
时间:2021-05-14 21:19:03

I've been trying to figure this out for quite some time, with various solutions including array_combine(), array_keys(), array_values(), etc. but none of my solutions end up working properly.


Basically say we have an associative array in a particular order, and I'm trying to change it's position - either relatively or in an absolute manner, it doesn't matter. This code demonstrates my buggy, inefficient version:



 $testArray = [
     'a' => 'Item 1',
     'b' => 'Item 2',
     'c' => 'Item 3',
     'd' => 'Item 4',
     'e' => 'Item 5',
     'f' => 'Item 6',
     'g' => 'Item 7',
     'h' => 'Item 8',
     'i' => 'Item 9',

 function moveKey($array, $key, $position) {
     // Now the array will have [position] => key
     $arrayKeyPos = array_keys($array);

     // This is so we can have duplicate positions and not overwrite one another
     // We're now [key] => position
     $arrayKeyPos = array_flip($arrayKeyPos);

     // Now this should change the key's position
     $arrayKeyPos[$key] = $position;

     // Sort them
     asort($arrayKeyPos, SORT_NUMERIC);

     // At this point the array's keys are in correct order.  But there
     // is no easy way to attach the values?  This is pretty ugly:

     $newArray = [];
     foreach($arrayKeyPos as $k => $v) {
         $newArray[$k] = $array[$k];

     return $newArray;

 $testArray = moveKey($testArray, 'c', 99);
 // This "sort of" works, it moves it to the 4th, not 3rd, position:
 $testArray = moveKey($testArray, 'h', 3);

So to be clear, my question is how do I accomplish the above but have the 2nd call always actually move it to that Nth position?


Obviously if the index is out of range (-99, 99 etc on an array smaller than that) it should just go to the top/bottom, but for those such as '3', '5', etc this code fails miserably.


2 个解决方案



This moves the element specified by $key to the end of the array if $position is greater than the last position in the array and moves it to the beginning if it is less than 1:


function moveKey($array, $key, $position) {

    $keys = array_keys($array);
    $vals = array_values($array);

    $pos  = array_search($key, $keys);

    $new_key = array_splice($keys, $pos, 1);
    $new_val = array_splice($vals, $pos, 1);    

    array_splice($keys, $position-1, 0, $new_key);
    array_splice($vals, $position-1, 0, $new_val);    

    return array_combine($keys, $vals);        
  • Create numerically indexed arrays for keys and values
  • 为键和值创建数字索引数组。
  • Find numeric position of key
  • 查找键的数字位置
  • Extract the found key and value arrays from keys and values arrays
  • 从键和值数组中提取找到的键和值数组
  • Splice them into keys and values arrays at the new position
  • 将它们拼接到新位置的键和值数组中
  • Combine new keys and values arrays into an associative array
  • 将新的键和值数组合并到关联数组中

To just return the array when the $position is out of bounds:


function moveKey($array, $key, $position, $wrap=true) {

    if($wrap === false && ($position < 1 || $position > count($array)) {
        return $array;
    // rest of code



You could use unset to remove the key/value from its original position, and use slice in combination with + to insert that pair at the desired absolute position:


function moveKey($array, $key, $position) {
    $value = $array[$key];
    return  array_slice($array, 0, $position, true) +
            [$key => $value] +
            array_slice($array, $position, null, true);

The given position is interpreted as zero-based, so the following:


var_export (moveKey($testArray, "h", 3));

will return:


array (
  'a' => 'Item 1',
  'b' => 'Item 2',
  'c' => 'Item 3',
  'h' => 'Item 8',
  'd' => 'Item 4',
  'e' => 'Item 5',
  'f' => 'Item 6',
  'g' => 'Item 7',
  'i' => 'Item 9',

If the position argument is greater than the highest index, the key/value pair will end up in the array's last position.


If the position argument is negative the position is counted backwards from the end of the array. If that leads to a position before the start of the array, the pair will end up at the start of the returned array.


Why zero-based

In PHP indexed arrays are zero-based. For instance, if you take array_values($array), the first element will have index 0. Or if you create an indexed array like [1, 2, 3], the value 1 will be at index 0. So, if you are going to mix 1-based and 0-based index numbers, you'll get into a lot of -1 and +1 code, which in the end will be more confusing than helpful. I would strongly suggest to adapt to the 0-based index numbers.


Why counting from the end when negative

In PHP several functions provide this feature, i.e. where a negative argument for a position is interpreted as a backward offset from the end of the array. For instance array_splice:


If offset is positive then the start of removed portion is at that offset from the beginning of the input array. If offset is negative then it starts that far from the end of the input array.


The same goes for array_slice, and several string functions like strpos and strspn. A similar treatment of negative values is implemented for the limit argument to explode.


Therefore I think it is better to stick with this behaviour and see it as a feature. Of course, as mentioned in comments, it is easy to disable this feature and transform any negative offset to 0 with if ($position < 0) $position = 0;.

因此,我认为最好坚持这种行为,并将其视为一种特征。当然,正如注释中提到的,很容易禁用此特性,并将任何负偏移量转换为0,使用if ($position < 0) $position = 0;



This moves the element specified by $key to the end of the array if $position is greater than the last position in the array and moves it to the beginning if it is less than 1:


function moveKey($array, $key, $position) {

    $keys = array_keys($array);
    $vals = array_values($array);

    $pos  = array_search($key, $keys);

    $new_key = array_splice($keys, $pos, 1);
    $new_val = array_splice($vals, $pos, 1);    

    array_splice($keys, $position-1, 0, $new_key);
    array_splice($vals, $position-1, 0, $new_val);    

    return array_combine($keys, $vals);        
  • Create numerically indexed arrays for keys and values
  • 为键和值创建数字索引数组。
  • Find numeric position of key
  • 查找键的数字位置
  • Extract the found key and value arrays from keys and values arrays
  • 从键和值数组中提取找到的键和值数组
  • Splice them into keys and values arrays at the new position
  • 将它们拼接到新位置的键和值数组中
  • Combine new keys and values arrays into an associative array
  • 将新的键和值数组合并到关联数组中

To just return the array when the $position is out of bounds:


function moveKey($array, $key, $position, $wrap=true) {

    if($wrap === false && ($position < 1 || $position > count($array)) {
        return $array;
    // rest of code



You could use unset to remove the key/value from its original position, and use slice in combination with + to insert that pair at the desired absolute position:


function moveKey($array, $key, $position) {
    $value = $array[$key];
    return  array_slice($array, 0, $position, true) +
            [$key => $value] +
            array_slice($array, $position, null, true);

The given position is interpreted as zero-based, so the following:


var_export (moveKey($testArray, "h", 3));

will return:


array (
  'a' => 'Item 1',
  'b' => 'Item 2',
  'c' => 'Item 3',
  'h' => 'Item 8',
  'd' => 'Item 4',
  'e' => 'Item 5',
  'f' => 'Item 6',
  'g' => 'Item 7',
  'i' => 'Item 9',

If the position argument is greater than the highest index, the key/value pair will end up in the array's last position.


If the position argument is negative the position is counted backwards from the end of the array. If that leads to a position before the start of the array, the pair will end up at the start of the returned array.


Why zero-based

In PHP indexed arrays are zero-based. For instance, if you take array_values($array), the first element will have index 0. Or if you create an indexed array like [1, 2, 3], the value 1 will be at index 0. So, if you are going to mix 1-based and 0-based index numbers, you'll get into a lot of -1 and +1 code, which in the end will be more confusing than helpful. I would strongly suggest to adapt to the 0-based index numbers.


Why counting from the end when negative

In PHP several functions provide this feature, i.e. where a negative argument for a position is interpreted as a backward offset from the end of the array. For instance array_splice:


If offset is positive then the start of removed portion is at that offset from the beginning of the input array. If offset is negative then it starts that far from the end of the input array.


The same goes for array_slice, and several string functions like strpos and strspn. A similar treatment of negative values is implemented for the limit argument to explode.


Therefore I think it is better to stick with this behaviour and see it as a feature. Of course, as mentioned in comments, it is easy to disable this feature and transform any negative offset to 0 with if ($position < 0) $position = 0;.

因此,我认为最好坚持这种行为,并将其视为一种特征。当然,正如注释中提到的,很容易禁用此特性,并将任何负偏移量转换为0,使用if ($position < 0) $position = 0;