
时间:2022-10-08 21:21:30

I have some code which uses an array of int (int[]) in a thread which is activated every second.

我有一些代码,它在线程中使用一个int (int[])数组,该数组每秒都被激活。

I use lock() from std::mutex to lock this array in this thread.


However I wonder if there is a way to create an atomic array (or vector) to avoid using a mutex? I tried a couple of ways, but the compiler always complains somehow?


I know there is a way to create an array of atomics but this is not the same.


2 个解决方案



In practice, at the CPU level, there are instructions which can atomically update an int, and a good compiler will use these for std::atomic<int>. In contrast, there are are no instructions which can atomically update a vector of ints (for any architecture I am aware of), so there has got to be a mutex of some sort somewhere. You might as well let it be your mutex.

在实践中,在CPU级别上,有一些指令可以自动更新int,优秀的编译器会在std::atomic 中使用这些指令。相反,没有任何指令可以自动更新int向量(对于我所了解的任何体系结构),所以一定有某种互斥体。您不妨让它成为您的互斥对象。

For future readers who haven't yet written code with the mutex:


You can't create a std::atomic of int[10], because that leads to a function which returns an array - and you can't have those. What you can do, is have a std::atomic<std::array<int,10>>

您不能创建一个std:::atomic (int[10]),因为这会导致一个函数返回一个数组——您不能拥有这些。您可以做的是,有一个std::atomic <:array> >

int main()
  std::atomic<std::array<int,10>> myArray;

Note that the compiler/library will create a mutex under the hood to make this atomic. Note further that this doesn't do what you want. It allows you to set the value of the whole array atomically.


It doesn't allow you to read the whole array, update one element, and write the whole array back atomically.


The reads and the writes will be individually atomic, but another thread can get in between the read and the write.


You need the mutex!




You can put arrays in atomics, but not directly. Like the other answer explain you can use std::array. I answered this question and explained how to do something similar for a struct.


Having said that and explained the technical viability, I have to tell you something else:



The power of atomic variables come from the fact that some processors can do their operations with one instruction. The C++ compiler will try to make your atomic operations happen in one instruction. If it fails, it'll initiate a bus lock, which is like a global lock of everything, until that array is updated. It's equivalent to a mutex that locks all your variables in your program. If you're concerned about performance, don't do that!


So for your case, a mutex is not a bad idea. At least you can control what is critical and improve performance.




In practice, at the CPU level, there are instructions which can atomically update an int, and a good compiler will use these for std::atomic<int>. In contrast, there are are no instructions which can atomically update a vector of ints (for any architecture I am aware of), so there has got to be a mutex of some sort somewhere. You might as well let it be your mutex.

在实践中,在CPU级别上,有一些指令可以自动更新int,优秀的编译器会在std::atomic 中使用这些指令。相反,没有任何指令可以自动更新int向量(对于我所了解的任何体系结构),所以一定有某种互斥体。您不妨让它成为您的互斥对象。

For future readers who haven't yet written code with the mutex:


You can't create a std::atomic of int[10], because that leads to a function which returns an array - and you can't have those. What you can do, is have a std::atomic<std::array<int,10>>

您不能创建一个std:::atomic (int[10]),因为这会导致一个函数返回一个数组——您不能拥有这些。您可以做的是,有一个std::atomic <:array> >

int main()
  std::atomic<std::array<int,10>> myArray;

Note that the compiler/library will create a mutex under the hood to make this atomic. Note further that this doesn't do what you want. It allows you to set the value of the whole array atomically.


It doesn't allow you to read the whole array, update one element, and write the whole array back atomically.


The reads and the writes will be individually atomic, but another thread can get in between the read and the write.


You need the mutex!




You can put arrays in atomics, but not directly. Like the other answer explain you can use std::array. I answered this question and explained how to do something similar for a struct.


Having said that and explained the technical viability, I have to tell you something else:



The power of atomic variables come from the fact that some processors can do their operations with one instruction. The C++ compiler will try to make your atomic operations happen in one instruction. If it fails, it'll initiate a bus lock, which is like a global lock of everything, until that array is updated. It's equivalent to a mutex that locks all your variables in your program. If you're concerned about performance, don't do that!


So for your case, a mutex is not a bad idea. At least you can control what is critical and improve performance.
