
时间:2021-09-29 21:24:07

I have this method to calculate the standard deviation of an array of NSNumber integers, given a mean. The calculation uses NSDecimals to retain the highest resolution. This is currently demanding many cpu cycles, any help to speed it up while retaining the resolution required is appreciated! Thank you.


-(NSDecimal)standardDeviationOf:(NSMutableArray *)array withMean:(NSDecimal)mean {

if (![array count]) return CPTDecimalFromInt(0);

NSDecimal sumOfSquaredDifferences = CPTDecimalFromInt(0);

for (NSNumber *number in array) {

    NSDecimal valueOfNumber = CPTDecimalFromInt([number intValue]);
    NSDecimal difference = CPTDecimalSubtract(valueOfNumber, mean);
    sumOfSquaredDifferences = CPTDecimalAdd(sumOfSquaredDifferences, CPTDecimalMultiply(difference, difference));


return CPTDecimalFromDouble(
                                 CPTDecimalDoubleValue(sumOfSquaredDifferences) / [[NSNumber numberWithInt:[array count]] doubleValue]

1 个解决方案



An NSDecimal has 38 digits of precision, whereas double has roughly 16 digits of precision. But at the end of your loop, when you convert sumOfSquaredDifferences to double for the sqrt function, all the extra precision you had in the NSDecimal is "lost". You might as well perform the arithmetic of your inner loop using double, which should be much faster than NSDecimal:


double sumOfSquaredDifferences = 0;
double valueOfMean = [mean doubleValue];
for (NSNumber *number in array) {

    double valueOfNumber = [number intValue];
    double difference = valueOfNumber - valueOfMean;
    sumOfSquaredDifferences += difference * difference;


return CPTDecimalFromDouble(sqrt(sumOfSquaredDifferences /
                                 double([array count])));



An NSDecimal has 38 digits of precision, whereas double has roughly 16 digits of precision. But at the end of your loop, when you convert sumOfSquaredDifferences to double for the sqrt function, all the extra precision you had in the NSDecimal is "lost". You might as well perform the arithmetic of your inner loop using double, which should be much faster than NSDecimal:


double sumOfSquaredDifferences = 0;
double valueOfMean = [mean doubleValue];
for (NSNumber *number in array) {

    double valueOfNumber = [number intValue];
    double difference = valueOfNumber - valueOfMean;
    sumOfSquaredDifferences += difference * difference;


return CPTDecimalFromDouble(sqrt(sumOfSquaredDifferences /
                                 double([array count])));
