
时间:2021-10-26 21:12:11

I am creating a portal type dashboard for our app. The controls are added on the fly. I have a page, with a tabcontrol. In the tab control I add TabItems on the fly with a canvas on it. The canvas handles the mouse events to move the controls around.


I need to allow the users to create a layout bigger than the current size of the tab item... so I inserted a scrollviewer in the tab item and put the canvas onto it. However, the canvas doesn't seem to expand automatically to contain the content.


How can I made the canvas expand to hold all its content within the scroll viewer which will allow me to scroll around the canvas it contains?


1 个解决方案



Check these two previous SO posts on how to manipulate the size of a Canvas:




Check these two previous SO posts on how to manipulate the size of a Canvas:
