无法为2维指针数组c ++分配内存

时间:2021-09-27 21:18:32

So I'm trying to create a 2 dimensional array of pointers to a object of type Piece. The problem is when i try assign a pointer to a piece to the array i get a segmentation fault. I realized I needed to initialize to array to sometime before I can start allocating but I can't get it right.


Here is the header file of Map which contains a 2-d array of pointers.


#ifndef MAP_H
 #define MAP_H

 #include <iostream>
 #include <vector>
 #include <fstream>
 #include <stdio.h>
 #include <stdlib.h>
 #include <sstream>
 #include <string>
 #include <cstring>
 #include "Player.h"
 #include "Sprite.h"
 #include "Piece.h"
 #include "Messages.h"
 #include "PieceType.h" 

using namespace std;

class Map

        Piece*** pieces;
        int startingX;
        int startingY;
        int width;
        int height;
        string mapName;



        void printMap() const;
        Piece* pieceType(char);
        void setSprite(Piece*);
        void firstMove();
        void resetMap(string);

        bool moveUp(int, int);
        bool moveDown(int, int);
        bool moveLeft(int, int);
        bool moveRight(int, int);

        int getHeight();
        int getWidth();



The array I'm talking about is pieces.


I try to allocate this in the constructor of Map.


Map::Map(string name)
  ifstream map;
  string line;
  string dimention;
  mapName = name;


  if (map.good())
    getline (map, line);

    int i = 0;

    while(line[i] != 'X')
      dimention[i] = line[i];

    stringstream convert(dimention);

    convert >> width;

    int temp = i;
    dimention = "";
    i = 1;

    while(line[(i + temp)] != '\0')
      dimention[i] = line[(i + temp)];

    stringstream convertTwo(dimention);

    convertTwo >> height;

    for (int i = 0; i < height; i++)
       if (!(map.eof()))
     getline (map, line);
     cout << "Error with file" << endl;

       for (int j = 0; j < width; j++)
     pieces[i][j] = pieceType(line[j]); //This is where I'm getting the segmentation fault

     cout << "assigned" << endl;

     if ((pieces[i][j])->getType() == WAYPOINT)

       if (pieces[i][j]->getWaypointType() == 0)
         startingX = j;
         startingY = i;



Where name is a string that holds the name of the file that has the information for loading a particular map.


Also the function pieceType is as follows:


Piece* Map::pieceType(char type)
  Piece* temp;

  if (type == '.')
    return NULL;
  if (type == 'S')
    temp = new Waypoint(0);
    return temp;
  if (type == 'E')
    temp = new Waypoint(1);
    return temp;

Waypoint is a derived class of Piece.


2 个解决方案



The problem is indeed that you have to initialize that array. Like this:


pieces=new Piece**[height];
for(int i=0;i<height;i++){
     pieces[i]=new Piece*[width];

Write that just after you get width and height, and before you start using pieces. But something you should know: for each new, there should be a corresponding delete, or else that memory will never be freed, and you will get a memory leak. To free that memory, add this in your destructor:


for(int i=0;i<height;i++){
    for (int j = 0; j < width; j++){
        delete pieces[i][j];
    delete[] pieces[i];
delete[] pieces;

This assumes that every pieces[i][j] contains either an object allocated with new or NULL, and it works with both. Looking at your code, that seems to be your case. However, it would not work if one of them is not assigned (not your case).

这假设每个piece [i] [j]包含一个用new或NULL分配的对象,并且它可以同时使用。看看你的代码,这似乎是你的情况。但是,如果没有分配其中一个(不是你的情况),它将无法工作。



Use std::vector<std::vector<Pieces>>instead of (trying to, because it does not work) reinventing the wheel. Its safe, easy, and avoids getting manual-memory-management headaches.

使用std :: vector >代替(尝试,因为它不起作用)重新发明*。它安全,简单,避免了手动内存管理的麻烦。



The problem is indeed that you have to initialize that array. Like this:


pieces=new Piece**[height];
for(int i=0;i<height;i++){
     pieces[i]=new Piece*[width];

Write that just after you get width and height, and before you start using pieces. But something you should know: for each new, there should be a corresponding delete, or else that memory will never be freed, and you will get a memory leak. To free that memory, add this in your destructor:


for(int i=0;i<height;i++){
    for (int j = 0; j < width; j++){
        delete pieces[i][j];
    delete[] pieces[i];
delete[] pieces;

This assumes that every pieces[i][j] contains either an object allocated with new or NULL, and it works with both. Looking at your code, that seems to be your case. However, it would not work if one of them is not assigned (not your case).

这假设每个piece [i] [j]包含一个用new或NULL分配的对象,并且它可以同时使用。看看你的代码,这似乎是你的情况。但是,如果没有分配其中一个(不是你的情况),它将无法工作。



Use std::vector<std::vector<Pieces>>instead of (trying to, because it does not work) reinventing the wheel. Its safe, easy, and avoids getting manual-memory-management headaches.

使用std :: vector >代替(尝试,因为它不起作用)重新发明*。它安全,简单,避免了手动内存管理的麻烦。