In my program I will have multiple array with about 40 000 strings each with different length (from 10 to 5000 character), I need to send this array to an API wich only accept 5 000 character at a time.
在我的程序中,我将有多个数组,其中大约有40,000个字符串,每个字符串具有不同的长度(从10到5000个字符),我需要将此数组发送到一个只接受5 000个字符的API。
In order to make the fewest API call I need to find the best combinations of string to send each time.
For example if I got an array with different lenght {3, 5, 10, 3, 4, 1, 4} and the maximum lenght of the api is 10. It should returns {10}, {4 1 5}, {3 3 4}.
例如,如果我得到一个具有不同长度{3,5,10,3,4,1,4}的数组,并且api的最大长度为10.它应该返回{10},{4 1 5},{3 3 4}。
I've been looking through different algorithm but no one seems to fill my need. (Subset Sum and others)
我一直在寻找不同的算法,但似乎没有人满足我的需要。 (子集和其他)
Any help is greatly appreciated!
5 个解决方案
Your problem is Bin Packing problem. Please find pretty nice solution in following paper: A new algorithm for optimal bin packing by Richard Korf (see example problem there)
你的问题是Bin Packing问题。请在下面的文章中找到非常好的解决方案:Richard Korf的最佳装箱算法(参见示例问题)
Let us see the example for array:
[1 2 4 5 7 10 11]
With algorithm from referenced paper you will get:
[11 4 5] [10 7 2 1]
In short this algorithm build bin by:
insert into bin maximal element
Search for all elements that fits to volume left and maximize their sum
For example in our case first step would be:
# Take max element
# We have 9 volume left
# All smaller are [1 2 4 5 7] - greedy would take 7 in this case
# 4 and 5 sums up to 9 which is best fit in this case so first bin become:
[11 5 4]
# Next step: take max
# we have 10 volume left. elements lower than 10:
# [1 2 7]
# this sums up to 10 in this case giving second bin
[10 7 2 1]
And just some example of greedy vs mentioned one:
ARR = [3, 3, 5, 5, 5, 5, 14]
Greedy result:
Size 3:
[[14, 5], [5, 5, 5, 3], [3]]
Mentioned alg result (size 2):
[[14, 3, 3], [5, 5, 5, 5]]
Also you may be interested in section 'Exact algorithm' on wiki page.
Definitely looks like a dynamic programming problem. Your question is similar to the Subset Sum problem, except that instead of just finding if such a subset exists, you want to return all such subsets.
This link seems to be close to what you need:
这个链接似乎接近你所需要的: = 12899672
Dynamic programming is often pretty tough to wrap your head around. I'm hoping someone else will provide a thorough explanation (for me as well), but hopefully this gives you somewhere to start.
This is the dynamic programming problem (Subset sum problem) with a variation. Not only do we want to find if the sum exists, but we also want to find all the different subsets too.
We build a 2-d boolean lookup table of sum(rows) - vs - number(cols) as is typical in many DP problems. For finding subsets which match the sum exactly, we can call the following backtracking function on the lookup table to find possible valid sums.
我们构建了一个二维布尔查找表,其中包含sum(rows) - vs - number(cols),这在许多DP问题中是典型的。为了找到与总和完全匹配的子集,我们可以在查找表上调用以下回溯函数来查找可能的有效总和。
bool backtrack(bool **subset, int sum, int a[], int n) {
if(sum == 0) { // Sum possible
return true;
if(sum < 0) { //Sum not possible
return false;
for(int j=1; j<=n; j++) {
if(subset[sum][j] == true) {
int val = a[j-1];
// If val is included, can we have a valid sum?
bool valid = backtrack(subset, sum-val, a, j-1);
if(valid == true) {
printf("%d ", val);
return true;
return false;
We can call the above function in this manner to print out the number combinations, one combination in each row-
我们可以这种方式调用上述功能来打印出数字组合,每行一个组合 -
for(j=1; j<=n; j++) {
if(subset[sum][j] == 1) { //For every col which is =1 for the sum'th row
bool valid = backtrack(subset, sum-a[j-1], a, j-1);
if(valid) {
printf("%d\n", a[j-1]);
How does this work for you? Obviously, you can change the max to be whatever you want, and probably change it to be set from the calling function, but i'll leave those choices up to you.
This worked for me, let me know if you have any issues with it.
List<List<string>> Chunk(List<string> inputStrings)
List<List<string>> retVal = new List<List<string>>();
List<string> sortedStrings = inputStrings.OrderByDescending(s => s.Length).ToList();
while (sortedStrings.Any())
List<string> set = new List<string>();
int max = 10;
for (int i = 0; i < sortedStrings.Count(); ++i)
if (max == 0)
if (max - sortedStrings[i].Length < 0)
max -= sortedStrings[i].Length;
return retVal;
Note: This is C#. If needed, I can redo it in another language or with different data structures.
This seem to be resolved by a Greedy algorithm and not backtrack algorithm that should be executed before sending string to the API.
Your problem is Bin Packing problem. Please find pretty nice solution in following paper: A new algorithm for optimal bin packing by Richard Korf (see example problem there)
你的问题是Bin Packing问题。请在下面的文章中找到非常好的解决方案:Richard Korf的最佳装箱算法(参见示例问题)
Let us see the example for array:
[1 2 4 5 7 10 11]
With algorithm from referenced paper you will get:
[11 4 5] [10 7 2 1]
In short this algorithm build bin by:
insert into bin maximal element
Search for all elements that fits to volume left and maximize their sum
For example in our case first step would be:
# Take max element
# We have 9 volume left
# All smaller are [1 2 4 5 7] - greedy would take 7 in this case
# 4 and 5 sums up to 9 which is best fit in this case so first bin become:
[11 5 4]
# Next step: take max
# we have 10 volume left. elements lower than 10:
# [1 2 7]
# this sums up to 10 in this case giving second bin
[10 7 2 1]
And just some example of greedy vs mentioned one:
ARR = [3, 3, 5, 5, 5, 5, 14]
Greedy result:
Size 3:
[[14, 5], [5, 5, 5, 3], [3]]
Mentioned alg result (size 2):
[[14, 3, 3], [5, 5, 5, 5]]
Also you may be interested in section 'Exact algorithm' on wiki page.
Definitely looks like a dynamic programming problem. Your question is similar to the Subset Sum problem, except that instead of just finding if such a subset exists, you want to return all such subsets.
This link seems to be close to what you need:
这个链接似乎接近你所需要的: = 12899672
Dynamic programming is often pretty tough to wrap your head around. I'm hoping someone else will provide a thorough explanation (for me as well), but hopefully this gives you somewhere to start.
This is the dynamic programming problem (Subset sum problem) with a variation. Not only do we want to find if the sum exists, but we also want to find all the different subsets too.
We build a 2-d boolean lookup table of sum(rows) - vs - number(cols) as is typical in many DP problems. For finding subsets which match the sum exactly, we can call the following backtracking function on the lookup table to find possible valid sums.
我们构建了一个二维布尔查找表,其中包含sum(rows) - vs - number(cols),这在许多DP问题中是典型的。为了找到与总和完全匹配的子集,我们可以在查找表上调用以下回溯函数来查找可能的有效总和。
bool backtrack(bool **subset, int sum, int a[], int n) {
if(sum == 0) { // Sum possible
return true;
if(sum < 0) { //Sum not possible
return false;
for(int j=1; j<=n; j++) {
if(subset[sum][j] == true) {
int val = a[j-1];
// If val is included, can we have a valid sum?
bool valid = backtrack(subset, sum-val, a, j-1);
if(valid == true) {
printf("%d ", val);
return true;
return false;
We can call the above function in this manner to print out the number combinations, one combination in each row-
我们可以这种方式调用上述功能来打印出数字组合,每行一个组合 -
for(j=1; j<=n; j++) {
if(subset[sum][j] == 1) { //For every col which is =1 for the sum'th row
bool valid = backtrack(subset, sum-a[j-1], a, j-1);
if(valid) {
printf("%d\n", a[j-1]);
How does this work for you? Obviously, you can change the max to be whatever you want, and probably change it to be set from the calling function, but i'll leave those choices up to you.
This worked for me, let me know if you have any issues with it.
List<List<string>> Chunk(List<string> inputStrings)
List<List<string>> retVal = new List<List<string>>();
List<string> sortedStrings = inputStrings.OrderByDescending(s => s.Length).ToList();
while (sortedStrings.Any())
List<string> set = new List<string>();
int max = 10;
for (int i = 0; i < sortedStrings.Count(); ++i)
if (max == 0)
if (max - sortedStrings[i].Length < 0)
max -= sortedStrings[i].Length;
return retVal;
Note: This is C#. If needed, I can redo it in another language or with different data structures.
This seem to be resolved by a Greedy algorithm and not backtrack algorithm that should be executed before sending string to the API.