如何将数组大小传递给C ++中的函数

时间:2022-07-05 21:36:07

just I want to ask how can I pass array size to throw function to set size of my game recoreds the only reason I am not using vector because I will base this recored to PMI lib and it doesn't support C++ Constrainers because it written in C that's why I use array

只是我想问一下如何传递数组大小来抛出函数来设置我的游戏记录的大小我唯一的原因是我没有使用向量因为我将这个记录基于PMI lib并且它不支持C ++ Constrainers因为它写的C这就是我使用数组的原因

void playGame(int max_streak_length)
    int tracker =0 ;
    const int arrsize  = max_streak_length;

    int gameRecored[arrsize]={0};

    while( tracker < 4)

        Craps games;

        if( games.Play()== true)
            if(tracker >0)
            tracker = 0;

    int v= 0;


2 个解决方案



C++ does not support the variable length array feature available in C.99. However, C++ offers std::vector<> which is as easy to use, and some may say safer.

C ++不支持C.99中提供的可变长度数组功能。但是,C ++提供的std :: vector <>易于使用,有些人可能会说更安全。

    std::vector<int> gameRecored(arrsize, 0);

You can use gameRecored as an array like you do in your current code, and it will clean itself up when the function call returns.




you can't not define an array whose size is a VARIABLE. If you want a dynamic size, you should use operator new, just like this:

你不能不定义一个大小是VARIABLE的数组。如果你想要一个动态大小,你应该使用operator new,就像这样:

int mysize = 10;
int* array = new int[mysize];

the variable mysize can be a dynamic number, such as function parameter. If your array will never change its size, you can use :


int array[10];

remember, if you use operator new, you must use operator delete to delete your array when you don't need it.

请记住,如果使用operator new,则必须使用operator delete在不需要时删除数组。

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C++ does not support the variable length array feature available in C.99. However, C++ offers std::vector<> which is as easy to use, and some may say safer.

C ++不支持C.99中提供的可变长度数组功能。但是,C ++提供的std :: vector <>易于使用,有些人可能会说更安全。

    std::vector<int> gameRecored(arrsize, 0);

You can use gameRecored as an array like you do in your current code, and it will clean itself up when the function call returns.




you can't not define an array whose size is a VARIABLE. If you want a dynamic size, you should use operator new, just like this:

你不能不定义一个大小是VARIABLE的数组。如果你想要一个动态大小,你应该使用operator new,就像这样:

int mysize = 10;
int* array = new int[mysize];

the variable mysize can be a dynamic number, such as function parameter. If your array will never change its size, you can use :


int array[10];

remember, if you use operator new, you must use operator delete to delete your array when you don't need it.

请记住,如果使用operator new,则必须使用operator delete在不需要时删除数组。

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