
时间:2022-06-20 21:28:45

Let's say a have a Superclass and an instance of this class superclassObject.
I create a derived ClassA.


How can I instantiate (initialize) an object classAObject of the derived class in a such way, that all the inherited fields are equal to ones of superclassObject?


Of course I can cycle through all the fields and manually copy the values like classAObject.property = [superclassObject.property copy]. But the problem with this approach is that I may not know (or have access to) all the ivars/properties of the superclass. Is there an easier (and more general) way?

当然,我可以遍历所有字段并手动复制像classAObject.property = [superclassObject.property copy]这样的值。但是这种方法的问题在于我可能不知道(或无法访问)超类的所有ivars /属性。有更简单(更通用)的方式吗?

It seems that I'm missing something really basic...


I'm trying to do this because I get an already initialized UIView (with frame, background color, autoresizing mask, etc.) and I want to replace it with my custom view with same parameters.


Update 1

I've found this question, and the answer there says that it


generally isn't supported in any OO language




In Objective-C it is possible in some cases


Ok, if it's not supported, what should I do? If it is supported, how can I achieve this?


Update 2

It seems I've found a solution to my particular case of this general problem, which I'll test and report that tomorrow.


However, this lead me to another idea: What if I use a NSCoder to encode the superclassObject (if it implements <NSCoding> of course), and then call [[ClassA alloc] initWithCoder:coder] with a coder that knows data from the encoded superclassObject? Disclaimer: Well, I'm not that familiar with coding concepts (or even not at all), so may be the last sentence is nonsense.

然而,这引出了另一个想法:如果我使用NSCoder对超类对象进行编码(如果它当然实现了 ),然后使用知道数据的编码器调用[[ClassA alloc] initWithCoder:coder],该怎么办?编码的超类对象?免责声明:嗯,我不熟悉编码概念(甚至根本不熟悉),所以可能最后一句话是胡说八道。

3 个解决方案



If I understand the question correctly, you have an established view which you want to change to a different class. Presumably for the reason of changing it's functionality.


Cloning class properties between classes and swapping instances is the only way to do this sort of thing in languages like Java.


But ... in Objective C we have Categories. If all you are trying to do is change behaviour then perhaps a solution might be to create a Category for UIView that performs the additional or overridden functionality you require.


Second thought is to look into why you are not creating the correct class in the first place and therefore avoid this whole problem.




IFF your subclass adds only methods and not any storage (i.e., ivars) to the superclass, then you can use a semi-black-magic technique* called "isa-swizzling". Rob Napier mentions it, and links to a blog post that explains it all.

IFF您的子类只向超类添加方法而不是任何存储(即ivars),然后您可以使用称为“isa-swizzling”的半黑魔法技术*。 Rob Napier提到了它,并链接到一篇解释这一切的博客文章。

Each Objective-C instance has a chunk of storage in memory for its instance variables, but the implementation of the methods is all kept in another place, in the storage for the class object. The runtime uses an instance's isa pointer to get at the class object.


It is therefore possible, as demonstrated in the linked blog post, to transform an instance of one class into another provided they have exactly the same fields. As Rob warns, you cannot add ivars, only change the methods.


Casting (MyDerivedClass *)instanceOfSuperclass only has an effect at compile-time. All it does is make the compiler happy when it is comparing types: it doesn't affect the runtime lookup of methods, so your instanceOfSuperclass will still act like a Superclass.

Casting(MyDerivedClass *)instanceOfSuperclass仅在编译时有效。它所做的就是让编译器在比较类型时感到高兴:它不会影响方法的运行时查找,因此你的instanceOfSuperclass仍然会像超类一样运行。

EDIT: Just as a final thought, since we're already talking about dangerous techniques, perhaps you could create a helper class that would hold the ivars that you want to add to the subclass. Whew, now I've really gone mad!


I have never done this myself; I am only reporting a technique that may be useful to you. Please pay attention to all the warnings you see when this is discussed.


*Used for KVO, interestingly.




It is definitely possible using ObjC runtime, but it will be a bit hairy... This is a link to Apple's docs: Objective-C Runtime and an example of its usage: Objective-C Runtime Programming.


You would iterate over all properties, check their attributes to find out those you can set (i.e. omitting readonly properties), get their getter method on the superclass, read value and set using setter method on the subclass.


In the specific case of UIView this may work - you will tweak until it works. Generally it may be difficult: what about ivars that are not exposed as properties? Do you want to copy them all? Then you would need to check properties defined in the class and all protocols the class implements. And I'm not sure if won't be necessary to iterate over all the superclasses of your superclass to get all defined properties and ivars.

在UIView的特定情况下,这可能有用 - 你会调整直到它工作。通常情况下可能很困难:那些没有作为属性暴露的ivars怎么办?你想复制它们吗?然后,您需要检查类中定义的属性以及该类实现的所有协议。而且我不确定是否有必要迭代你的超类的所有超类以获得所有已定义的属性和ivars。

But, still, it is possible.




If you would copy instance variables then probably you would be probably set without even touching properties - I assume that all state is saved in ivars eventually. So in this case also no need to touch protocol defined properties.

如果你要复制实例变量那么可能你甚至可能没有触及属性就设置了 - 我假设所有状态最终都保存在ivars中。所以在这种情况下也不需要触摸协议定义的属性。

But the other solution that may work well enough is to just stick to the public interface (well actually part of it: just what appears to be data and not functionality): read data through properties of the superclass and set using properties of the derived class, again assuming that the classes will do the right thing with the data. In this case the protocol properties are equally important because the are also part of the public interface and their implementation can save state into instance variables.


Again, I wouldn't try this approach as a general solution to copy any class but in a case of duplicating the data of one specific class that might work well enough and you can easily and thorough test your case.




If I understand the question correctly, you have an established view which you want to change to a different class. Presumably for the reason of changing it's functionality.


Cloning class properties between classes and swapping instances is the only way to do this sort of thing in languages like Java.


But ... in Objective C we have Categories. If all you are trying to do is change behaviour then perhaps a solution might be to create a Category for UIView that performs the additional or overridden functionality you require.


Second thought is to look into why you are not creating the correct class in the first place and therefore avoid this whole problem.




IFF your subclass adds only methods and not any storage (i.e., ivars) to the superclass, then you can use a semi-black-magic technique* called "isa-swizzling". Rob Napier mentions it, and links to a blog post that explains it all.

IFF您的子类只向超类添加方法而不是任何存储(即ivars),然后您可以使用称为“isa-swizzling”的半黑魔法技术*。 Rob Napier提到了它,并链接到一篇解释这一切的博客文章。

Each Objective-C instance has a chunk of storage in memory for its instance variables, but the implementation of the methods is all kept in another place, in the storage for the class object. The runtime uses an instance's isa pointer to get at the class object.


It is therefore possible, as demonstrated in the linked blog post, to transform an instance of one class into another provided they have exactly the same fields. As Rob warns, you cannot add ivars, only change the methods.


Casting (MyDerivedClass *)instanceOfSuperclass only has an effect at compile-time. All it does is make the compiler happy when it is comparing types: it doesn't affect the runtime lookup of methods, so your instanceOfSuperclass will still act like a Superclass.

Casting(MyDerivedClass *)instanceOfSuperclass仅在编译时有效。它所做的就是让编译器在比较类型时感到高兴:它不会影响方法的运行时查找,因此你的instanceOfSuperclass仍然会像超类一样运行。

EDIT: Just as a final thought, since we're already talking about dangerous techniques, perhaps you could create a helper class that would hold the ivars that you want to add to the subclass. Whew, now I've really gone mad!


I have never done this myself; I am only reporting a technique that may be useful to you. Please pay attention to all the warnings you see when this is discussed.


*Used for KVO, interestingly.




It is definitely possible using ObjC runtime, but it will be a bit hairy... This is a link to Apple's docs: Objective-C Runtime and an example of its usage: Objective-C Runtime Programming.


You would iterate over all properties, check their attributes to find out those you can set (i.e. omitting readonly properties), get their getter method on the superclass, read value and set using setter method on the subclass.


In the specific case of UIView this may work - you will tweak until it works. Generally it may be difficult: what about ivars that are not exposed as properties? Do you want to copy them all? Then you would need to check properties defined in the class and all protocols the class implements. And I'm not sure if won't be necessary to iterate over all the superclasses of your superclass to get all defined properties and ivars.

在UIView的特定情况下,这可能有用 - 你会调整直到它工作。通常情况下可能很困难:那些没有作为属性暴露的ivars怎么办?你想复制它们吗?然后,您需要检查类中定义的属性以及该类实现的所有协议。而且我不确定是否有必要迭代你的超类的所有超类以获得所有已定义的属性和ivars。

But, still, it is possible.




If you would copy instance variables then probably you would be probably set without even touching properties - I assume that all state is saved in ivars eventually. So in this case also no need to touch protocol defined properties.

如果你要复制实例变量那么可能你甚至可能没有触及属性就设置了 - 我假设所有状态最终都保存在ivars中。所以在这种情况下也不需要触摸协议定义的属性。

But the other solution that may work well enough is to just stick to the public interface (well actually part of it: just what appears to be data and not functionality): read data through properties of the superclass and set using properties of the derived class, again assuming that the classes will do the right thing with the data. In this case the protocol properties are equally important because the are also part of the public interface and their implementation can save state into instance variables.


Again, I wouldn't try this approach as a general solution to copy any class but in a case of duplicating the data of one specific class that might work well enough and you can easily and thorough test your case.
