
时间:2022-05-26 21:26:46

I have a similar datastructure as this:


var GrandGrandChild = mongoose.Schema({
    attribute: String,
    id: Number

var GrandChild = mongoose.Schema({
    children: [GrandGrandChild],
    id: Number,
    irrelevantAttribute: String

var Child = mongoose.Schema({
    children: [GrandChild],
    id: Number,
    irrelevantAttribute2: String

var Parent = mongoose.Schema({
    children: [Child],
    id: Number,
    irrelevantAttribute3: String

var GrandParent = mongoose.Schema({
    children: [Parent],
    id: Number,
    irrelevantAttribute4: String

These are a lot of collections with subdocuments in them. Note that the ID's are unique to their siblings, but not unique to all elements with that same schema.


So one grand parent can have an parent with id 0, and another grandparent can also have a parent with id 0. but one grandparent can not have 2 parents with id 0.


The only schema that gets saved is the GrandParent schema, and mongoose/mongodb makes a nice big single document of all the data of this grandparent. (Exactly what i am looking for)

保存的唯一模式是GrandParent模式,而mongoose / mongodb是这个祖父母的所有数据的一个很好的单个大文档。 (正是我要找的)

So here is my issue: I have a GrandParent ID, Parent ID, Child ID, GrandChildID and GrandGrandChild ID, and i want to somehow get only the GrandGrandChild object to which all these ID's are pointing.

所以这是我的问题:我有一个GrandParent ID,父ID,子ID,GrandChildID和GrandGrandChild ID,我想以某种方式获得所有这些ID指向的GrandGrandChild对象。

The ugly way would be to, but currently the only way i can get to work, is to make a query that gets this big document of GrandParent, and manually loop through all arrays to find the right Parent, then loop again to find the right child, then loop again to find the right grandchild, then loop again and find the grandgrandchild im needing here.


My question is, how would i compose a query in mongoose that either returns only the grandgrandchild document, or the grandparent document with only the children attribute included, and in that children attribute only the parent object included that refers to the child object that refers to the grandchild object that refers to the grandgrandchild object, allowing the following with the result:



I hope someone can help me on this query, as far is i got is this:


        "id" : 0,
        "children.id" : 0,
        "children.children.id" : 0,
        "children.children.children.id" : 0,
        "children.children.children.children.id" : 0
    {"children.children.children.children.$" : 1}, callback);

The problem with this query is that the unnessicary siblings arent trimmed away.


I hope someone can help me out.


Hylke Bron

3 个解决方案



it has been some time since I asked this question, but I think I found a rather elegant way of working with these kind of structures.


In this case I'll show how it works with only GrandParent, Parent and Child.


Instead of storing a list of subdocuments in each document (GrandParent.children, Parent.children), I created an unique identifier of the following structure:


Child.referenceId = {
    grandparent: "some key to the grandparent of the parent",
    parent: "some key to the parent",
    child: "key of this child"

Parent.referenceId = {
    grandparent: "some key to its grandparent",
    parent: "key of this parent"

GrandParent.referenceId = {
    grandparent: "key of this parent"

This creates a hierarchy of GrandParent > Parent > Child.

这将创建GrandParent> Parent> Child的层次结构。

The models would be something like the following:


var idStructure = {
    grandparent: { type: String, required: true },
    parent: { type: String, required: false },
    child: { type: String, required: false }

var GrandParent = mongoose.Schema({
    id: idStructure,
    irrelevantAttribute: String

var Parent = mongoose.Schema({
    id: idSructure,
    irrelevantAttribute: String

var Child = mongoose.Schema({
    id: idStructure,
    irrelevantAttribute: String

Notice that a Parent doesnt directly knows its parent, for they are not stored as subdocuments. Yet there still is a connection between Parent and Child, through the referenceId.


When searching for the whole familytree of a GrandParent, one would simply execute 3 queries, and then connect them correctly:


// First find all children which belong to the grandparent
Child.find({"id.grandparent" : "some key to the grandparent"})
.exec(function(err, children)

     Parent.find({"id.grandparent" : "some key to the grandparent"})
     .exec(function(err, parents)

         // Loop through the parents and children to connect them before returning to a client
         for(var i = 0; i < parents.length; i++)
             var parent = parents[i];
             parent.children = [];
             // loop through the children to check if they belong to the current parent
             for(var j = 0; j < children.length; j++)
                 var child = children[j];
                 if(parent.id.parent == child.id.parent)

         // After filling the children into the parents, get the grandparents and do the same for the parents and grandparents as done for the children and parents.
        GrandParent.find({"id.grandparent" : "some key to the grandparent"})
       .exec(function(err, grandparents)
           // TODO: the same as done above (two loops, one loops the grandparents, other loops the parents
           // Once this is finished, we have a filled grandparent


The code above would result in just ONE grandparent, filled with parents, which are filled with children.


The reason no more grandparents would be found is because the id of the grandParent should be unique, for the referenceId of the grandparent only has a grandparent property.


I hope i made my point clear, because through this method, one can easily search for one specific child, easily get its parent through the reference id, and its grandparent also through the reference id.


It might be a bit complex, but once you figure the method out for yourself, its all kinda straight forward.





Is very difficult to get this kind of things work in a clean way.


I didn't find a clean solution on this topic, but maybe I can help you with the looping thing. You can avoid the loop using: var doc = parent.children.id(id); Finding a sub-document

我没有找到关于这个主题的干净解决方案,但也许我可以帮助你解决循环问题。您可以使用以下命令来避免循环:var doc = parent.children.id(id);查找子文档

I hope this help you. Regards, Sebastian.




this worked for me


      model.find({_id:args.id},{ commentList: { $elemMatch: { _id: todo.commentList[todo.commentList.length-1] } } },(err, todos) => {
         if (err) reject(err)
         else resolve(todos)

$elemMatch (projection)



it has been some time since I asked this question, but I think I found a rather elegant way of working with these kind of structures.


In this case I'll show how it works with only GrandParent, Parent and Child.


Instead of storing a list of subdocuments in each document (GrandParent.children, Parent.children), I created an unique identifier of the following structure:


Child.referenceId = {
    grandparent: "some key to the grandparent of the parent",
    parent: "some key to the parent",
    child: "key of this child"

Parent.referenceId = {
    grandparent: "some key to its grandparent",
    parent: "key of this parent"

GrandParent.referenceId = {
    grandparent: "key of this parent"

This creates a hierarchy of GrandParent > Parent > Child.

这将创建GrandParent> Parent> Child的层次结构。

The models would be something like the following:


var idStructure = {
    grandparent: { type: String, required: true },
    parent: { type: String, required: false },
    child: { type: String, required: false }

var GrandParent = mongoose.Schema({
    id: idStructure,
    irrelevantAttribute: String

var Parent = mongoose.Schema({
    id: idSructure,
    irrelevantAttribute: String

var Child = mongoose.Schema({
    id: idStructure,
    irrelevantAttribute: String

Notice that a Parent doesnt directly knows its parent, for they are not stored as subdocuments. Yet there still is a connection between Parent and Child, through the referenceId.


When searching for the whole familytree of a GrandParent, one would simply execute 3 queries, and then connect them correctly:


// First find all children which belong to the grandparent
Child.find({"id.grandparent" : "some key to the grandparent"})
.exec(function(err, children)

     Parent.find({"id.grandparent" : "some key to the grandparent"})
     .exec(function(err, parents)

         // Loop through the parents and children to connect them before returning to a client
         for(var i = 0; i < parents.length; i++)
             var parent = parents[i];
             parent.children = [];
             // loop through the children to check if they belong to the current parent
             for(var j = 0; j < children.length; j++)
                 var child = children[j];
                 if(parent.id.parent == child.id.parent)

         // After filling the children into the parents, get the grandparents and do the same for the parents and grandparents as done for the children and parents.
        GrandParent.find({"id.grandparent" : "some key to the grandparent"})
       .exec(function(err, grandparents)
           // TODO: the same as done above (two loops, one loops the grandparents, other loops the parents
           // Once this is finished, we have a filled grandparent


The code above would result in just ONE grandparent, filled with parents, which are filled with children.


The reason no more grandparents would be found is because the id of the grandParent should be unique, for the referenceId of the grandparent only has a grandparent property.


I hope i made my point clear, because through this method, one can easily search for one specific child, easily get its parent through the reference id, and its grandparent also through the reference id.


It might be a bit complex, but once you figure the method out for yourself, its all kinda straight forward.





Is very difficult to get this kind of things work in a clean way.


I didn't find a clean solution on this topic, but maybe I can help you with the looping thing. You can avoid the loop using: var doc = parent.children.id(id); Finding a sub-document

我没有找到关于这个主题的干净解决方案,但也许我可以帮助你解决循环问题。您可以使用以下命令来避免循环:var doc = parent.children.id(id);查找子文档

I hope this help you. Regards, Sebastian.




this worked for me


      model.find({_id:args.id},{ commentList: { $elemMatch: { _id: todo.commentList[todo.commentList.length-1] } } },(err, todos) => {
         if (err) reject(err)
         else resolve(todos)

$elemMatch (projection)