
时间:2022-10-08 21:21:36

I'm writing on Haxe and targeting Neko. Today I've encountered this problem:


var a:Array<Array<Int>> = new Array<Array<Int>>();
a[1] = [1, 2, 3];

The second line throws "Invalid array access" exception. Also it's impossible to iterate on row like this:


for (i in a[0]) ...

A code like that always worked ok, but not the today one. What could be the problem here? The cells and rows I'm trying to access are guaranteed to exist (if talking about indexes).


1 个解决方案



This issue isn't Neko-specific: = new Array<Array<Int>>() only initializes the outer array - it's equivalent to writing = []. Since it's an empty array, any access will be out of bounds and return null.

这个问题不是Neko特有的:= new Array >()只初始化外部数组 - 它等同于写入= []。由于它是一个空数组,因此任何访问都将超出范围并返回null。

For your particular example, = [[], []] would fix the error (initializes an array with two inner arrays). If you know the number of inner arrays you need beforehand, array comprehension is a convenient way to do the initialization:

对于您的特定示例,= [[],[]]将修复错误(使用两个内部数组初始化数组)。如果您事先知道需要的内部数组的数量,那么数组理解是一种方便的初始化方法:

var a:Array<Array<Int>> = [for (i in 0...numInnerArrays) []];



This issue isn't Neko-specific: = new Array<Array<Int>>() only initializes the outer array - it's equivalent to writing = []. Since it's an empty array, any access will be out of bounds and return null.

这个问题不是Neko特有的:= new Array >()只初始化外部数组 - 它等同于写入= []。由于它是一个空数组,因此任何访问都将超出范围并返回null。

For your particular example, = [[], []] would fix the error (initializes an array with two inner arrays). If you know the number of inner arrays you need beforehand, array comprehension is a convenient way to do the initialization:

对于您的特定示例,= [[],[]]将修复错误(使用两个内部数组初始化数组)。如果您事先知道需要的内部数组的数量,那么数组理解是一种方便的初始化方法:

var a:Array<Array<Int>> = [for (i in 0...numInnerArrays) []];