
时间:2021-12-27 21:26:50

I know it's quite idiomatic, or good style at least, in C to declare numeric constants as enums instead of #defineing them.


/* bad style */
#define MAXLINE 1024

/* good/better style */
enum {
    MAX_LINE = 1024

Is there an equivalent rule for the definition of string constants?


/* is this good style? */
#define HELLO "Hello World"

/* or is this better? */
const char *HELLO2 = "Howdy";

What do you prefer? If possible show some drawbacks of either method.


4 个解决方案



There's one more (at least) road to Rome:


static const char HELLO3[] = "Howdy";

(static — optional — is to prevent it from conflicting with other files). I'd prefer this one over const char*, because then you'll be able to use sizeof(HELLO3) and therefore you don't have to postpone till runtime what you can do at compile time.

(静态-可选-是为了防止它与其他文件冲突)。我更喜欢这个而不是const char*,因为这样您就可以使用sizeof(HELLO3),因此您不必将在编译时可以做的事情推迟到运行时。

The define has an advantage of compile-time concatenation, though (think HELLO ", World!") and you can sizeof(HELLO) as well.

定义具有编译时连接的优点(请思考“HELLO, World!”),您还可以使用sizeof(HELLO)。

But then you can also prefer const char* and use it across multiple files, which would save you a morsel of memory.

但是,您也可以选择const char*,并在多个文件中使用它,这将为您节省一点内存。

In short — it depends.




One advantage (albeit very slight) of defining string constants is that you can concatenate them:


#define HELLO "hello"
#define WORLD "world"

puts( HELLO WORLD );

Not sure that's really an advantage, but it is a technique that cannot be used with const char *'s.

我不确定这是否是真正的优势,但这是一种不能用于const char * s的技术。



If you want a "const string" like your question says, I would really go for the version you stated in your question:


/* first version */
const char *HELLO2 = "Howdy";

Particularly, I would avoid:


/* second version */
const char HELLO2[] = "Howdy";

Reason: The problem with second version is that compiler will make a copy of the entire string "Howdy", PLUS that string is modifiable (so not really const).


On the other hand, first version is a const string accessible by const pointer HELLO2, and there is no way anybody can modify it.




The main disadvantage of the #define method is that the string is duplicated each time it is used, so you can end up with lots of copies of it in the executable, making it bigger.




There's one more (at least) road to Rome:


static const char HELLO3[] = "Howdy";

(static — optional — is to prevent it from conflicting with other files). I'd prefer this one over const char*, because then you'll be able to use sizeof(HELLO3) and therefore you don't have to postpone till runtime what you can do at compile time.

(静态-可选-是为了防止它与其他文件冲突)。我更喜欢这个而不是const char*,因为这样您就可以使用sizeof(HELLO3),因此您不必将在编译时可以做的事情推迟到运行时。

The define has an advantage of compile-time concatenation, though (think HELLO ", World!") and you can sizeof(HELLO) as well.

定义具有编译时连接的优点(请思考“HELLO, World!”),您还可以使用sizeof(HELLO)。

But then you can also prefer const char* and use it across multiple files, which would save you a morsel of memory.

但是,您也可以选择const char*,并在多个文件中使用它,这将为您节省一点内存。

In short — it depends.




One advantage (albeit very slight) of defining string constants is that you can concatenate them:


#define HELLO "hello"
#define WORLD "world"

puts( HELLO WORLD );

Not sure that's really an advantage, but it is a technique that cannot be used with const char *'s.

我不确定这是否是真正的优势,但这是一种不能用于const char * s的技术。



If you want a "const string" like your question says, I would really go for the version you stated in your question:


/* first version */
const char *HELLO2 = "Howdy";

Particularly, I would avoid:


/* second version */
const char HELLO2[] = "Howdy";

Reason: The problem with second version is that compiler will make a copy of the entire string "Howdy", PLUS that string is modifiable (so not really const).


On the other hand, first version is a const string accessible by const pointer HELLO2, and there is no way anybody can modify it.




The main disadvantage of the #define method is that the string is duplicated each time it is used, so you can end up with lots of copies of it in the executable, making it bigger.
