
时间:2021-06-29 21:22:17

I wanted to set selected option in my dropdown list.


I have two ways of passing data into selects ng-model

我有两种将数据传递到select ng-model的方法

first: $scope.selectedTeam = $scope.teams[31];

second: $scope.selectedTeam = selectedTeamSrvs.getTeam()

my html select looks like this:


<select ng-model="selectedTeam" 
    ng-options="team as team.name for team in teams | orderBy:'ID'">

and JSON.stringify($scope.teams[31]) === JSON.stringify(selectedTeamSrvs.getTeam()) gives true. Then why only first option sets selected option correctly?

而JSON.stringify($scope.teams[31]) == JSON.stringify(selectedTeamSrvs.getTeam())给出true。那么为什么只有第一个选项设置正确的选项?

1 个解决方案



By default, ngModel compares by reference, not value.This is important when binding to an array of objects


Second option is not setting correctly because selectedTeamSrvs.getTeam() returns a different instance of team, even though they are equal when stringified.

第二个选项没有正确设置,因为selectedteamsrv . getteam()返回一个不同的team实例,即使它们在字符串化时是相等的。



By default, ngModel compares by reference, not value.This is important when binding to an array of objects


Second option is not setting correctly because selectedTeamSrvs.getTeam() returns a different instance of team, even though they are equal when stringified.

第二个选项没有正确设置,因为selectedteamsrv . getteam()返回一个不同的team实例,即使它们在字符串化时是相等的。