
时间:2021-10-28 21:35:47

I have a large html file, downloaded from some place. I need to convert it to pdf eventually. Is there a way to split it into several html smaller parts (e.g. kind of a pagination).


(I do not control the part of creating html file, so can do nothing on server side)


1 个解决方案



It sounds like it would be a tedious manual process to me. Consider html2pdf and other similar utilities to convert the entire chunk into a PDF, then doing the pagination using pdftk.


If the CSS includes any print style definitions, that might be of use. But generally it's not possible to automate would be my answer.




It sounds like it would be a tedious manual process to me. Consider html2pdf and other similar utilities to convert the entire chunk into a PDF, then doing the pagination using pdftk.


If the CSS includes any print style definitions, that might be of use. But generally it's not possible to automate would be my answer.
