fwrite(conn->db, sizeof(struct Database), num_rows, conn->file);
    if(rc != num_rows)
        die("Failed to write database.\n",conn);


You could also add the number of rows to your database struct to record how many rows are supposed to be in the file:


struct Database 
    int num_rows;
    struct Address *rows;

In which case you should fwrite the number of rows to file first, then write num_rows of struct Address.

在这种情况下,您应首先写入要存档的行数,然后写入struct Address的num_rows。

You might also want to look up realloc for changing the number of rows on the fly. Hint - use with care, and pay close attention to the return value.

您可能还希望查找realloc以便动态更改行数。提示 - 小心使用,并密切关注返回值。