after quite some searching I've not been able to make a macro that would download a .zip file from a specific website. I mean I've been able to find similar problems but have not been able to apply the changes necessary in order for my problem to be solved. The website that contains the zip files is:, under table header "Priponke" are the files. For example: December 2014 (959 kb), November 2014 (1061 kb), ... The url that downloads the zip file for December 2014 is "cms/download/document/a7605005b6879fe5f7dbab6d60d4ae787dbced6b-1422453741279". I thank you in advance and am awaiting your reply.
经过一番搜索,我无法制作一个可以从特定网站下载.zip文件的宏。我的意思是我已经能够找到类似的问题但是无法应用必要的更改以便解决我的问题。包含zip文件的网站是:,在表头“Priponke”下面是文件。例如:2014年12月(959 kb),2014年11月(1061 kb),... 2014年12月下载zip文件的网址是“cms / download / document / a7605005b6879fe5f7dbab6d60d4ae787dbced6b-1422453741279”。我提前感谢你,等待你的回复。
My current code is:
Public Sub DownloadFile()
Dim objWHTTP As Object
Dim strPath As String
Dim arrData() As Byte
Dim lngFreeFile As Long
On Error Resume Next
Set objWHTTP = CreateObject("WinHTTP.WinHTTPrequest.5")
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
Set objWHTTP = CreateObject("WinHTTP.WinHTTPrequest.5.1")
End If
On Error GoTo 0
strPath = ""
strPath = ""
objWHTTP.Open "GET", strPath, False
arrData = objWHTTP.responseBody
If Len(Dir("C:\FootieFile", vbDirectory)) = 0 Then
MkDir "C:\FootieFile"
End If
lngFreeFile = FreeFile
Open "C:\FootieFile\MyFile.xml" For Binary Access Write As #lngFreeFile
Put #lngFreeFile, 1, arrData
Close #lngFreeFile
Set objWHTTP = Nothing
Erase arrData
End Sub
Kind regards
1 个解决方案
You need to download a binary file, and save it. This can be done using the MSXML2.XMLHTTP60 object to download, and ADODB.Stream object for saving.
See e.g.
I've used this succesfully to download JPG files from a server and display them in an MS Access front end.
我成功地使用它从服务器下载JPG文件并在MS Access前端显示它们。
Also I hope you realize you can't start your url with 'cms', as you will need the fully qualified domain name plus resource (aka http:// etc)
此外,我希望你意识到你不能用'cms'开始你的网址,因为你需要完全合格的域名加资源(又名http:// etc)
Also be careful with unicode data. For that you might need to use StrConv(). Check after downloading that the size of your file is the same as it is on the server.
You need to download a binary file, and save it. This can be done using the MSXML2.XMLHTTP60 object to download, and ADODB.Stream object for saving.
See e.g.
I've used this succesfully to download JPG files from a server and display them in an MS Access front end.
我成功地使用它从服务器下载JPG文件并在MS Access前端显示它们。
Also I hope you realize you can't start your url with 'cms', as you will need the fully qualified domain name plus resource (aka http:// etc)
此外,我希望你意识到你不能用'cms'开始你的网址,因为你需要完全合格的域名加资源(又名http:// etc)
Also be careful with unicode data. For that you might need to use StrConv(). Check after downloading that the size of your file is the same as it is on the server.