I am returning an object from a site which apart from other parameters also contains an array of objects.
If I do console.log(req.body.cart) I print this [ { title: 'iphone 6', cost: '650' } ]
如果我做console.log(req.body.cart)我打印[{title:'iphone 6',费用:'650'}]
which I need only the title. I tried stringify, which is not what I want and parse which returned an 500 error.
router.post('/itemstobuy', function(req, res, next){
if(!req.body.name || !req.body.lastname || !req.body.address
|| !req.body.email || !req.body.cart){
return res.status(400).json({message: 'Please fill out all fields'});
var mailOptions={
from: 'anEmail@gmail.com',
to: 'anotherEmail@gmail.com',
subject: 'Subject',
html: '<p>Name: ' + req.body.name + '</p>' +
'<p>LastName: ' + req.body.lastname + '</p>' +
'<p>Address: ' + req.body.address + '</p>' +
'<p>Email: ' + req.body.email + '</p>' +
'<p>Cart: ' + JSON.stringify(req.body.cart) + '</p>'
transporter.sendMail(mailOptions, function(error, info){
return console.log(error);
console.log('Message sent: ' + info.response);
return res.status(200);
I need to show the items by their title at
'<p>Cart: ' + JSON.stringify(req.body.cart) + '</p>'
The above works but there are lots of ugly data and need just the titles of the items.
3 个解决方案
As suggested in the comments:
'<p>Cart: ' +
(req.body.cart || []) //Just to make things not crash and burn if we have no cart
//Take the title from each of the items
.map(function(item){ return item.title; })
//Create a comma-separated string from the titles
.join(', ') +
Try this. '<p>Cart: ' + JSON.parse(req.body.cart).title + '</p>'
试试这个。 '
购物车:'+ JSON.parse(req.body.cart).title +' '
In case you have multiple items in the cart you can iterate through these otherwise you can access it directly req.body.cart[0].title
如果你在购物车中有多个项目,你可以迭代这些项目,否则你可以直接访问它req.body.cart [0] .title
var cart = req.body.cart;
var html: '<p>Name: ' + req.body.name + '</p>' +
'<p>LastName: ' + req.body.lastname + '</p>' +
'<p>Address: ' + req.body.address + '</p>' +
'<p>Email: ' + req.body.email + '</p>';
html += '<p>Cart:<ul> '+
for(var i=0;i<cart.length;i++) html +='<li> ' + cart[i].title + '</li>';
html +='</ul></p>';
var cart = [ { title: 'iphone 6', cost: '650' }, { title: 'iphone 5', cost: '550' } ];
document.write( '<p>Cart:<ul> ');
for(var i=0;i<cart.length;i++) document.write('<li> ' + cart[i].title + '</li>');
As suggested in the comments:
'<p>Cart: ' +
(req.body.cart || []) //Just to make things not crash and burn if we have no cart
//Take the title from each of the items
.map(function(item){ return item.title; })
//Create a comma-separated string from the titles
.join(', ') +
Try this. '<p>Cart: ' + JSON.parse(req.body.cart).title + '</p>'
试试这个。 '
购物车:'+ JSON.parse(req.body.cart).title +' '
In case you have multiple items in the cart you can iterate through these otherwise you can access it directly req.body.cart[0].title
如果你在购物车中有多个项目,你可以迭代这些项目,否则你可以直接访问它req.body.cart [0] .title
var cart = req.body.cart;
var html: '<p>Name: ' + req.body.name + '</p>' +
'<p>LastName: ' + req.body.lastname + '</p>' +
'<p>Address: ' + req.body.address + '</p>' +
'<p>Email: ' + req.body.email + '</p>';
html += '<p>Cart:<ul> '+
for(var i=0;i<cart.length;i++) html +='<li> ' + cart[i].title + '</li>';
html +='</ul></p>';
var cart = [ { title: 'iphone 6', cost: '650' }, { title: 'iphone 5', cost: '550' } ];
document.write( '<p>Cart:<ul> ');
for(var i=0;i<cart.length;i++) document.write('<li> ' + cart[i].title + '</li>');