Ok this is my first post on Stack Overflow I have been reading for a little while and really admire the site. I am hoping this is something that will be acceptable to ask. So I have been reading through Intro to Algorithms (Cormen. MIT Press) all the way through and I am up to the graph algorithms. I have been studying the formal algorithms laid out for breadth and depth first search in very fine detail.
好了,这是我在Stack Overflow上的第一个帖子,我已经阅读了一段时间,非常欣赏这个网站。我希望这是可以接受的问题。所以我一直在阅读算法入门(Cormen)。麻省理工学院出版社)一直以来,我都是图形算法。我一直在研究为广度和深度优先搜索的正式算法,这是非常详细的。
Here is the psuedo-code given for depth-first search:
1 for each vertex u ∈ G.V
2 u.color ← WHITE // paint all vertices white; undiscovered
3 u.π ← NIL
4 time ← 0 // global variable, timestamps
5 for each vertex u ∈ G.V
6 if u.color = WHITE
1 u.color ← GRAY // grey u; it is discovered
2 time ← time + 1
3 u.d ← time
4 for each v ∈ G.Adj[u] // explore edge (u,v)
5 if v.color == WHITE
6 v.π ← u
8 u.color ← BLACK // blacken u; it is finished
9 time ← time + 1
10 u.f ← time
This algorithm is recursive and it proceeds from multiple sources (will discovered every vertex in unconnected graph). It has several properties that most language specific implementations might leave out. It distinguishes between 3 different 'colors' of vertices. It initially paints all of them white, then when they are 'discovered' (visited in DFS-VISIT) they are then painted gray. The DFS-VISIT algorithm runs a loop recursively calling itself on the adjacency list of the current vertex and only paints a vertex black when it has no more edges to any white node.
Also two other attributes of each vertex are maintained u.d and u.f are the time stamps to when the vertex was discovered (painted gray) or when a vertex is finished (painted black). The first time a node is painted it has a time stamp of one and it is incremented to the next integer value for each time another is painted (whether it be grey or black). u.π is also maintained which is just a pointer to the node from which u was discovered.
Algorithm Non-Recursive-DFS(G)
1 for each vertex u ∈ G.V
2 u.color ← WHITE
3 u.π ← NIL
4 time = 0
5 for each vertex u ∈ G.V
6 if u.color = WHITE
7 u.color ← GRAY
8 time ← time + 1
9 u.d ← time
7 push(u, S)
8 while stack S not empty
9 u ← pop(S)
10 for each vertex v ∈ G.Adj[u]
11 if v.color = WHITE
12 v.color = GRAY
13 time ← time + 1
14 v.d ← time
15 v.π ← u
16 push(v, S)
17 u.color ← BLACK
18 time ← time + 1
19 u.f ← time
* EDIT 10/31/12 * This is embarrassing that my algorithm has been incorrect for so long, it would work in most cases, but not all. I just got a popular question badge for the question and I saw where Irfy had spotted the problem in his answer below, so that is where the credit goes. I am just fixing it here for anyone that needs this in the future.
*编辑10/31/12 *这让我很尴尬,因为我的算法这么长时间都不正确,在大多数情况下都是有效的,但不是全部。我刚拿到了一个很受欢迎的问题徽章,我看到了Irfy在他的答案中发现了问题,所以这就是信用证的去向。我只是在为将来需要这个的人解决这个问题。
Does anyone see a flaw with the above algorithm? I am by far no expert on graph theory, but I think I have a pretty good grasp on recursion and iteration and I believe this should work the same. I am looking to make it functionally equivalent to the recursive algorithm. It should maintain all the attributes of the first algorithm even if they are not needed.
When I began writing it I did not think I would have a triply loops but that's the way it turned out. I have seen other iterative algorithms when I looked around Google that only have a doubly nested loop, however, they do not appear to proceed from multiple sources. (i.e. they will not discover every vertex of unconnected graph)
8 个解决方案
Both algorithms are fine. The second one is a direct translation from recursive to stack-based. All mutating state are stored in the stack. G
never changes during the execution of the algorithm.
The algorithms will produce a spanning tree for each disconnected region, based on the order the algorithm visited each node. The trees will be represented both with references to the parent-nodes (u.π
), and as segment trees (u.d
and u.f
A child will have a reference to its parent node (or NULL
if it is a root), as well as having it's range (child.d .. child.f
) contained within it's parent's range.
一个子节点将有一个指向它的父节点(如果它是根节点)的引用,以及拥有它的范围(child)。d . .在它的父母的范围内。
parent.d < child.d < child.f < parent.f
child.π = parent
Edit: I found a mistake in the translation. You are not actually pushing the current state into the stack, but a future method argument. In addition, you are not coloring the popped nodes GRAY
and setting the f
Here is a rewrite of the original first algorithm:
algorithm Stack-DFS(G)
for each vertex u ∈ G.V
u.color ← WHITE
u.π ← NIL
time ← 0
S ← empty stack
for each vertex u ∈ G.V
if u.color = WHITE
# Start of DFS-VISIT
step ← 1
index ← 0
loop unconditionally
if step = 1
# Before the loop
u.color ← GRAY
time ← time + 1
u.d ← time
step ← 2
if step = 2
# Start/continue looping
for each vertex v ∈ G.Adj[u]
i ← index of v
if i ≥ index and v.color = WHITE
v.π ← u
# Push current state
push((u, 2, i + 1), S)
# Update variables for new call
u = v
step ← 1
index ← 0
# Make the call
jump to start of unconditional loop
# No more adjacent white nodes
step ← 3
if step = 3
# After the loop
u.color ← BLACK
time ← time + 1
u.right ← time
# Return
if S is empty
break unconditional loop
u, step, index ← pop(S)
There is probably a few places that could be optimized, but should at least work now.
Name d f π
q 1 16 NULL
s 2 7 q
v 3 6 s
w 4 5 v
t 8 15 q
x 9 12 t
z 10 11 x
y 13 14 t
r 17 20 NULL
u 18 19 r
int stackk[100];
int top=-1;
void graph::dfs(int v){
// visited[v]=1;
int x=stackk[top--];
for(int i=V-1;i>=0;i--)
{ //visited[i]=1;
void graph::Dfs_Traversal(){
for(int i=0;i<V;i++)
for(int i=0;i<V;i++)
I think I managed to write a much simpler pseudo-code.
but first a few remarks to make things a bit clear:
- v.pDescendant - a pointer to a vertex descendant given by its adjacency list.
- v。一个指向一个顶点的指针,由它的邻接表给出。
- in the adjacency list, i assumed each element has a field "pNext" that points to the next element on the linked list.
- 在邻接表中,我假定每个元素都有一个字段“pNext”,指向链表上的下一个元素。
- I've used some C++ syntax, mainly "->" and "&" to emphasize what is a pointer and what is not.
- 我使用了一些c++语法,主要是“->”和“&”来强调什么是指针,什么不是。
- Stack.top() returns a pointer to the first element of the stack. but unlike pop(), it does not remove it.
- top()返回一个指向堆栈的第一个元素的指针。但不像pop(),它不删除它。
The algorithm is based on the following observation: a vertex is pushed into the stack when visited. and removed (popped) only when we are done examining (blackening) all its descendants.
1. for all vertices v in G.V do
2. v.color = WHITE; v.parent = NIL; v.d = NIL; v.f = NIL; v.pDescendant = adj[v].head
3. time = 0
4. Initialize Stack
5. for all vertices v in G.V s.t. v.color == WHITE do
6. time++
7. Stack.push(&v)
8. v.color = GRAY
9. v.d = time
1. while Stack.Empty() == FALSE do
2. u = Stack.top();
3. if u.pDescendant == NIL // no Descendants to u || no more vertices to explore
4. u.color = BLACK
5. time++
6. u.f = time
7. Stack.pop()
8. else if (u.pDescendant)->color == WHITE
9. Stack.push(u.pDescendant)
10. time++
10. (u.pDescendant)->d = time
11. (u.pDescendant)->color = GRAY
12. (u.pDescendant)->parent = &u
12. u.pDescendant= (u.pDescendant)->pNext // point to next descendant on the adj list
13. else
14. u.pDescendant= (u.pDescendant)->pNext // not sure about the necessity of this line
Here is the code in C++.
class Graph
int V; // No. of vertices
list<int> *adj; // Pointer to an array containing adjacency lists
Graph(int V); // Constructor
void addEdge(int v, int w); // function to add an edge to graph
void BFS(int s); // prints BFS traversal from a given source s
void DFS(int s);
Graph::Graph(int V)
this->V = V;
adj = new list<int>[V]; //list of V list
void Graph::addEdge(int v, int w)
adj[v].push_back(w); // Add w to v’s list.
void Graph::DFS(int s)
//mark unvisited to each node
bool *visited = new bool[V];
for(int i = 0; i<V; i++)
visited[i] =false;
int *d = new int[V]; //discovery
int *f = new int[V]; //finish time
int t = 0; //time
//now mark current node to visited
visited[s] =true;
d[s] = t; //recored the discover time
list<int> stack;
list<int>::iterator i;
cout << s << " ";
s= stack.front();
i = adj[s].begin();
while ( (visited[*i]) && (i != --adj[s].end()) )
while ( (!visited[*i]) )
visited[*i] =true;
d[*i] =t;
if (i != adj[s].end())
cout << *i << " ";
i = adj[*i].begin();
s = stack.front();
f[s] =t;
cout<<endl<<"discovery time of the nodes"<<endl;
for(int i = 0; i<V; i++)
cout<< i <<" ->"<< d[i] <<" ";
cout<<endl<<"finish time of the nodes"<<endl;
for(int i = 0; i<V; i++)
cout<< i <<" ->"<< f[i] <<" ";
int main()
// Create a graph given in the above diagram
Graph g(5);
g.addEdge(0, 1);
g.addEdge(0, 4);
g.addEdge(1, 4);
g.addEdge(1, 2);
g.addEdge(1, 3);
g.addEdge(3, 4);
g.addEdge(2, 3);
cout << endl<<"Following is Depth First Traversal (starting from vertex 0) \n"<<endl;
return 0;
Simple iterative DFS. You can also see the discover time and finish time. Any doubts please comment. I have included sufficient comments to understand the code.
You do have a serious flaw in your non-recursive code.
After you check whether v
, you never mark it GRAY
before pushing, so it may be seen as WHITE
again and again from other unvisited nodes, resulting in multiple references to that v
node pushed to the stack. This is potentially a catastrophic flaw (could cause infinite loops or such).
Also, you don't set .d
except for root nodes. This means that the Nested set model attributes .d
s and .f
s won't be correct. (If you don't know what .d
s and .f
s are, have a read of that article, it was very enlightening to me back in the days. The article's left
is your .d
and right
is your .f
Your inner if
basically needs to be the same as the outer if
minus the loops, plus the parent reference. That is:
11 if v.color = WHITE
++ v.color ← GRAY
++ time ← time + 1
++ v.d ← time
12 v.π ← u
13 push(v, S)
Correct that, and it should be a true equivalent.
In the non-recursive version we need another color that reflects the state in the recursive stack. So, we will add a color=RED to indicate all children of the node were pushed to the stack. I will also assume the stack has a peek() method(which otherwise could be simulated with pop and immediate push)
So, with that addition the updated version of original post should look like:
for each vertex u ∈ G.V
u.color ← WHITE
u.π ← NIL
time = 0
for each vertex u ∈ G.V
if u.color = WHITE
u.color ← GRAY
time ← time + 1
u.d ← time
push(u, S)
while stack S not empty
u ← peek(S)
if u.color = RED
//means seeing this again, time to finish
u.color ← BLACK
time ← time + 1
u.f ← time
pop(S) //discard the result
for each vertex v ∈ G.Adj[u]
if v.color = WHITE
v.color = GRAY
time ← time + 1
v.d ← time
v.π ← u
push(v, S)
u.color = RED
I used Adjacency Matrix:
void DFS(int current){
for(int i=1; i<N; i++) visit_table[i]=false;
cout << current << " ";
current = myStack.top();
for(int i=0; i<N; i++){
if(AdjMatrix[current][i] == 1){
if(visit_table[i] == false){
visit_table[i] = true;
cout << i << " ";
else if(!myStack.empty())
I believe that there is at least one case where the recursive and stack versions are not functionally equivalent. Consider the case of a Triangle - vertices A, B, and C connected to each other. Now, with the Recursive DFS, the predecessor graph that one would obtain with source A, would be either A->B->C OR A->C->B ( A->B implies A is the parent of B in depth first tree).
我相信至少有一种情况,递归和堆栈版本在功能上是不相等的。考虑三角形顶点a、B和C之间相互连接的情况。现在,对于递归的DFS,一个人可以从源A获得的前一个图,要么是A->B->C,要么是A-> ->B (A->B意味着A是B在深度第一树的父结点)。
However, if you use the stack version of DFS, parents of both B and C, would always be recorded as A. It can never be the case that parent of B is C or vice-versa (which is always the case for recursive DFS). This is because, when exploring the adjacency list of any vertex (here A), we push all the members of adjacency list (here B and C) in one go.
This may become relevant, if you try to use DFS for finding articulation points in a graph[1]. One example would be that the following statement holds true only if we use the recursive version of DFS.
A root vertex is an articulation point if and only if it has at least two children in the depth first tree.
In a triangle, there is obviously no articulation point, but the stack-DFS still gives two children for any source vertex in the depth-first tree (A has children B and C). It's only if we create the depth first tree using recursive DFS that the above statement holds true.
[1] Introduction to Algorithms, CLRS - Problem 22-2 (Second and Third Edition)
[1]算法介绍,CLRS -问题22-2(第二版和第三版)
Both algorithms are fine. The second one is a direct translation from recursive to stack-based. All mutating state are stored in the stack. G
never changes during the execution of the algorithm.
The algorithms will produce a spanning tree for each disconnected region, based on the order the algorithm visited each node. The trees will be represented both with references to the parent-nodes (u.π
), and as segment trees (u.d
and u.f
A child will have a reference to its parent node (or NULL
if it is a root), as well as having it's range (child.d .. child.f
) contained within it's parent's range.
一个子节点将有一个指向它的父节点(如果它是根节点)的引用,以及拥有它的范围(child)。d . .在它的父母的范围内。
parent.d < child.d < child.f < parent.f
child.π = parent
Edit: I found a mistake in the translation. You are not actually pushing the current state into the stack, but a future method argument. In addition, you are not coloring the popped nodes GRAY
and setting the f
Here is a rewrite of the original first algorithm:
algorithm Stack-DFS(G)
for each vertex u ∈ G.V
u.color ← WHITE
u.π ← NIL
time ← 0
S ← empty stack
for each vertex u ∈ G.V
if u.color = WHITE
# Start of DFS-VISIT
step ← 1
index ← 0
loop unconditionally
if step = 1
# Before the loop
u.color ← GRAY
time ← time + 1
u.d ← time
step ← 2
if step = 2
# Start/continue looping
for each vertex v ∈ G.Adj[u]
i ← index of v
if i ≥ index and v.color = WHITE
v.π ← u
# Push current state
push((u, 2, i + 1), S)
# Update variables for new call
u = v
step ← 1
index ← 0
# Make the call
jump to start of unconditional loop
# No more adjacent white nodes
step ← 3
if step = 3
# After the loop
u.color ← BLACK
time ← time + 1
u.right ← time
# Return
if S is empty
break unconditional loop
u, step, index ← pop(S)
There is probably a few places that could be optimized, but should at least work now.
Name d f π
q 1 16 NULL
s 2 7 q
v 3 6 s
w 4 5 v
t 8 15 q
x 9 12 t
z 10 11 x
y 13 14 t
r 17 20 NULL
u 18 19 r
int stackk[100];
int top=-1;
void graph::dfs(int v){
// visited[v]=1;
int x=stackk[top--];
for(int i=V-1;i>=0;i--)
{ //visited[i]=1;
void graph::Dfs_Traversal(){
for(int i=0;i<V;i++)
for(int i=0;i<V;i++)
I think I managed to write a much simpler pseudo-code.
but first a few remarks to make things a bit clear:
- v.pDescendant - a pointer to a vertex descendant given by its adjacency list.
- v。一个指向一个顶点的指针,由它的邻接表给出。
- in the adjacency list, i assumed each element has a field "pNext" that points to the next element on the linked list.
- 在邻接表中,我假定每个元素都有一个字段“pNext”,指向链表上的下一个元素。
- I've used some C++ syntax, mainly "->" and "&" to emphasize what is a pointer and what is not.
- 我使用了一些c++语法,主要是“->”和“&”来强调什么是指针,什么不是。
- Stack.top() returns a pointer to the first element of the stack. but unlike pop(), it does not remove it.
- top()返回一个指向堆栈的第一个元素的指针。但不像pop(),它不删除它。
The algorithm is based on the following observation: a vertex is pushed into the stack when visited. and removed (popped) only when we are done examining (blackening) all its descendants.
1. for all vertices v in G.V do
2. v.color = WHITE; v.parent = NIL; v.d = NIL; v.f = NIL; v.pDescendant = adj[v].head
3. time = 0
4. Initialize Stack
5. for all vertices v in G.V s.t. v.color == WHITE do
6. time++
7. Stack.push(&v)
8. v.color = GRAY
9. v.d = time
1. while Stack.Empty() == FALSE do
2. u = Stack.top();
3. if u.pDescendant == NIL // no Descendants to u || no more vertices to explore
4. u.color = BLACK
5. time++
6. u.f = time
7. Stack.pop()
8. else if (u.pDescendant)->color == WHITE
9. Stack.push(u.pDescendant)
10. time++
10. (u.pDescendant)->d = time
11. (u.pDescendant)->color = GRAY
12. (u.pDescendant)->parent = &u
12. u.pDescendant= (u.pDescendant)->pNext // point to next descendant on the adj list
13. else
14. u.pDescendant= (u.pDescendant)->pNext // not sure about the necessity of this line
Here is the code in C++.
class Graph
int V; // No. of vertices
list<int> *adj; // Pointer to an array containing adjacency lists
Graph(int V); // Constructor
void addEdge(int v, int w); // function to add an edge to graph
void BFS(int s); // prints BFS traversal from a given source s
void DFS(int s);
Graph::Graph(int V)
this->V = V;
adj = new list<int>[V]; //list of V list
void Graph::addEdge(int v, int w)
adj[v].push_back(w); // Add w to v’s list.
void Graph::DFS(int s)
//mark unvisited to each node
bool *visited = new bool[V];
for(int i = 0; i<V; i++)
visited[i] =false;
int *d = new int[V]; //discovery
int *f = new int[V]; //finish time
int t = 0; //time
//now mark current node to visited
visited[s] =true;
d[s] = t; //recored the discover time
list<int> stack;
list<int>::iterator i;
cout << s << " ";
s= stack.front();
i = adj[s].begin();
while ( (visited[*i]) && (i != --adj[s].end()) )
while ( (!visited[*i]) )
visited[*i] =true;
d[*i] =t;
if (i != adj[s].end())
cout << *i << " ";
i = adj[*i].begin();
s = stack.front();
f[s] =t;
cout<<endl<<"discovery time of the nodes"<<endl;
for(int i = 0; i<V; i++)
cout<< i <<" ->"<< d[i] <<" ";
cout<<endl<<"finish time of the nodes"<<endl;
for(int i = 0; i<V; i++)
cout<< i <<" ->"<< f[i] <<" ";
int main()
// Create a graph given in the above diagram
Graph g(5);
g.addEdge(0, 1);
g.addEdge(0, 4);
g.addEdge(1, 4);
g.addEdge(1, 2);
g.addEdge(1, 3);
g.addEdge(3, 4);
g.addEdge(2, 3);
cout << endl<<"Following is Depth First Traversal (starting from vertex 0) \n"<<endl;
return 0;
Simple iterative DFS. You can also see the discover time and finish time. Any doubts please comment. I have included sufficient comments to understand the code.
You do have a serious flaw in your non-recursive code.
After you check whether v
, you never mark it GRAY
before pushing, so it may be seen as WHITE
again and again from other unvisited nodes, resulting in multiple references to that v
node pushed to the stack. This is potentially a catastrophic flaw (could cause infinite loops or such).
Also, you don't set .d
except for root nodes. This means that the Nested set model attributes .d
s and .f
s won't be correct. (If you don't know what .d
s and .f
s are, have a read of that article, it was very enlightening to me back in the days. The article's left
is your .d
and right
is your .f
Your inner if
basically needs to be the same as the outer if
minus the loops, plus the parent reference. That is:
11 if v.color = WHITE
++ v.color ← GRAY
++ time ← time + 1
++ v.d ← time
12 v.π ← u
13 push(v, S)
Correct that, and it should be a true equivalent.
In the non-recursive version we need another color that reflects the state in the recursive stack. So, we will add a color=RED to indicate all children of the node were pushed to the stack. I will also assume the stack has a peek() method(which otherwise could be simulated with pop and immediate push)
So, with that addition the updated version of original post should look like:
for each vertex u ∈ G.V
u.color ← WHITE
u.π ← NIL
time = 0
for each vertex u ∈ G.V
if u.color = WHITE
u.color ← GRAY
time ← time + 1
u.d ← time
push(u, S)
while stack S not empty
u ← peek(S)
if u.color = RED
//means seeing this again, time to finish
u.color ← BLACK
time ← time + 1
u.f ← time
pop(S) //discard the result
for each vertex v ∈ G.Adj[u]
if v.color = WHITE
v.color = GRAY
time ← time + 1
v.d ← time
v.π ← u
push(v, S)
u.color = RED
I used Adjacency Matrix:
void DFS(int current){
for(int i=1; i<N; i++) visit_table[i]=false;
cout << current << " ";
current = myStack.top();
for(int i=0; i<N; i++){
if(AdjMatrix[current][i] == 1){
if(visit_table[i] == false){
visit_table[i] = true;
cout << i << " ";
else if(!myStack.empty())
I believe that there is at least one case where the recursive and stack versions are not functionally equivalent. Consider the case of a Triangle - vertices A, B, and C connected to each other. Now, with the Recursive DFS, the predecessor graph that one would obtain with source A, would be either A->B->C OR A->C->B ( A->B implies A is the parent of B in depth first tree).
我相信至少有一种情况,递归和堆栈版本在功能上是不相等的。考虑三角形顶点a、B和C之间相互连接的情况。现在,对于递归的DFS,一个人可以从源A获得的前一个图,要么是A->B->C,要么是A-> ->B (A->B意味着A是B在深度第一树的父结点)。
However, if you use the stack version of DFS, parents of both B and C, would always be recorded as A. It can never be the case that parent of B is C or vice-versa (which is always the case for recursive DFS). This is because, when exploring the adjacency list of any vertex (here A), we push all the members of adjacency list (here B and C) in one go.
This may become relevant, if you try to use DFS for finding articulation points in a graph[1]. One example would be that the following statement holds true only if we use the recursive version of DFS.
A root vertex is an articulation point if and only if it has at least two children in the depth first tree.
In a triangle, there is obviously no articulation point, but the stack-DFS still gives two children for any source vertex in the depth-first tree (A has children B and C). It's only if we create the depth first tree using recursive DFS that the above statement holds true.
[1] Introduction to Algorithms, CLRS - Problem 22-2 (Second and Third Edition)
[1]算法介绍,CLRS -问题22-2(第二版和第三版)