
时间:2022-10-10 21:17:57

I've seen other questions about this but not quite like my situation. I have the following table in MySQL:


   term_id       name           slug                 taxonomy     parent
1             Entry Form     entry-form           format       0
2             Page           page                 format       3
3             Facebook       facebook             format       0
4             Entry Form     facebook-entry-form  format       3
5             Twitter        twitter              format       0
6             Single        single                format       2

I have the following OBJECT query:


$formats = $wpdb->get_results($wpdb->prepare("
    SELECT * FROM table t
    WHERE t.taxonomy = 'format'

I wind up with the following array:


Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [term_id] => 1 [name] => Entry Form [slug] => entry-form [taxonomy] => format [parent] => 0 ) [2] => stdClass Object ( [term_id] => 2 [name] => Page [slug] => page [taxonomy] => format [parent] => 3 ) [3] => stdClass Object ( [term_id] => 3 [name] => Facebook [slug] => facebook [taxonomy] => format [parent] => 0 ) [4] => stdClass Object ( [term_id] => 4 [name] => Entry Form [slug] => entry-form-facebook [taxonomy] => format [parent] => 3 ) [5] => stdClass Object ( [term_id] => 5 [name] => Twitter [slug] => twitter [taxonomy] => format [parent] => 0 ) [6] => stdClass Object ( [term_id] => 6 [name] => Single [slug] => single [taxonomy] => format [parent] => 2 ) ) 1

All of the above needs to be turned into a hierarchical list on output that looks like this:


Entry Form
 - Entry Form
 - Page
 -- Single

As such, I need to turn array $formats into a hierarchical array based on the parent field. A parent of 0 means it is a top level item. As such, since Single has parent of 2 it is the child of Page which in turn has parent of 3 and is a child of Facebook.


Can anyone help me turn my array into a hierarchical array and then show me how I can loop through it for output?


2 个解决方案



If performance due to volume of queries is not going to be a problem, the simplest solution is that, instead of doing a single query that populates an array, you do one query per node in your hierarchical tree, adding a "AND parent = $id", where $id is the term_id of the current node. Something like:

如果由于查询量导致的性能不会成为问题,最简单的解决方案是,不是进行填充数组的单个查询,而是在分层树中为每个节点执行一次查询,添加“AND parent = $ id“,其中$ id是当前节点的term_id。就像是:

  1. Do a SELECT WHERE .... AND parent = 0;
  2. 做一个SELECT WHERE .... AND parent = 0;
  3. for each result in 1, $id = term_id, do a select WHERE ... AND parent = $id
  4. 对于1中的每个结果,$ id = term_id,选择WHERE ... AND parent = $ id
  5. Repeat recursively until no more results
  6. 递归重复,直到没有结果

If performance is a problem you can still dump the query to your array and apply the same algorithm to the array, but you most likely will have memory issues doing it that way if you really have that much volume.




You need to put the data into assoc array while fetching it from the database:


//$groups - result array

$groups = array();

//$record contains the assoc array of the current record
while($record = $result->fetchAssoc()) {
      if (!isset($groups[$record["parent"]]))
            $groups[$record["parent"]] = array();

      array_push($groups[$record["parent"]], $record);

In the end you will get an assoc array of hierarchy with parent as a key. Then traverse through it recursively, and you'll get the result:


function print_recursively(&$groups, $parent_id, $dashes = '')
          foreach($groups[$parent_id] as $key => $value)
                print $dashes . ' ' . $value["name"];
                print_recursively(&$groups, $value["term_id"], $dashes . '-');

I didn't test this code, but the algorithm is correct.




If performance due to volume of queries is not going to be a problem, the simplest solution is that, instead of doing a single query that populates an array, you do one query per node in your hierarchical tree, adding a "AND parent = $id", where $id is the term_id of the current node. Something like:

如果由于查询量导致的性能不会成为问题,最简单的解决方案是,不是进行填充数组的单个查询,而是在分层树中为每个节点执行一次查询,添加“AND parent = $ id“,其中$ id是当前节点的term_id。就像是:

  1. Do a SELECT WHERE .... AND parent = 0;
  2. 做一个SELECT WHERE .... AND parent = 0;
  3. for each result in 1, $id = term_id, do a select WHERE ... AND parent = $id
  4. 对于1中的每个结果,$ id = term_id,选择WHERE ... AND parent = $ id
  5. Repeat recursively until no more results
  6. 递归重复,直到没有结果

If performance is a problem you can still dump the query to your array and apply the same algorithm to the array, but you most likely will have memory issues doing it that way if you really have that much volume.




You need to put the data into assoc array while fetching it from the database:


//$groups - result array

$groups = array();

//$record contains the assoc array of the current record
while($record = $result->fetchAssoc()) {
      if (!isset($groups[$record["parent"]]))
            $groups[$record["parent"]] = array();

      array_push($groups[$record["parent"]], $record);

In the end you will get an assoc array of hierarchy with parent as a key. Then traverse through it recursively, and you'll get the result:


function print_recursively(&$groups, $parent_id, $dashes = '')
          foreach($groups[$parent_id] as $key => $value)
                print $dashes . ' ' . $value["name"];
                print_recursively(&$groups, $value["term_id"], $dashes . '-');

I didn't test this code, but the algorithm is correct.
