
时间:2021-12-29 21:21:11

Possible Duplicate:
Converting an array from one to multi-dimensional based on parent ID values


I am working in PHP.


I have the following array that has relational data (parent child relationships).


    [5273] => Array        
            [id] => 5273        
            [name] => John Doe        
            [parent] =>         

    [6032] => Array        
            [id] => 6032        
            [name] => Sally Smith        
            [parent] => 5273        

    [6034] => Array        
            [id] => 6034        
            [name] => Mike Jones        
            [parent] => 6032        

    [6035] => Array        
            [id] => 6035        
            [name] => Jason Williams        
            [parent] => 6034        

    [6036] => Array        
            [id] => 6036        
            [name] => Sara Johnson        
            [parent] => 5273        

    [6037] => Array        
            [id] => 6037        
            [name] => Dave Wilson        
            [parent] => 5273        

    [6038] => Array        
            [id] => 6038        
            [name] => Amy Martin        
            [parent] => 6037        

I need it to be in this JSON format:


   "name":"John Doe",        

         "id":" Sally Smith",        

               "name":"Mike Jones",        

                     "name":"Jason Williams",        



               "name":"Sara Johnson",        


               "name":"Dave Wilson",        

                     "name":"Amy Martin",        



I know I need to create a multidimensional array and run it through json_encode(). I also believe this method used to do this needs to be recursive because the real world data could have an unknown number of levels.


I would be glad to show some of my approaches but they have not worked.


Can anyone help me?


I was asked to share my work. This is what I have tried but I have not gotten that close to I don't know how helpful it is.


I made an array of just the relationships.


foreach($array as $k => $v){
    $relationships[$v['id']] = $v['parent'];

I think (based off another SO post) used this relational data to create a the new multidimensional array. If I got this to work I was going to work on adding in the correct "children" labels etc.

我认为(基于另一个SO post)使用这个关系数据创建了一个新的多维数组。如果我成功了,我将致力于添加正确的“儿童”标签等等。

$childrenTable = array();
    $data = array();
    foreach ($relationships as $n => $p) {
      //parent was not seen before, put on root
      if (!array_key_exists($p, $childrenTable)) {
          $childrenTable[$p] = array();
          $data[$p] = &$childrenTable[$p];  
      //child was not seen before
      if (!array_key_exists($n, $childrenTable)) {
          $childrenTable[$n] = array();
      //root node has a parent after all, relocate
      if (array_key_exists($n, $data)) {
      $childrenTable[$p][$n] = &$childrenTable[$n];      


3 个解决方案



header('Content-Type: application/json; charset="utf-8"');

 * Helper function
 * @param array   $d   flat data, implementing a id/parent id (adjacency list) structure
 * @param mixed   $r   root id, node to return
 * @param string  $pk  parent id index
 * @param string  $k   id index
 * @param string  $c   children index
 * @return array
function makeRecursive($d, $r = 0, $pk = 'parent', $k = 'id', $c = 'children') {
  $m = array();
  foreach ($d as $e) {
    isset($m[$e[$pk]]) ?: $m[$e[$pk]] = array();
    isset($m[$e[$k]]) ?: $m[$e[$k]] = array();
    $m[$e[$pk]][] = array_merge($e, array($c => &$m[$e[$k]]));

  return $m[$r][0]; // remove [0] if there could be more than one root nodes

echo json_encode(makeRecursive(array(
  array('id' => 5273, 'parent' => 0,    'name' => 'John Doe'),  
  array('id' => 6032, 'parent' => 5273, 'name' => 'Sally Smith'),
  array('id' => 6034, 'parent' => 6032, 'name' => 'Mike Jones'),
  array('id' => 6035, 'parent' => 6034, 'name' => 'Jason Williams'),
  array('id' => 6036, 'parent' => 5273, 'name' => 'Sara Johnson'),
  array('id' => 6037, 'parent' => 5273, 'name' => 'Dave Wilson'),
  array('id' => 6038, 'parent' => 6037, 'name' => 'Amy Martin'),





Okay, this is how it works, you were actually not too far off as you started, but what you actually look for are references. This is a general procedure:


As there is a relation between parent and child-nodes on their ID, you first need to index the data based on the ID. I do this here with an array ($rows) to simulate your data access, if you read from the database, it would be similar. With this indexing you can also add additional properties like your empty data:


// create an index on id
$index = array();
foreach($rows as $row)
    $row['data'] = (object) array();
    $index[$row['id']] = $row;

So now all entries are indexed on their ID. This was the first step.


The second step is equally straight forward. Because we now can access each node based on it's ID in the $index, we can assign the children to their parent.


There is one "virtual" node, that is the one with the ID 0. It does not exists in any of the rows, however, if we could add children to it too, we can use this children collection as the store for all root nodes, in your case, there is a single root node.


Sure, for the ID 0, we should not process the parent - because it does not exists.

当然,对于ID 0,我们不应该处理父类——因为它不存在。

So let's do that. We make use of references here because otherwise the same node could not be both parent and child:


// build the tree
foreach($index as $id => &$row)
    if ($id === 0) continue;
    $parent = $row['parent'];
    $index[$parent]['children'][] = &$row;

Because we use references, the last line takes care to unset the reference stored in $row after the loop.


Now all children have been assigned to their parents. That could it be already, however lets not forget the last step, the actual node for the output should be accessed.


For brevity, just assign the root node to the $index itself. If we remember, the only root node we want is the first one in the children array in the node with the ID 0:


// obtain root node
$index = $index[0]['children'][0];

And that's it. We can use it now straight away to generate the JSON:


// output json
header('Content-Type: application/json');
echo json_encode($index);

Finally the whole code at a glance:


 * @link http://*.com/questions/11239652/php-create-a-multidimensional-array-from-an-array-with-relational-data

$rows = array(
    array('id' => 5273, 'parent' => 0,    'name' => 'John Doe'),
    array('id' => 6032, 'parent' => 5273, 'name' => 'Sally Smith'),
    array('id' => 6034, 'parent' => 6032, 'name' => 'Mike Jones'),
    array('id' => 6035, 'parent' => 6034, 'name' => 'Jason Williams'),
    array('id' => 6036, 'parent' => 5273, 'name' => 'Sara Johnson'),
    array('id' => 6037, 'parent' => 5273, 'name' => 'Dave Wilson'),
    array('id' => 6038, 'parent' => 6037, 'name' => 'Amy Martin'),

// create an index on id
$index = array();
foreach($rows as $row)
    $row['data'] = (object) [];
    $index[$row['id']] = $row;

// build the tree
foreach($index as $id => &$row)
    if ($id === 0) continue;
    $parent = $row['parent'];
    $index[$parent]['children'][] = &$row;

// obtain root node
$index = $index[0]['children'][0];

// output json
header('Content-Type: application/json');
echo json_encode($index, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT);

Which would create the following json (here with PHP 5.4s' JSON_PRETTY_PRINT):

它将创建以下json(这里是PHP 5.4s' JSON_PRETTY_PRINT):

    "id": 5273,
    "parent": 0,
    "name": "John Doe",
    "data": {

    "children": [
            "id": 6032,
            "parent": 5273,
            "name": "Sally Smith",
            "data": {

            "children": [
                    "id": 6034,
                    "parent": 6032,
                    "name": "Mike Jones",
                    "data": {

                    "children": [
                            "id": 6035,
                            "parent": 6034,
                            "name": "Jason Williams",
                            "data": {

            "id": 6036,
            "parent": 5273,
            "name": "Sara Johnson",
            "data": {

            "id": 6037,
            "parent": 5273,
            "name": "Dave Wilson",
            "data": {

            "children": [
                    "id": 6038,
                    "parent": 6037,
                    "name": "Amy Martin",
                    "data": {




Following code will do the job.. you may want to tweak a bit according to your needs.


$data = array(
    '5273' => array( 'id' =>5273, 'name'=> 'John Doe', 'parent'=>''),
    '6032' => array( 'id' =>6032, 'name'=> 'Sally Smith', 'parent'=>'5273'),
    '6034' => array( 'id' =>6034, 'name'=> 'Mike Jones ', 'parent'=>'6032'),
    '6035' => array( 'id' =>6035, 'name'=> 'Jason Williams', 'parent'=>'6034')

$fdata = array();

function ConvertToMulti($data) {
    global $fdata;

    foreach($data as $k => $v)
        $v['data'] = array();
        $v['children'] = array();
            $fdata[] = $v;
        else {
            findParentAndInsert($v, $fdata);


function findParentAndInsert($idata, &$ldata) {

    foreach ($ldata as $k=>$v) {

        if($ldata[$k]['id'] == $idata['parent']) {
        $idata['data'] = array();
        $idata['children'] = array();
            $ldata[$k]['children'][] = $idata;
        else if(!empty($v['children']))
            findParentAndInsert($idata, $ldata[$k]['children']);

echo "AFTER\n";

http://codepad.viper - 7. com/q5buaz



header('Content-Type: application/json; charset="utf-8"');

 * Helper function
 * @param array   $d   flat data, implementing a id/parent id (adjacency list) structure
 * @param mixed   $r   root id, node to return
 * @param string  $pk  parent id index
 * @param string  $k   id index
 * @param string  $c   children index
 * @return array
function makeRecursive($d, $r = 0, $pk = 'parent', $k = 'id', $c = 'children') {
  $m = array();
  foreach ($d as $e) {
    isset($m[$e[$pk]]) ?: $m[$e[$pk]] = array();
    isset($m[$e[$k]]) ?: $m[$e[$k]] = array();
    $m[$e[$pk]][] = array_merge($e, array($c => &$m[$e[$k]]));

  return $m[$r][0]; // remove [0] if there could be more than one root nodes

echo json_encode(makeRecursive(array(
  array('id' => 5273, 'parent' => 0,    'name' => 'John Doe'),  
  array('id' => 6032, 'parent' => 5273, 'name' => 'Sally Smith'),
  array('id' => 6034, 'parent' => 6032, 'name' => 'Mike Jones'),
  array('id' => 6035, 'parent' => 6034, 'name' => 'Jason Williams'),
  array('id' => 6036, 'parent' => 5273, 'name' => 'Sara Johnson'),
  array('id' => 6037, 'parent' => 5273, 'name' => 'Dave Wilson'),
  array('id' => 6038, 'parent' => 6037, 'name' => 'Amy Martin'),





Okay, this is how it works, you were actually not too far off as you started, but what you actually look for are references. This is a general procedure:


As there is a relation between parent and child-nodes on their ID, you first need to index the data based on the ID. I do this here with an array ($rows) to simulate your data access, if you read from the database, it would be similar. With this indexing you can also add additional properties like your empty data:


// create an index on id
$index = array();
foreach($rows as $row)
    $row['data'] = (object) array();
    $index[$row['id']] = $row;

So now all entries are indexed on their ID. This was the first step.


The second step is equally straight forward. Because we now can access each node based on it's ID in the $index, we can assign the children to their parent.


There is one "virtual" node, that is the one with the ID 0. It does not exists in any of the rows, however, if we could add children to it too, we can use this children collection as the store for all root nodes, in your case, there is a single root node.


Sure, for the ID 0, we should not process the parent - because it does not exists.

当然,对于ID 0,我们不应该处理父类——因为它不存在。

So let's do that. We make use of references here because otherwise the same node could not be both parent and child:


// build the tree
foreach($index as $id => &$row)
    if ($id === 0) continue;
    $parent = $row['parent'];
    $index[$parent]['children'][] = &$row;

Because we use references, the last line takes care to unset the reference stored in $row after the loop.


Now all children have been assigned to their parents. That could it be already, however lets not forget the last step, the actual node for the output should be accessed.


For brevity, just assign the root node to the $index itself. If we remember, the only root node we want is the first one in the children array in the node with the ID 0:


// obtain root node
$index = $index[0]['children'][0];

And that's it. We can use it now straight away to generate the JSON:


// output json
header('Content-Type: application/json');
echo json_encode($index);

Finally the whole code at a glance:


 * @link http://*.com/questions/11239652/php-create-a-multidimensional-array-from-an-array-with-relational-data

$rows = array(
    array('id' => 5273, 'parent' => 0,    'name' => 'John Doe'),
    array('id' => 6032, 'parent' => 5273, 'name' => 'Sally Smith'),
    array('id' => 6034, 'parent' => 6032, 'name' => 'Mike Jones'),
    array('id' => 6035, 'parent' => 6034, 'name' => 'Jason Williams'),
    array('id' => 6036, 'parent' => 5273, 'name' => 'Sara Johnson'),
    array('id' => 6037, 'parent' => 5273, 'name' => 'Dave Wilson'),
    array('id' => 6038, 'parent' => 6037, 'name' => 'Amy Martin'),

// create an index on id
$index = array();
foreach($rows as $row)
    $row['data'] = (object) [];
    $index[$row['id']] = $row;

// build the tree
foreach($index as $id => &$row)
    if ($id === 0) continue;
    $parent = $row['parent'];
    $index[$parent]['children'][] = &$row;

// obtain root node
$index = $index[0]['children'][0];

// output json
header('Content-Type: application/json');
echo json_encode($index, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT);

Which would create the following json (here with PHP 5.4s' JSON_PRETTY_PRINT):

它将创建以下json(这里是PHP 5.4s' JSON_PRETTY_PRINT):

    "id": 5273,
    "parent": 0,
    "name": "John Doe",
    "data": {

    "children": [
            "id": 6032,
            "parent": 5273,
            "name": "Sally Smith",
            "data": {

            "children": [
                    "id": 6034,
                    "parent": 6032,
                    "name": "Mike Jones",
                    "data": {

                    "children": [
                            "id": 6035,
                            "parent": 6034,
                            "name": "Jason Williams",
                            "data": {

            "id": 6036,
            "parent": 5273,
            "name": "Sara Johnson",
            "data": {

            "id": 6037,
            "parent": 5273,
            "name": "Dave Wilson",
            "data": {

            "children": [
                    "id": 6038,
                    "parent": 6037,
                    "name": "Amy Martin",
                    "data": {




Following code will do the job.. you may want to tweak a bit according to your needs.


$data = array(
    '5273' => array( 'id' =>5273, 'name'=> 'John Doe', 'parent'=>''),
    '6032' => array( 'id' =>6032, 'name'=> 'Sally Smith', 'parent'=>'5273'),
    '6034' => array( 'id' =>6034, 'name'=> 'Mike Jones ', 'parent'=>'6032'),
    '6035' => array( 'id' =>6035, 'name'=> 'Jason Williams', 'parent'=>'6034')

$fdata = array();

function ConvertToMulti($data) {
    global $fdata;

    foreach($data as $k => $v)
        $v['data'] = array();
        $v['children'] = array();
            $fdata[] = $v;
        else {
            findParentAndInsert($v, $fdata);


function findParentAndInsert($idata, &$ldata) {

    foreach ($ldata as $k=>$v) {

        if($ldata[$k]['id'] == $idata['parent']) {
        $idata['data'] = array();
        $idata['children'] = array();
            $ldata[$k]['children'][] = $idata;
        else if(!empty($v['children']))
            findParentAndInsert($idata, $ldata[$k]['children']);

echo "AFTER\n";

http://codepad.viper - 7. com/q5buaz