
时间:2022-02-28 21:41:18

As a C++ dev picking up Swift, I'm wondering how, in a struct or other class, to store a "pointer" or "reference" to a property of of another object of another class.


For example- a controlResponder class (or struct) that listens for events to modify the value target of a target in an effect class.


Control responder:


struct controlResponder {
    var ccNum : Int!  // CC number to respond to
    var target : Double! // Points to the variable of another object
    var min : Double!
    var max : Double!

Effects, in my case, can be of different classes but the thing that will be targeted for modification will always be a Double (To be precise- I'm working with AudioKit and am targeting effects like AKVariableDelay.time, or AKMoogLadderFilter.cutoff )


Any insight would be greatly appreciated, thanks!


Below is an abridged version of some of my actual (non functioning) code:


import Foundation
import AudioKit
import SwiftyJSON

class Effect : AKNode, AKMIDIListener {

  enum CustomError: Error {
    case badEffectName

  struct ccListener {
    var ccNum : Int!
    var target : Int!
    var min : Double!
    var max : Double!

  var listeners : [ccListener]

  var effectType = ""
  var effect = AKNode()
  var channel = 0
  var midi : AKMIDI

  init(connectionInput : AKNode, midi : AKMIDI, subJson : JSON, channel : Int) throws {

    self.midi = midi
    self.channel = channel
    var insertType = subJson["type"]

    if insertType == "distortion" {
      print("Adding a DISTORTION")
      effect = AKTanhDistortion(connectionInput)

      if let efx = effect as? AKTanhDistortion {
        let gainVal = random(subJson["gain random low"].doubleValue, subJson["gain random high"].doubleValue)
        print("gainVal: \(gainVal)")
        efx.pregain = gainVal

    else if insertType == "moog" {

      print("Adding a MOOG FILTER")
      /// CUTOFF
      let cutoffVal = random(subJson["cutoff random low"].doubleValue, subJson["cutoff random high"].doubleValue)
      print("cutoffVal: \(cutoffVal)")
      /// RESONANCE
      let resonanceVal = random(subJson["resonance random low"].doubleValue, subJson["resonance random high"].doubleValue)
      print("resonanceVal: \(resonanceVal)")

      effect = AKMoogLadder(connectionInput,
        cutoffFrequency: cutoffVal,
        resonance: resonanceVal)
    else {
      print("BAD EFFECT TYPE: \(insertType)")
      throw CustomError.badEffectName

    /////// MIDIZ



    for (key, cc) in subJson["ccs"] as JSON {
      let efx = effect as! AKMoogLadder
      listeners.append(ccListener(ccNum: cc["cc number"].intValue, target: efx.cutoffFrequency, min: cc["min"].doubleValue, max: cc["max"].doubleValue))

    print("End of Effect init()")

  func receivedMIDIController(_ controller: MIDIByte, value: MIDIByte, channel: MIDIChannel) {
    print("Self channel: \(self.channel), incoming channel: \(Int(channel))")
      if self.channel == Int(channel){
        print("Effect got a CC!")

    func changeVal(ccNum: Int, newValue: Int) {

      for listener in listeners {
        if listener.ccNum == ccNum {
          listener.target = newValue



1 个解决方案



In Swift, the only pointers that you can reliably store are those allocated with UnsafeMutablePointer.allocate. The pointers that you can get from the address-of operator and withUnsafeMutablePointer are cheats and they are only valid for a short time; using them beyond that point will have unpredictable results.

在Swift中,惟一可以可靠存储的指针是那些使用unsafemutablepointer. allocation分配的指针。你可以从寻址操作符和unsafemutablepointer中获得的指针是欺骗,它们只在短时间内有效;超过这一点使用它们将产生不可预测的结果。

This means that, generally speaking, you can't store a pointer to a value type (struct instances) that was allocated with "automatic storage" (to borrow from C++ terminology). If you need to share value types, you need to wrap them, at some convenient level, in a reference type (class instances).


The most generic you could get would be to use a pair of closures, one that returns the value and another one that sets it. However, there's probably a less generic but more useful way to do it for your specific case.




In Swift, the only pointers that you can reliably store are those allocated with UnsafeMutablePointer.allocate. The pointers that you can get from the address-of operator and withUnsafeMutablePointer are cheats and they are only valid for a short time; using them beyond that point will have unpredictable results.

在Swift中,惟一可以可靠存储的指针是那些使用unsafemutablepointer. allocation分配的指针。你可以从寻址操作符和unsafemutablepointer中获得的指针是欺骗,它们只在短时间内有效;超过这一点使用它们将产生不可预测的结果。

This means that, generally speaking, you can't store a pointer to a value type (struct instances) that was allocated with "automatic storage" (to borrow from C++ terminology). If you need to share value types, you need to wrap them, at some convenient level, in a reference type (class instances).


The most generic you could get would be to use a pair of closures, one that returns the value and another one that sets it. However, there's probably a less generic but more useful way to do it for your specific case.
