
时间:2022-05-31 21:21:50

I intend to form 3D mesh object. The mesh object has an 3D point array of approx. 50.000 items. Due to the number of 3D points, the array must be initialized on the heap.

我打算形成3D网格物体。网格对象具有大约的3D点阵列。 50.000项。由于3D点的数量,必须在堆上初始化该数组。

The required code is, shortly, as follows:


class MyMesh
    public MeshGeometry3D Mesh3D  // Properties tanimlaniyor
        get { return GetMesh3D(); }

    public struct mystruct
        public int m_i;
        public int m_j;
        public int m_k;

        public mystruct(int i, int j, int k)
            m_i = i;
            m_j = j;
            m_i = k;

    private mystruct[] mypts = 
        new mystruct(20 , 7 , 7),   
        new mystruct(23 , 5 , 7)     

Could you explain me how 3D Coordinates in mystruct above can be converted into 3D coordinates of a System.Windows.Media.Media3D.Point3D structure.


Thanks in advance.



3 个解决方案


If you have an actual list of 50,000 mystruct objects, would it be better to just create them as Point3D structs in the first place?


Simply do a "Find & Replace" of:


new mystruct(

and replace it with


new Point3D(

Then, change:

private mystruct[] mypts = 


private Point3D[] mypts =


Are you looking for something like this...


List<Point3D> points = mypts.Select<mystruct, Point3D> (x => 
                                      new Point3D(x.m_i, x.m_j, x.m_k))

Alternatively, you could expose an iterator that returned an IEnumerable like this...


public IEnumerable<Point3D> Points()
    foreach(var point in mypts)
        yield return new Point3D(point.m_i, point.m_j, point.m_k, );

[add validation/error handling code as appropriate]



If you need to retain your mystruct objects as well as enable Point3D functionality, you could use something like:


class MyMesh {

    public Point3D[] ToPoint3D()
        Point3D[] p3D = null;   // or set it to an Empty Point3D array, if necessary

        if (mpts.Length > 0)
            p3D = new Point3D[mpts.Length]

            for (int x = 0; x < mypts.Length; x++)
                p3D[x].X = new Point3D(mypts[x].m_i;
                p3D[x].Y = new Point3D(mypts[x].m_j;
                p3D[x].Z = new Point3D(mypts[x].m_k;

        return p3D;



If you have an actual list of 50,000 mystruct objects, would it be better to just create them as Point3D structs in the first place?


Simply do a "Find & Replace" of:


new mystruct(

and replace it with


new Point3D(

Then, change:

private mystruct[] mypts = 


private Point3D[] mypts =


Are you looking for something like this...


List<Point3D> points = mypts.Select<mystruct, Point3D> (x => 
                                      new Point3D(x.m_i, x.m_j, x.m_k))

Alternatively, you could expose an iterator that returned an IEnumerable like this...


public IEnumerable<Point3D> Points()
    foreach(var point in mypts)
        yield return new Point3D(point.m_i, point.m_j, point.m_k, );

[add validation/error handling code as appropriate]



If you need to retain your mystruct objects as well as enable Point3D functionality, you could use something like:


class MyMesh {

    public Point3D[] ToPoint3D()
        Point3D[] p3D = null;   // or set it to an Empty Point3D array, if necessary

        if (mpts.Length > 0)
            p3D = new Point3D[mpts.Length]

            for (int x = 0; x < mypts.Length; x++)
                p3D[x].X = new Point3D(mypts[x].m_i;
                p3D[x].Y = new Point3D(mypts[x].m_j;
                p3D[x].Z = new Point3D(mypts[x].m_k;

        return p3D;
