I have two 2D arrays, each containing information that will display a layer:
layer0 = [[info], [info]]
layer1 = [[info], [info]]
I would like to contain these two 2D-arrays, within yet another array:
map = [[layer0], [layer1]]
However, my program will not display the tiles correctly. My question is: Is it possible to store 2D arrays, within another 2D array? Thank you.
I have a certain loop-system for iterating through said arrays and displaying tiles corresponding to the array content:
for array in maplayer:
for tile in array:
if tile == 0:
screen.blit(self.tile_dict[0], (self.tileX, self.tileY))
self.tileX = self.tileX+16
if tile == 1:
screen.blit(self.tile_dict[1], (self.tileX, self.tileY))
self.tileX = self.tileX+16
self.tileX = self.cameraX
self.tileY += 16
I have tried adding another simple for loop, to iterate through the actual map array, but PyGame displays a blank screen:
for maplayer in map:
for array in maplayer:
for tile in array:
if tile == 0:
screen.blit(self.tile_dict[0], (self.tileX, self.tileY))
self.tileX = self.tileX+16
if tile == 1:
screen.blit(self.tile_dict[1], (self.tileX, self.tileY))
self.tileX = self.tileX+16
self.tileX = self.cameraX
self.tileY += 16
Here is the full method:
def LoadMap(self, map):
self.tileX = self.cameraX
self.tileY = self.cameraY
for maplayer in map:
for array in maplayer:
for tile in array:
if tile == 0:
screen.blit(self.tile_dict[0], (self.tileX, self.tileY))
self.tileX = self.tileX+16
if tile == 1:
screen.blit(self.tile_dict[1], (self.tileX, self.tileY))
self.tileX = self.tileX+16
self.tileX = self.cameraX
self.tileY += 16
1 个解决方案
I have done the same thing with reading 2D arrays and can't actually see why you need to have the array inside of another.. I used this code to create the array from a file:
gameMap = [list(row.rstrip('\n')) for row in open('Room 1.txt')]
Then this to read it:
for i in range(0, len(gameMap)):
for x in range(0, len(gameMap[i])):
xC = x * 30
y = i * 30
if gameMap[i][x] == "*":
screen.blit(wallImage, (xC, y))
elif gameMap[i][x] == ".":
screen.blit(floorImage, (xC, y))
elif gameMap[i][x] == "+":
if playerDirection == "up" or playerDirection == "":
screen.blit(playerForwardImage, (xC, y))
elif playerDirection == "right":
screen.blit(playerRightImage, (xC, y))
elif playerDirection == "left":
screen.blit(playerLeftImage, (xC, y))
elif playerDirection == "down":
screen.blit(playerDownImage, (xC, y))
elif gameMap[i][x] == "#":
pygame.draw.rect(screen, black, (xC, y, 30, 30))
elif gameMap[i][x] == "=":
pygame.draw.rect(screen, red, (xC, y, 30, 30))
Hope that helps, am a bit confused about why you even need to put it inside another array.
I have done the same thing with reading 2D arrays and can't actually see why you need to have the array inside of another.. I used this code to create the array from a file:
gameMap = [list(row.rstrip('\n')) for row in open('Room 1.txt')]
Then this to read it:
for i in range(0, len(gameMap)):
for x in range(0, len(gameMap[i])):
xC = x * 30
y = i * 30
if gameMap[i][x] == "*":
screen.blit(wallImage, (xC, y))
elif gameMap[i][x] == ".":
screen.blit(floorImage, (xC, y))
elif gameMap[i][x] == "+":
if playerDirection == "up" or playerDirection == "":
screen.blit(playerForwardImage, (xC, y))
elif playerDirection == "right":
screen.blit(playerRightImage, (xC, y))
elif playerDirection == "left":
screen.blit(playerLeftImage, (xC, y))
elif playerDirection == "down":
screen.blit(playerDownImage, (xC, y))
elif gameMap[i][x] == "#":
pygame.draw.rect(screen, black, (xC, y, 30, 30))
elif gameMap[i][x] == "=":
pygame.draw.rect(screen, red, (xC, y, 30, 30))
Hope that helps, am a bit confused about why you even need to put it inside another array.