
时间:2022-11-24 21:23:52

I'm currently trying to make a Set of all possible combinations from an Array of Strings, were each element contains only one letter.


The Array itself can contain the same letter twice or even more and they should only be used as often as they occur.


The Setshould later contain all combinations from a minimum of 2 letters up to the length of the given Array.


I searched here on *, but only found permutation functions that ignore the fact, that each letter should only be used as often as they occur.


This is my first Swift 2 project, so please forgive my greenhornish-ness :)

这是我的第一个Swift 2项目,请原谅我的幼稚。

What I want


var array = ["A", "B", "C","D"]
var combinations: Set<String>

... <MAGIC> ...

// "AB", "ABC", "ABD", "ABCD", "ABDC", "AC", "ACB", "ACD", "ACBD", "ACDB", and so on ...

My current approach


func permuation(arr: Array<String>) {

    for (index, elementA) in arr.enumerate() {
        var tmpString = elementA
        var tmpArray = arr

        for (index2, elementB) in tmpArray.enumerate() {
            // 12..13..14
            var tmpString2 = tmpString + elementB
            var tmpArray2 = tmpArray



// "["AB", "AC", "AD", "BA", "BC", "BD", "CA", "CB", "CD", "DA", "DB", "DC"]"

I know, this is so terribly wrong in so many ways, but I'm stuck with this code, and don't know how to add a recursive functionality.


4 个解决方案



Try this.


The general algorithm is to have a fromList containing the letters you haven't used yet and a toList that is the string you've built up so far. This uses recursion to build up all possible strings and adds them to the set when the length is 2 or greater:


func permute(fromList: [String], toList: [String] = [String](), var set: Set<String> = Set<String>()) -> Set<String> {
    if toList.count >= 2 {
    if !fromList.isEmpty {
        for (index, item) in fromList.enumerate() {
            var newFrom = fromList
            set = permute(newFrom, toList: toList + [item], set: set)
    return set

permute(["A", "B", "C"])
// {"BA", "AC", "ABC", "AB", "BCA", "CB", "BC", "CAB", "ACB", "CA", "CBA", "BAC"}

permute(["A", "A", "B"])
// {"BA", "BAA", "AAB", "AB", "ABA", "AA"}

Faster Answer:


As @MartinR pointed out in his post, the solution above is a little slow because of all of the creation and copying of sets. I had originally written this using an inout variable for set, but changed it to the more functional interface to make it nice to call.


Here is my original (faster) implementation, plus I embedded it in a permute that takes just an [String] and returns a Set<String>. It does the work of creating the set and the toList array and then calls the inner version of permute to do the real work:

这是我最初的(更快的)实现,加上我将它嵌入到一个permute中,该permute只接受一个[String]并返回一个Set 。它完成了创建集合和toList数组的工作,然后调用permute的内部版本来完成真正的工作:

func permute(list: [String], minStringLen: Int = 2) -> Set<String> {
    func permute(fromList: [String], toList: [String], minStringLen: Int, inout set: Set<String>) {
        if toList.count >= minStringLen {
        if !fromList.isEmpty {
            for (index, item) in fromList.enumerate() {
                var newFrom = fromList
                permute(newFrom, toList: toList + [item], minStringLen: minStringLen, set: &set)

    var set = Set<String>()
    permute(list, toList:[], minStringLen: minStringLen, set: &set)
    return set

permute(["A", "B", "C"])
// {"BA", "AC", "ABC", "AB", "BCA", "CB", "BC", "CAB", "ACB", "CA", "CBA", "BAC"}

permute(["A", "A", "B"])
// {"BA", "BAA", "AAB", "AB", "ABA", "AA"}

permute(["A", "A", "B"], minStringLen: 1)
// {"BA", "A", "BAA", "AB", "AA", "B", "AAB", "ABA"}

permute(["A", "A", "B"], minStringLen: 3)
// {"ABA", "BAA", "AAB"}

Edit: I added a minStringLen parameter (with default value of 2) instead of hard coding that value.


See @MartinR's answer for performance comparisons.


Swift 3 and Swift 4:

Swift 3和Swift 4:

func permute(list: [String], minStringLen: Int = 2) -> Set<String> {
    func permute(fromList: [String], toList: [String], minStringLen: Int, set: inout Set<String>) {
        if toList.count >= minStringLen {
            set.insert(toList.joined(separator: ""))
        if !fromList.isEmpty {
            for (index, item) in fromList.enumerated() {
                var newFrom = fromList
                newFrom.remove(at: index)
                permute(fromList: newFrom, toList: toList + [item], minStringLen: minStringLen, set: &set)

    var set = Set<String>()
    permute(fromList: list, toList:[], minStringLen: minStringLen, set: &set)
    return set

print(permute(list: ["A", "B", "C"]))
// ["ABC", "CA", "BAC", "ACB", "BA", "CAB", "BC", "CB", "BCA", "CBA", "AB", "AC"]

print(permute(list: ["A", "A", "B"]))
// ["AA", "AAB", "ABA", "AB", "BA", "BAA"]

print(permute(list: ["A", "A", "B"], minStringLen: 1))
// ["AAB", "ABA", "B", "BA", "A", "BAA", "AA", "AB"]

print(permute(list: ["A", "A", "B"], minStringLen: 3))
// ["AAB", "ABA", "BAA"]



This is quite similar to @vacawama's answer, but hopefully different enough that it deserves a separate answer :)


Here, an array with all combinations is built (explaining comments inline):


func combinations(array : [String]) -> [String] {

    // Recursion terminates here:
    if array.count == 0 { return [] }

    // Concatenate all combinations that can be built with element #i at the
    // first place, where i runs through all array indices:
    return array.indices.flatMap { i -> [String] in

        // Pick element #i and remove it from the array:
        var arrayMinusOne = array
        let elem = arrayMinusOne.removeAtIndex(i)

        // Prepend element to all combinations of the smaller array:
        return [elem] + combinations(arrayMinusOne).map { elem + $0 }

Then you can filter the strings with at least two letters, and convert it to a Set:


let c = Set(combinations(["A", "B", "C"]).filter { $0.characters.count >= 2 })
// ["BA", "AC", "ABC", "AB", "BCA", "CB", "BC", "CAB", "ACB", "CA", "CBA", "BAC"]

I made a simple performance comparison (compiled in Release mode on a Macbook Pro):

我做了一个简单的性能比较(在Macbook Pro的发布模式下编译):

let array = ["A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G"]

let t1 = NSDate()
let c1 = Set(combinations(array).filter { $0.characters.count >= 2 })
let t2 = NSDate()
let c2 = permute(array)
let t3 = NSDate()

print(c1 == c2) // true

The result depends on the size of the input array, but @vacawama's updated method is the fastest:


# of array   This      vacawama's   vacawama's
elements:    method:   1st method:  2nd method:

  2          0.00016   0.00005      0.00001
  3          0.00043   0.00013      0.00004
  4          0.00093   0.00062      0.00014
  5          0.00335   0.00838      0.00071
  6          0.01756   0.24399      0.00437
  7          0.13625   11.90969     0.03692



Here's a Swift 3 function that is a bit faster. It is based on an extension to the Array type that can be used on arrays with any element type.


public func allCombinations(_ array:[String], minLength:Int=2) -> [String]
   var result:[String] = []
   for n in minLength...array.count
      result = result + array.combinations(of:n).map{ $0.joined(separator:"") }
   return result

extension Array
    public func combinations(of group:Int) -> [[Element]]
       if group > count  { return [] }

       if group == count { return [self] }

       var result:[[Element]] = []

       var comboIndexes = (0..<group).map{$0}

       let fullCombo   = group - 1
       let indexLimit  = count - fullCombo

       var carry = fullCombo

       while carry >= 0
          if carry == fullCombo
          { result.append(comboIndexes.map{self[$0]}) }

          comboIndexes[carry] += 1

          if comboIndexes[carry] == carry + indexLimit 
          { carry -= 1 ; continue }

          while carry < fullCombo
             carry += 1
             comboIndexes[carry] = comboIndexes[carry-1] + 1 

       return result

In my tests, it ran about 40x faster than vacawama's second version on 7 letters.


[EDIT] I realized later that this function produces combinations (as requested in the OP) where vacawama's function produces permutations. I tested an equivalent algorithm for permutations and it was merely 55% faster than vacawama's.


extension Array
   public func permutations(of group:Int? = nil) -> [[Element]]
      let group       = group ?? count
      var result      : [[Element]] = []
      var permutation : [Element]   = []

      func permute(from baseIndex:Int)
         if baseIndex == permutation.count - 1


         for index in baseIndex+1..<permutation.count
         let baseElement = permutation[baseIndex]

      var comboIndexes = (0..<group).map{$0}

      let fullCombo   = group - 1
      let indexLimit  = count - fullCombo

      var carry = fullCombo

      while carry >= 0
         if carry == fullCombo
           permutation = comboIndexes.map{self[$0]}

         comboIndexes[carry] += 1

         if comboIndexes[carry] == carry + indexLimit 
         { carry -= 1 ; continue }

         while carry < fullCombo
            carry += 1
            comboIndexes[carry] = comboIndexes[carry-1] + 1 

      return result



In your output example it wasn't clear what you really want, either:


  1. all combinations and permutations of them:


    ["AB", "BA", "AC", "CA", "AD", "DA", ..., "ABCD", "ABDC", "ACBD", "ACDB", ...]
  2. just all combinations:


    ["AB", "AC", "AD", "BC", "BD", "CD", "ABC", "ABD", ...]

I can recommend @oisdk's great Swift library: SwiftSequence for both of them, it has lots of useful functions. In the Combinations section he even shows an example of its usage with the Power Set, which is almost exactly what you're looking for in case 1. Upon importing the files of his library, you can create the powerSet function on CollectionTypes like this:

我可以推荐@oisdk的伟大的Swift库:SwiftSequence for both them,它有很多有用的功能。在“组合”一节中,他甚至展示了它在电源集中的用法示例,这几乎正是您在case 1中所寻找的。导入他的库文件后,您可以在集合类型上创建powerSet函数,如下所示:

extension CollectionType {
    func powerSet() -> LazySequence<FlattenSequence<LazyMapSequence<Self, ComboSeq<Self.Generator.Element>>>>{
        var i = 0
        return lazy.flatMap{ _ in self.lazyCombos(++i) }

This method evaluates lazily, which means that it's only evaluated when it really needs to. Now you mentioned that you only want to have combinations of at least 2 elements. This is easily done with the filter method:


let combinations = ["A", "B", "C", "D"].powerSet().filter{ $0.count >= 2 }
    // As an array: [["A", "B"], ["A", "C"], ["A", "D"], ["B", "C"], ["B", "D"], ["C", "D"], ["A", "B", "C"], ["A", "B", "D"], ["A", "C", "D"], ["B", "C", "D"], ["A", "B", "C", "D"]]

For case 2. where you need permutations of those as well, you can do this:


let combPerms = combinations.flatMap{ $0.permutations() }
    // As an array: [["A", "B"], ["B", "A"], ["A", "C"], ["C", "A"], ["A", "D"], ["D", "A"], ["B", "C"], ["C", "B"], ["B", "D"], ["D", "B"], ["C", "D"], ["D", "C"], ["A", "B", "C"], ["A", "C", "B"], ["B", "A", "C"], ["B", "C", "A"], ["C", "A", "B"], ["C", "B", "A"], ["A", "B", "D"], ["A", "D", "B"], ["B", "A", "D"], ["B", "D", "A"], ["D", "A", "B"], ["D", "B", "A"], ["A", "C", "D"], ["A", "D", "C"], ["C", "A", "D"], ["C", "D", "A"], ["D", "A", "C"], ["D", "C", "A"], ["B", "C", "D"], ["B", "D", "C"], ["C", "B", "D"], ["C", "D", "B"], ["D", "B", "C"], ["D", "C", "B"], ["A", "B", "C", "D"], ["A", "B", "D", "C"], ["A", "C", "B", "D"], ["A", "C", "D", "B"], ["A", "D", "B", "C"], ["A", "D", "C", "B"], ["B", "A", "C", "D"], ["B", "A", "D", "C"], ["B", "C", "A", "D"], ["B", "C", "D", "A"], ["B", "D", "A", "C"], ["B", "D", "C", "A"], ["C", "A", "B", "D"], ["C", "A", "D", "B"], ["C", "B", "A", "D"], ["C", "B", "D", "A"], ["C", "D", "A", "B"], ["C", "D", "B", "A"], ["D", "A", "B", "C"], ["D", "A", "C", "B"], ["D", "B", "A", "C"], ["D", "B", "C", "A"], ["D", "C", "A", "B"], ["D", "C", "B", "A"]]

You can convert these to a Set of Strings or an Array:


let array = Array(combPerms)
let set = Set(combPerms)

But I strongly recommend to use the lazy version ;) And yes, to remove duplicates you can just use Set(["A", "B", "C", "D"]) instead of just ["A", "B", "C", "D"]

但我强烈建议使用惰性版本;)是的,要删除重复,你可以使用Set([A], B", "C", "D")而不是仅仅使用[A", "B", "C", "D"]

You can also do case 2. in one go like this:


let x = ["A", "B", "C", "D"]

let result = Set(
        .flatMap{ x.lazyCombos($0 + 1) }
        .filter{ $0.count >= 2 }
        .flatMap{ $0.permutations() }
        .map{ $0.joinWithSeparator("") })



Try this.


The general algorithm is to have a fromList containing the letters you haven't used yet and a toList that is the string you've built up so far. This uses recursion to build up all possible strings and adds them to the set when the length is 2 or greater:


func permute(fromList: [String], toList: [String] = [String](), var set: Set<String> = Set<String>()) -> Set<String> {
    if toList.count >= 2 {
    if !fromList.isEmpty {
        for (index, item) in fromList.enumerate() {
            var newFrom = fromList
            set = permute(newFrom, toList: toList + [item], set: set)
    return set

permute(["A", "B", "C"])
// {"BA", "AC", "ABC", "AB", "BCA", "CB", "BC", "CAB", "ACB", "CA", "CBA", "BAC"}

permute(["A", "A", "B"])
// {"BA", "BAA", "AAB", "AB", "ABA", "AA"}

Faster Answer:


As @MartinR pointed out in his post, the solution above is a little slow because of all of the creation and copying of sets. I had originally written this using an inout variable for set, but changed it to the more functional interface to make it nice to call.


Here is my original (faster) implementation, plus I embedded it in a permute that takes just an [String] and returns a Set<String>. It does the work of creating the set and the toList array and then calls the inner version of permute to do the real work:

这是我最初的(更快的)实现,加上我将它嵌入到一个permute中,该permute只接受一个[String]并返回一个Set 。它完成了创建集合和toList数组的工作,然后调用permute的内部版本来完成真正的工作:

func permute(list: [String], minStringLen: Int = 2) -> Set<String> {
    func permute(fromList: [String], toList: [String], minStringLen: Int, inout set: Set<String>) {
        if toList.count >= minStringLen {
        if !fromList.isEmpty {
            for (index, item) in fromList.enumerate() {
                var newFrom = fromList
                permute(newFrom, toList: toList + [item], minStringLen: minStringLen, set: &set)

    var set = Set<String>()
    permute(list, toList:[], minStringLen: minStringLen, set: &set)
    return set

permute(["A", "B", "C"])
// {"BA", "AC", "ABC", "AB", "BCA", "CB", "BC", "CAB", "ACB", "CA", "CBA", "BAC"}

permute(["A", "A", "B"])
// {"BA", "BAA", "AAB", "AB", "ABA", "AA"}

permute(["A", "A", "B"], minStringLen: 1)
// {"BA", "A", "BAA", "AB", "AA", "B", "AAB", "ABA"}

permute(["A", "A", "B"], minStringLen: 3)
// {"ABA", "BAA", "AAB"}

Edit: I added a minStringLen parameter (with default value of 2) instead of hard coding that value.


See @MartinR's answer for performance comparisons.


Swift 3 and Swift 4:

Swift 3和Swift 4:

func permute(list: [String], minStringLen: Int = 2) -> Set<String> {
    func permute(fromList: [String], toList: [String], minStringLen: Int, set: inout Set<String>) {
        if toList.count >= minStringLen {
            set.insert(toList.joined(separator: ""))
        if !fromList.isEmpty {
            for (index, item) in fromList.enumerated() {
                var newFrom = fromList
                newFrom.remove(at: index)
                permute(fromList: newFrom, toList: toList + [item], minStringLen: minStringLen, set: &set)

    var set = Set<String>()
    permute(fromList: list, toList:[], minStringLen: minStringLen, set: &set)
    return set

print(permute(list: ["A", "B", "C"]))
// ["ABC", "CA", "BAC", "ACB", "BA", "CAB", "BC", "CB", "BCA", "CBA", "AB", "AC"]

print(permute(list: ["A", "A", "B"]))
// ["AA", "AAB", "ABA", "AB", "BA", "BAA"]

print(permute(list: ["A", "A", "B"], minStringLen: 1))
// ["AAB", "ABA", "B", "BA", "A", "BAA", "AA", "AB"]

print(permute(list: ["A", "A", "B"], minStringLen: 3))
// ["AAB", "ABA", "BAA"]



This is quite similar to @vacawama's answer, but hopefully different enough that it deserves a separate answer :)


Here, an array with all combinations is built (explaining comments inline):


func combinations(array : [String]) -> [String] {

    // Recursion terminates here:
    if array.count == 0 { return [] }

    // Concatenate all combinations that can be built with element #i at the
    // first place, where i runs through all array indices:
    return array.indices.flatMap { i -> [String] in

        // Pick element #i and remove it from the array:
        var arrayMinusOne = array
        let elem = arrayMinusOne.removeAtIndex(i)

        // Prepend element to all combinations of the smaller array:
        return [elem] + combinations(arrayMinusOne).map { elem + $0 }

Then you can filter the strings with at least two letters, and convert it to a Set:


let c = Set(combinations(["A", "B", "C"]).filter { $0.characters.count >= 2 })
// ["BA", "AC", "ABC", "AB", "BCA", "CB", "BC", "CAB", "ACB", "CA", "CBA", "BAC"]

I made a simple performance comparison (compiled in Release mode on a Macbook Pro):

我做了一个简单的性能比较(在Macbook Pro的发布模式下编译):

let array = ["A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G"]

let t1 = NSDate()
let c1 = Set(combinations(array).filter { $0.characters.count >= 2 })
let t2 = NSDate()
let c2 = permute(array)
let t3 = NSDate()

print(c1 == c2) // true

The result depends on the size of the input array, but @vacawama's updated method is the fastest:


# of array   This      vacawama's   vacawama's
elements:    method:   1st method:  2nd method:

  2          0.00016   0.00005      0.00001
  3          0.00043   0.00013      0.00004
  4          0.00093   0.00062      0.00014
  5          0.00335   0.00838      0.00071
  6          0.01756   0.24399      0.00437
  7          0.13625   11.90969     0.03692



Here's a Swift 3 function that is a bit faster. It is based on an extension to the Array type that can be used on arrays with any element type.


public func allCombinations(_ array:[String], minLength:Int=2) -> [String]
   var result:[String] = []
   for n in minLength...array.count
      result = result + array.combinations(of:n).map{ $0.joined(separator:"") }
   return result

extension Array
    public func combinations(of group:Int) -> [[Element]]
       if group > count  { return [] }

       if group == count { return [self] }

       var result:[[Element]] = []

       var comboIndexes = (0..<group).map{$0}

       let fullCombo   = group - 1
       let indexLimit  = count - fullCombo

       var carry = fullCombo

       while carry >= 0
          if carry == fullCombo
          { result.append(comboIndexes.map{self[$0]}) }

          comboIndexes[carry] += 1

          if comboIndexes[carry] == carry + indexLimit 
          { carry -= 1 ; continue }

          while carry < fullCombo
             carry += 1
             comboIndexes[carry] = comboIndexes[carry-1] + 1 

       return result

In my tests, it ran about 40x faster than vacawama's second version on 7 letters.


[EDIT] I realized later that this function produces combinations (as requested in the OP) where vacawama's function produces permutations. I tested an equivalent algorithm for permutations and it was merely 55% faster than vacawama's.


extension Array
   public func permutations(of group:Int? = nil) -> [[Element]]
      let group       = group ?? count
      var result      : [[Element]] = []
      var permutation : [Element]   = []

      func permute(from baseIndex:Int)
         if baseIndex == permutation.count - 1


         for index in baseIndex+1..<permutation.count
         let baseElement = permutation[baseIndex]

      var comboIndexes = (0..<group).map{$0}

      let fullCombo   = group - 1
      let indexLimit  = count - fullCombo

      var carry = fullCombo

      while carry >= 0
         if carry == fullCombo
           permutation = comboIndexes.map{self[$0]}

         comboIndexes[carry] += 1

         if comboIndexes[carry] == carry + indexLimit 
         { carry -= 1 ; continue }

         while carry < fullCombo
            carry += 1
            comboIndexes[carry] = comboIndexes[carry-1] + 1 

      return result



In your output example it wasn't clear what you really want, either:


  1. all combinations and permutations of them:


    ["AB", "BA", "AC", "CA", "AD", "DA", ..., "ABCD", "ABDC", "ACBD", "ACDB", ...]
  2. just all combinations:


    ["AB", "AC", "AD", "BC", "BD", "CD", "ABC", "ABD", ...]

I can recommend @oisdk's great Swift library: SwiftSequence for both of them, it has lots of useful functions. In the Combinations section he even shows an example of its usage with the Power Set, which is almost exactly what you're looking for in case 1. Upon importing the files of his library, you can create the powerSet function on CollectionTypes like this:

我可以推荐@oisdk的伟大的Swift库:SwiftSequence for both them,它有很多有用的功能。在“组合”一节中,他甚至展示了它在电源集中的用法示例,这几乎正是您在case 1中所寻找的。导入他的库文件后,您可以在集合类型上创建powerSet函数,如下所示:

extension CollectionType {
    func powerSet() -> LazySequence<FlattenSequence<LazyMapSequence<Self, ComboSeq<Self.Generator.Element>>>>{
        var i = 0
        return lazy.flatMap{ _ in self.lazyCombos(++i) }

This method evaluates lazily, which means that it's only evaluated when it really needs to. Now you mentioned that you only want to have combinations of at least 2 elements. This is easily done with the filter method:


let combinations = ["A", "B", "C", "D"].powerSet().filter{ $0.count >= 2 }
    // As an array: [["A", "B"], ["A", "C"], ["A", "D"], ["B", "C"], ["B", "D"], ["C", "D"], ["A", "B", "C"], ["A", "B", "D"], ["A", "C", "D"], ["B", "C", "D"], ["A", "B", "C", "D"]]

For case 2. where you need permutations of those as well, you can do this:


let combPerms = combinations.flatMap{ $0.permutations() }
    // As an array: [["A", "B"], ["B", "A"], ["A", "C"], ["C", "A"], ["A", "D"], ["D", "A"], ["B", "C"], ["C", "B"], ["B", "D"], ["D", "B"], ["C", "D"], ["D", "C"], ["A", "B", "C"], ["A", "C", "B"], ["B", "A", "C"], ["B", "C", "A"], ["C", "A", "B"], ["C", "B", "A"], ["A", "B", "D"], ["A", "D", "B"], ["B", "A", "D"], ["B", "D", "A"], ["D", "A", "B"], ["D", "B", "A"], ["A", "C", "D"], ["A", "D", "C"], ["C", "A", "D"], ["C", "D", "A"], ["D", "A", "C"], ["D", "C", "A"], ["B", "C", "D"], ["B", "D", "C"], ["C", "B", "D"], ["C", "D", "B"], ["D", "B", "C"], ["D", "C", "B"], ["A", "B", "C", "D"], ["A", "B", "D", "C"], ["A", "C", "B", "D"], ["A", "C", "D", "B"], ["A", "D", "B", "C"], ["A", "D", "C", "B"], ["B", "A", "C", "D"], ["B", "A", "D", "C"], ["B", "C", "A", "D"], ["B", "C", "D", "A"], ["B", "D", "A", "C"], ["B", "D", "C", "A"], ["C", "A", "B", "D"], ["C", "A", "D", "B"], ["C", "B", "A", "D"], ["C", "B", "D", "A"], ["C", "D", "A", "B"], ["C", "D", "B", "A"], ["D", "A", "B", "C"], ["D", "A", "C", "B"], ["D", "B", "A", "C"], ["D", "B", "C", "A"], ["D", "C", "A", "B"], ["D", "C", "B", "A"]]

You can convert these to a Set of Strings or an Array:


let array = Array(combPerms)
let set = Set(combPerms)

But I strongly recommend to use the lazy version ;) And yes, to remove duplicates you can just use Set(["A", "B", "C", "D"]) instead of just ["A", "B", "C", "D"]

但我强烈建议使用惰性版本;)是的,要删除重复,你可以使用Set([A], B", "C", "D")而不是仅仅使用[A", "B", "C", "D"]

You can also do case 2. in one go like this:


let x = ["A", "B", "C", "D"]

let result = Set(
        .flatMap{ x.lazyCombos($0 + 1) }
        .filter{ $0.count >= 2 }
        .flatMap{ $0.permutations() }
        .map{ $0.joinWithSeparator("") })