
时间:2022-01-03 20:12:03

I have a div container with id=middle that is centered in the page by this code:

我有一个id = middle的div容器,它通过以下代码在页面中居中:

header, #middle, footer {
    margin-left: auto;
    margin-right: auto;

Inside the div named middle there are the nav and the main section. The div is acting like a container for the nav and the main, so it should be easier to align the nav to the left and main to the right while keeping them centered.

在名为middle的div里面有导航和主要部分。 div就像nav和main的容器一样,因此将导航器向左和向右对齐应该更容易,同时保持它们居中。

I tried to do such alignment by the following code:


#middle {
    width: 849px;
    height: 600px; /*I wanto to set this to auto or get rid of it*/

nav {
    width: 200px;
    float: left;

main {
    width: 649px;
    float: right;

It works, but I have to specify the height of #middle, it doesn't automatically adapt to the height of its content, messing up all the rest of the layout. In my site, the height of main and nav varies from page to page.


How can I fix this? I don't want to specify a fixed height for #middle, instead I would like that #middle varies its height depending on the maximum height between main and nav.


I don't know if it is useful but the CSS code ends with:


footer {
    width: 849px;
    height: 50px;

And this is the HTML code of my page:


<!DOCTYPE html>
        <div id="middle">


N.B. nav and main are the semantic html5 tags, similar to div

注: nav和main是语义html5标签,类似于div

1 个解决方案



Add a <div> with clear: both; after </main>. Then You can remove height of #middle


:both;在 之后。然后你可以删除#middle的高度



Add a <div> with clear: both; after </main>. Then You can remove height of #middle


:both;在 之后。然后你可以删除#middle的高度