
时间:2021-05-25 21:29:29

I have created an Play application (2.1) which uses the configuration in conf/application.conf in the Hocon format.


I want to add an array of projects in the configuration. The file conf/application.conf looks like this:

我想在配置中添加一个项目数组。conf /应用程序的文件。设计是这样的:

projects = [
  {name: "SO", url: "http://*.com/"},
  {name: "google", url: "http://google.com"}

I try to read this configuration in my Scala project:


import scala.collection.JavaConversions._
case class Project(name: String, url: String)

val projectList: List[Project] =
  Play.maybeApplication.map{x =>
    val simpleConfig = x.configration.getObjectList("projects").map{y =>
      y.toList.map{z =>
        Project(z.get("name").toString, z.get("url").toString) // ?!? doesn't work

   }}}}}}}}  // *arg*

This approach seems to be very complicated, I am lost in a lot of Options, and my Eclipse IDE cannot give me any hints about the classes.

这种方法似乎非常复杂,我迷失在许多选项中,我的Eclipse IDE不能提供关于类的任何提示。

Has anybody an example how you can read an array of objects from a Hocon configuration file? Or should I use for this a JSON-file with an JSON-parser instead of Hocon?


4 个解决方案



The following works for me in Play 2.1.2 (I don't have a .maybeApplication on my play.Play object though, and I'm not sure why you do):


import play.Play
import scala.collection.JavaConversions._
case class Project(name: String, url: String)

val projectList: List[Project] = {
  val projs = Play.application.configuration.getConfigList("projects") map { p => 
    Project(p.getString("name"), p.getString("url")) }


Giving output:


List(Project(SO,http://*.com/), Project(google,http://google.com))

There's not a whole lot different, although I don't get lost in a whole lot of Option instances either (again, different from the API you seem to have).


More importantly, getConfigList seems to be a closer match for what you want to do, since it returns List[play.Configuration], which enables you to specify types on retrieval instead of resorting to casts or .toString() calls.

更重要的是,getConfigList似乎更适合您想要做的事情,因为它返回List[play]。[Configuration],使您可以在检索时指定类型,而不必求助于强制类型转换或. tostring()调用。



What are you trying to accomplish with this part y.toList.map{z =>? If you want a collection of Project as the result, why not just do:

你想用这部分来完成什么?地图{ z = > ?如果你想要一个项目的集合,为什么不做:

val simpleConfig = x.configration.getObjectList("projects").map{y =>
   Project(y.get("name").toString, y.get("url").toString)

In this case, the map operation should be taking instances of ConfigObject which is what y is. That seems to be all you need to get your Project instances, so I'm not sure why you are toListing that ConfigObject (which is a Map) into a List of Tuple2 and then further mapping that again.




If a normal HOCON configuration then similar to strangefeatures answer this will work


import javax.inject._
import play.api.Configuration

trait Barfoo {
  def configuration: Configuration     
  def projects = for {
    projectsFound <- configuration.getConfigList("projects").toList
    projectConfig <- projectsFound
    name <- projectConfig.getString("name").toList
    url  <- projectConfig.getString("url").toList
  } yield Project(name,url)

class Foobar @Inject() (val configuration: Configuration) extends Barfoo

(Using Play 2.4+ Injection)

(使用玩2.4 +注入)



Given that the contents of the array are Json and you have a case class, you could try to use the Json Play API and work with the objects in that way. The Inception part should make it trivial.

假设数组的内容是Json,并且您有一个case类,您可以尝试使用Json Play API并以这种方式处理对象。初始部分应该使它变得微不足道。



The following works for me in Play 2.1.2 (I don't have a .maybeApplication on my play.Play object though, and I'm not sure why you do):


import play.Play
import scala.collection.JavaConversions._
case class Project(name: String, url: String)

val projectList: List[Project] = {
  val projs = Play.application.configuration.getConfigList("projects") map { p => 
    Project(p.getString("name"), p.getString("url")) }


Giving output:


List(Project(SO,http://*.com/), Project(google,http://google.com))

There's not a whole lot different, although I don't get lost in a whole lot of Option instances either (again, different from the API you seem to have).


More importantly, getConfigList seems to be a closer match for what you want to do, since it returns List[play.Configuration], which enables you to specify types on retrieval instead of resorting to casts or .toString() calls.

更重要的是,getConfigList似乎更适合您想要做的事情,因为它返回List[play]。[Configuration],使您可以在检索时指定类型,而不必求助于强制类型转换或. tostring()调用。



What are you trying to accomplish with this part y.toList.map{z =>? If you want a collection of Project as the result, why not just do:

你想用这部分来完成什么?地图{ z = > ?如果你想要一个项目的集合,为什么不做:

val simpleConfig = x.configration.getObjectList("projects").map{y =>
   Project(y.get("name").toString, y.get("url").toString)

In this case, the map operation should be taking instances of ConfigObject which is what y is. That seems to be all you need to get your Project instances, so I'm not sure why you are toListing that ConfigObject (which is a Map) into a List of Tuple2 and then further mapping that again.




If a normal HOCON configuration then similar to strangefeatures answer this will work


import javax.inject._
import play.api.Configuration

trait Barfoo {
  def configuration: Configuration     
  def projects = for {
    projectsFound <- configuration.getConfigList("projects").toList
    projectConfig <- projectsFound
    name <- projectConfig.getString("name").toList
    url  <- projectConfig.getString("url").toList
  } yield Project(name,url)

class Foobar @Inject() (val configuration: Configuration) extends Barfoo

(Using Play 2.4+ Injection)

(使用玩2.4 +注入)



Given that the contents of the array are Json and you have a case class, you could try to use the Json Play API and work with the objects in that way. The Inception part should make it trivial.

假设数组的内容是Json,并且您有一个case类,您可以尝试使用Json Play API并以这种方式处理对象。初始部分应该使它变得微不足道。