
时间:2022-06-20 21:28:39

I'm working on a watermarking so I am converting PNG image to byte array and then hard-code the values of that byte array in my code.


But when I'm doing this with the image of 100x100 its gives an error that code is too large and as far as I know this error is due to the supported size of an byte array elements which is actually 64kb only.


Please and tell me if there is any better way of doing this thing?


1 个解决方案



The maximum number of elements in an array is Integer.MAX_VALUE or about 2 billion regardless of the type of the array.


When you initialise an array in Java, it does so in code, one element at a time. The assumption is you won't be initialising large arrays in Java. The limit for any method including the static initialisation block for initialising a Class or a constructor is 64K, and it is this limit which you appear to be hitting.


There is two ways around this;


  • read the data from a file. Then you can have arrays up to 2 GB - 1.
  • 从文件中读取数据。然后,您可以拥有最大2 GB - 1的阵列。
  • store the data in a String which is not initialised this way. You can convert the data to a byte[] using s.getBytes(StandardCharsets.ISO_8859_1)
  • 将数据存储在未以这种方式初始化的String中。您可以使用s.getBytes(StandardCharsets.ISO_8859_1)将数据转换为byte []

Most likely the best option is to store the data in a file.




The maximum number of elements in an array is Integer.MAX_VALUE or about 2 billion regardless of the type of the array.


When you initialise an array in Java, it does so in code, one element at a time. The assumption is you won't be initialising large arrays in Java. The limit for any method including the static initialisation block for initialising a Class or a constructor is 64K, and it is this limit which you appear to be hitting.


There is two ways around this;


  • read the data from a file. Then you can have arrays up to 2 GB - 1.
  • 从文件中读取数据。然后,您可以拥有最大2 GB - 1的阵列。
  • store the data in a String which is not initialised this way. You can convert the data to a byte[] using s.getBytes(StandardCharsets.ISO_8859_1)
  • 将数据存储在未以这种方式初始化的String中。您可以使用s.getBytes(StandardCharsets.ISO_8859_1)将数据转换为byte []

Most likely the best option is to store the data in a file.
