Excel VBA,使用数组加速代码

时间:2021-09-29 21:23:49

thanks in advance for any help on this, I have a big spreadsheet I need to parse into other spreadsheets, and I have something working, albeit slowly. I've read that using arrays is a better approach, but I can't seem to get it working, I think I can pull the main spreadsheet into an array, but I can't operate on it like I want. Specifically, I can't grab certain rows from the main array and insert them into another array to copy into a target sheet at the end. Here are the original, working functions:


Private Function CopyValues(rngSource As Range, rngTarget As Range)

    rngTarget.Resize(rngSource.Rows.Count, rngSource.Columns.Count).Value = rngSource.Value

End Function

Private Function RESORT(FROMSHEET As Variant, Column As Variant, TOSHEET As Variant, EXTRA1 As Variant, EXTRA2 As Variant, EXTRA3 As Variant)
Set i = Sheets(FROMSHEET)
Set e = Sheets(TOSHEET)

Dim d
Dim j
Dim q
d = 1
j = 2


Do Until IsEmpty(i.Range("G" & j))
    If i.Range(Column & j) = "Total" Then
        ' CopyValues i.Rows(j), e.Rows(2)
        Exit Do
    End If
    j = j + 1

d = 2
j = 2

Do Until IsEmpty(i.Range("G" & j))

    If i.Range(Column & j) = TOSHEET Or i.Range(Column & j) = EXTRA1 Or i.Range(Column & j) = EXTRA2 Or i.Range(Column & j) = EXTRA3 Then
        d = d + 1
        CopyValues i.Range(i.Cells(j, 1), i.Cells(j, 11)), e.Range(e.Cells(d, 1), e.Cells(d, 11)) 'e.Range("A" & d)

    ElseIf i.Range("A" & j) = e.Range("A" & d) And i.Range("I" & j) = "Total" Then
        d = d + 1
        ' CopyValues e.Rows(2), e.Rows(d)
    End If
    j = j + 1

End Function

So, I have two questions. First, am I correct that moving to arrays will speed this up? Second, how do I do the array stuff? Thanks! Here's sort of what I'm hacking on, many different attempts in there, I realize it's ugly:


Private Function RESORT2(FROMSHEET As Variant, Column As Variant, TOSHEET As Variant, EXTRA1 As Variant, EXTRA2 As Variant, EXTRA3 As Variant)
' Set i = Sheets(FROMSHEET)
' Set e = Sheets(TOSHEET)
Dim d
Dim j As Long
Dim i As Long
Dim k As Long

Dim myarray As Variant
Dim arrTO As Variant

d = 1

j = 1

      'myarray = Worksheets(FROMSHEET).Range("a1").Resize(10, 20)
      myarray = Worksheets(FROMSHEET).Range("a1:z220").Value 'Resize(10, 20)
      For i = 1 To UBound(myarray)
        If myarray(i, 9) = TOSHEET Then
        'arrTO = myarray
          '  Worksheets(TOSHEET).Range("A" & j).Resize(1, 20) = Application.WorksheetFunction.Transpose(myarray(i))
            Worksheets(TOSHEET).Range("A" & j).Value = Application.WorksheetFunction.Transpose(myarray)
         '   arrTO = j 'Application.WorksheetFunction.Index(myarray, 0, 1)

            j = j + 1

        End If

      Worksheets(TOSHEET).Range("a1").Resize(10, 20) = arrTO

End Function


First Edit


OK, i tried cleaning up and a the following:


Private Function RESORT(FROMSHEET As Variant, Column As Variant, TOSHEET As Variant, EXTRA1 As Variant, EXTRA2 As Variant, EXTRA3 As Variant)
Set TOO = Sheets(TOSHEET)

Dim TotalRow

TotalRow = 2

TOO.Rows(1).Value = FRO.Rows(1).Value

Do Until IsEmpty(FRO.Range("G" & TotalRow))
    If FRO.Range(Column & TotalRow) = "Total" Then
        ' CopyValues FRO.Rows(j), TOO.Rows(2)
        Exit Do
    End If
    TotalRow = TotalRow + 1

Do Until IsEmpty(FRO.Range("G" & FRO_IND))

    If FRO.Range(Column & FRO_IND) = TOSHEET Or FRO.Range(Column & FRO_IND) = EXTRA1 Or FRO.Range(Column & FRO_IND) = EXTRA2 Or FRO.Range(Column & FRO_IND) = EXTRA3 Then
        TOO_IND = TOO_IND + 1
        TOO.Rows(TOO_IND).Value = FRO.Rows(FRO_IND).Value
    ElseIf FRO.Range("A" & FRO_IND) = TOO.Range("A" & TOO_IND) And FRO.Range("I" & FRO_IND) = "Total" Then
        TOO_IND = TOO_IND + 1
     '   TOO.Rows(TOO_IND).PasteSpecial = FRO.Rows(2).PasteSpecial  ' this isn't working, I need format and formula, if I just do .formula it doesn't work
    End If
    FRO_IND = FRO_IND + 1


End Function

So, while it looks cleaner and is more readable, it's actually slower (3.2s vs. 2.86s on my smallest sample set).


I think the array is going to be the solution. I run this routine multiple times on the same sample set, but with different qualifiers, if in the main I dump the sample set into an array, then pass this array to this sort routine, I think it'll be faster. But I'm still not sure how to do my operations on arrays, specifically copying one row from array to array.


Thanks everyone, I'm going to keep at it!



Second Edit Ok, I'm much closer now! What once took ~133seconds, now only takes 10.51seconds!


Here's the latest, please let me know if there are ways to tweak this, I'm still trying to trim up some time. I have not yet coded anything to grab the array once and then pass the array to the RESORT function, I'm looking into that next to see if that will help speed things up.


Is there a way to copy the formula and the value into the same array? I don't like the way I do it, but it does work.


Private Function RESORT(FROMSHEET As Variant, Column As Variant, TOSHEET As Variant, EXTRA1 As Variant, EXTRA2 As Variant, EXTRA3 As Variant)
Set TOO = Sheets(TOSHEET)

Dim TotalRow

TotalRow = 2

Dim Col As Long
Dim FROM_Row As Long
Dim TO_Row As Long

Const NumCol = 25

Dim myarray As Variant
Dim myarrayform As Variant
Dim arrTO(1 To 1000, 1 To 2000)
Dim arrTotal(1 To 1, 1 To NumCol)

TO_Row = 2
myarray = Worksheets(FROMSHEET).Range("a1:z1000").Value
myarrayform = Worksheets(FROMSHEET).Range("a1:z1000").FormulaR1C1


For Col = 1 To NumCol
    arrTO(1, Col) = myarray(1, Col)

For FROM_Row = 1 To UBound(myarray)
    If myarray(FROM_Row, Column) = "Total" Then
        For Col = 1 To NumCol
            arrTotal(1, Col) = myarrayform(FROM_Row, Col)
        Exit For
    End If

For FROM_Row = 1 To UBound(myarray)
    If myarray(FROM_Row, Column) = TOSHEET Or myarray(FROM_Row, Column) = EXTRA1 Or myarray(FROM_Row, Column) = EXTRA2 Or myarray(FROM_Row, Column) = EXTRA3 Then
        For Col = 1 To NumCol
            arrTO(TO_Row, Col) = myarray(FROM_Row, Col)
        TO_Row = TO_Row + 1
    ElseIf myarray(FROM_Row, 1) = arrTO(TO_Row - 1, 1) And myarray(FROM_Row, Column) = "Total" Then
        For Col = 1 To NumCol
            arrTO(TO_Row, Col) = arrTotal(1, Col)
        TO_Row = TO_Row + 1
    End If
Worksheets(TOSHEET).Range("a1").Resize(1000, 2000) = arrTO

End Function

Thanks for any and all help! Happy New Year!


3 个解决方案



Iterating over arrays in VBA will not necessarily be faster than iterating over the collection objects that your first method uses. The collections are likely implemented as linked lists, so for the purpose of starting at the beginning and looping over them, they will be equally as speedy as arrays.


The high-level answer is that your sort algorithm will usually be vastly more important than your specific code details. That is, as long as your details don't somehow increase the complexity of running that algorithm.


In my experience, the best way to speed up VBA is to eschew all functions that have an effect on the UI. If your code moves around the selected cell, or switches the actively viewed sheet, etc, that is the biggest timesink. I think those functions Select, Copy(), and PasteSpecial() might be guilty of that. It would be better to store worksheet and range objects, and write directly to their cells as required. You do that in your 2nd method, and I think it is much more important than changing your data type.




I agree with @Seth Battin, but have a few additional things to add.

我同意@Seth Battin,但还有一些其他的事情要补充。

While arrays can be faster, if you need to search them they do not scale well. The code you have written will iterate through your dataset n times (where n is the number of TOSHEETs you have). Also your code is writing data to the worksheet once for each row (which is time consuming), It is faster (but more code) to put all the data into a single 2D array and write once.


A better program flow might be


Read each line of data


Assign it to a data structure (I would use a scripting dictionary containing 2D arrays)


After all the data is read iterate the scripting dictionary outputting each 2D array


This will minimize both reads and writes to the spreadsheet which is where the preformance bottlenecks are for this type of vba program.




Yes. You would definitely speed up your code by using arrays instead of collections of cells. This is because accessing the properties of the objects takes time.


Honestly though, your code would likely not benefit very much from using arrays as your code is more reasonably modified by eliminating unnecessary loops.


I've re-written the beginning of your RESORT function in a more Excel centric way avoiding some of the pitfalls like selects. I'd also suggest trying to use variable names that are meaningful, especially for objects.


Private Function RESORT(FROMSHEET As Variant, Column As Variant, TOSHEET As Variant, EXTRA1 As Variant, EXTRA2 As Variant, EXTRA3 As Variant)
'Actually indicate variable types.
dim i as worksheet, dim e as worksheet
dim searchRange as Range

Set i = Sheets(FROMSHEET)
Set e = Sheets(TOSHEET)

Dim d as long
Dim j as long
dim lastRow as long 'Using a meaningful variable name
d = 1
j = 2

'I'm assuming you were using PasteSpecial because you only want values.
'I removed your unnecessary selects
'Move values directly instead of copy paste
i.Rows(1).value = e.Rows(1).value

'Check the first range
If Not IsEmpty(.Range("G" & j)) Then
    'Determine the last row to check.
    'This would break if j is equivalent to the last possible row... 
    'but only an example
    If IsEmpty(.Range("G" & j+1) then
        lastRow = j
        lastrow = i.Range("G" & j).End(xlDown).Row
    end if
    'Get the search Range
    'We might have used arrays here but it's less complicated to 
    ' use built in functions.
    Set searchRange = i.Range(i.Range(Column & j), _
                      i.Range(Column, lastrow).Find("Total"))
    If Not (searchRange Is Nothing) Then
        'Copy the values of the found row.
        e.Rows(2).value = searchRange.EntireRow.value
    End If
End If

After doing that I realize that the part that might more reasonably use arrays is after where I stopped. If you want to use arrays here, what you need to do is effectively copy all of the relevant area to an array and then reference the array the same way that you would reference cells.


For Example:


myArray = i.Range("A1:B10")
MsgBox myArray(10, 2) 'Displays value of B10 (10th row, 2nd column)
MsgBox i.Cells(10, 2) 'Displays value of B10 (10th row, 2nd column)



Iterating over arrays in VBA will not necessarily be faster than iterating over the collection objects that your first method uses. The collections are likely implemented as linked lists, so for the purpose of starting at the beginning and looping over them, they will be equally as speedy as arrays.


The high-level answer is that your sort algorithm will usually be vastly more important than your specific code details. That is, as long as your details don't somehow increase the complexity of running that algorithm.


In my experience, the best way to speed up VBA is to eschew all functions that have an effect on the UI. If your code moves around the selected cell, or switches the actively viewed sheet, etc, that is the biggest timesink. I think those functions Select, Copy(), and PasteSpecial() might be guilty of that. It would be better to store worksheet and range objects, and write directly to their cells as required. You do that in your 2nd method, and I think it is much more important than changing your data type.




I agree with @Seth Battin, but have a few additional things to add.

我同意@Seth Battin,但还有一些其他的事情要补充。

While arrays can be faster, if you need to search them they do not scale well. The code you have written will iterate through your dataset n times (where n is the number of TOSHEETs you have). Also your code is writing data to the worksheet once for each row (which is time consuming), It is faster (but more code) to put all the data into a single 2D array and write once.


A better program flow might be


Read each line of data


Assign it to a data structure (I would use a scripting dictionary containing 2D arrays)


After all the data is read iterate the scripting dictionary outputting each 2D array


This will minimize both reads and writes to the spreadsheet which is where the preformance bottlenecks are for this type of vba program.




Yes. You would definitely speed up your code by using arrays instead of collections of cells. This is because accessing the properties of the objects takes time.


Honestly though, your code would likely not benefit very much from using arrays as your code is more reasonably modified by eliminating unnecessary loops.


I've re-written the beginning of your RESORT function in a more Excel centric way avoiding some of the pitfalls like selects. I'd also suggest trying to use variable names that are meaningful, especially for objects.


Private Function RESORT(FROMSHEET As Variant, Column As Variant, TOSHEET As Variant, EXTRA1 As Variant, EXTRA2 As Variant, EXTRA3 As Variant)
'Actually indicate variable types.
dim i as worksheet, dim e as worksheet
dim searchRange as Range

Set i = Sheets(FROMSHEET)
Set e = Sheets(TOSHEET)

Dim d as long
Dim j as long
dim lastRow as long 'Using a meaningful variable name
d = 1
j = 2

'I'm assuming you were using PasteSpecial because you only want values.
'I removed your unnecessary selects
'Move values directly instead of copy paste
i.Rows(1).value = e.Rows(1).value

'Check the first range
If Not IsEmpty(.Range("G" & j)) Then
    'Determine the last row to check.
    'This would break if j is equivalent to the last possible row... 
    'but only an example
    If IsEmpty(.Range("G" & j+1) then
        lastRow = j
        lastrow = i.Range("G" & j).End(xlDown).Row
    end if
    'Get the search Range
    'We might have used arrays here but it's less complicated to 
    ' use built in functions.
    Set searchRange = i.Range(i.Range(Column & j), _
                      i.Range(Column, lastrow).Find("Total"))
    If Not (searchRange Is Nothing) Then
        'Copy the values of the found row.
        e.Rows(2).value = searchRange.EntireRow.value
    End If
End If

After doing that I realize that the part that might more reasonably use arrays is after where I stopped. If you want to use arrays here, what you need to do is effectively copy all of the relevant area to an array and then reference the array the same way that you would reference cells.


For Example:


myArray = i.Range("A1:B10")
MsgBox myArray(10, 2) 'Displays value of B10 (10th row, 2nd column)
MsgBox i.Cells(10, 2) 'Displays value of B10 (10th row, 2nd column)