真值测试Truth value testing
all(a[, axis, out, keepdims]) | Test whether all array elements along a given axis evaluate to True. |
any(a[, axis, out, keepdims]) | Test whether any array element along a given axis evaluates to True. |
if a.size:
print('array is not empty')
lst = []
if lst:
print "array has items"
if not lst:
print "array is empty"
数组内容Array contents
isfinite(x[, out]) | Test element-wise for finiteness (not infinity or not Not a Number). |
isinf(x[, out]) | Test element-wise for positive or negative infinity. |
isnan(x[, out]) | Test element-wise for NaN and return result as a boolean array. |
isneginf(x[, y]) | Test element-wise for negative infinity, return result as bool array. |
isposinf(x[, y]) | Test element-wise for positive infinity, return result as bool array. |
Note: 不能使用array[0] == np.NaN,总是返回False!
Replace nan with zero and inf with finite numbers.
Returns an array or scalar replacing Not a Number (NaN) with zero, (positive) infinity with a very large number and negative infinity with a very small (or negative) number.
数组类型测试Array type testing
iscomplex(x) | Returns a bool array, where True if input element is complex. |
iscomplexobj(x) | Check for a complex type or an array of complex numbers. |
isfortran(a) | Returns True if the array is Fortran contiguous but not C contiguous. |
isreal(x) | Returns a bool array, where True if input element is real. |
isrealobj(x) | Return True if x is a not complex type or an array of complex numbers. |
isscalar(num) | Returns True if the type of num is a scalar type. |
逻辑操作Logical operations
logical_and(x1, x2[, out]) | Compute the truth value of x1 AND x2 element-wise. |
logical_or(x1, x2[, out]) | Compute the truth value of x1 OR x2 element-wise. |
logical_not(x[, out]) | Compute the truth value of NOT x element-wise. |
logical_xor(x1, x2[, out]) | Compute the truth value of x1 XOR x2, element-wise. |
判断两个0-1array有多少个相同的1, 两种方式
不过fs_predict_array * ground_truth_array返回的是0-1array,而np.logical_and(fs_predict_array ,ground_truth_array)返回的是True-False array,但是都可以使用sum()得到1或者True的数目。rate = np.count_nonzero(np.logical_and(fs_predict_array, ground_truth_array))rate = np.count_nonzero(fs_predict_array * ground_truth_array)
allclose(a, b[, rtol, atol, equal_nan]) | Returns True if two arrays are element-wise equal within a tolerance. |
isclose(a, b[, rtol, atol, equal_nan]) | Returns a boolean array where two arrays are element-wise equal within a tolerance. |
array_equal(a1, a2) | True if two arrays have the same shape and elements, False otherwise. |
array_equiv(a1, a2) | Returns True if input arrays are shape consistent and all elements equal. |
greater(x1, x2[, out]) | Return the truth value of (x1 > x2) element-wise. |
greater_equal(x1, x2[, out]) | Return the truth value of (x1 >= x2) element-wise. |
less(x1, x2[, out]) | Return the truth value of (x1 < x2) element-wise. |
less_equal(x1, x2[, out]) | Return the truth value of (x1 =< x2) element-wise. |
equal(x1, x2[, out]) | Return (x1 == x2) element-wise. |
not_equal(x1, x2[, out]) | Return (x1 != x2) element-wise. |
ref: Logic functions