
时间:2021-04-27 21:24:26

I'm trying to use ggplot in an Anaconda iPython notebook. I ran %matplotlib inline and from ggplot import *, but I just get the following error:

我正在尝试在Anaconda iPython笔记本中使用ggplot。我运行%matplotlib内联和ggplot import *,但我得到以下错误:

ImportError                               Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-3-02aeb6e281ab> in <module>()
----> 1 from ggplot import *
ImportError: No module named ggplot

Where in the Anaconda launcher can modules be imported?


1 个解决方案


You probably need to install ggplot via the terminal first. Assuming you already have pip installed, run this in the terminal:$ pip install ggplot

您可能需要先通过终端安装ggp​​lot。假设您已经安装了pip,请在终端中运行:$ pip install ggplot

You should see the package download. Then go back to your notebook and run your same commands again.



You probably need to install ggplot via the terminal first. Assuming you already have pip installed, run this in the terminal:$ pip install ggplot

您可能需要先通过终端安装ggp​​lot。假设您已经安装了pip,请在终端中运行:$ pip install ggplot

You should see the package download. Then go back to your notebook and run your same commands again.
