我不能向Visual Studio 2010添加ajax控件

时间:2022-06-02 21:08:18

I can't add AJAX controls to VS2010 rc. I try to drag it to design view, but nothing happens, code remains unchanged. Where is a problem here? Should I install manually ajax toolbox to make it work?

我不能向VS2010 rc添加AJAX控件。我尝试将它拖到design视图中,但是什么都没有发生,代码保持不变。这里有什么问题吗?我是否应该手动安装ajax工具箱以使其工作?

3 个解决方案



Take a look at this article:



http://blogs.msdn.com/webdevtools/archive/2009/05/26/using -微软ajax工具包-控制- - -视觉工作室- 10 -β- 1. aspx

Finally look at this: http://blogs.msdn.com/webdevtools/archive/2009/05/26/using-microsoft-ajax-control-toolkit-with-visual-studio-10-beta-1.aspx

最后看看这个:http://blogs.msdn.com/webdevtools/archive/2009/05/26/using-microsoftajaxcontrol toolkit- withvisualstudio10 -beta-1.aspx。

More specifically


"The AjaxControlToolkit you can download from the web is for 3.5 fx. It can work with a 4.0 framework, but you can't see some functionality such as no smart task, or you can't drag and drop onto a supported control, for VS 2010 Beta2. You need to retarget the toolkit source to use 4.0 fx and rebuild it."

你可以从网上下载的AjaxControlToolkit是3.5 fx的。它可以在4.0框架下工作,但是你看不到一些功能,比如没有智能任务,或者你不能拖拽到一个受支持的控件上,比如VS 2010 Beta2。你需要重新定位工具包源代码来使用4.0 fx并重新构建它。



Reset the toolbox and add again all your customized server control and will be fixed




After the file has been downloaded (and extracted), you may need to UNBLOCK the AjaxControlToolKit.Dll

下载(并提取)文件之后,您可能需要解除ajaxcontroltool . dll的阻塞



Take a look at this article:



http://blogs.msdn.com/webdevtools/archive/2009/05/26/using -微软ajax工具包-控制- - -视觉工作室- 10 -β- 1. aspx

Finally look at this: http://blogs.msdn.com/webdevtools/archive/2009/05/26/using-microsoft-ajax-control-toolkit-with-visual-studio-10-beta-1.aspx

最后看看这个:http://blogs.msdn.com/webdevtools/archive/2009/05/26/using-microsoftajaxcontrol toolkit- withvisualstudio10 -beta-1.aspx。

More specifically


"The AjaxControlToolkit you can download from the web is for 3.5 fx. It can work with a 4.0 framework, but you can't see some functionality such as no smart task, or you can't drag and drop onto a supported control, for VS 2010 Beta2. You need to retarget the toolkit source to use 4.0 fx and rebuild it."

你可以从网上下载的AjaxControlToolkit是3.5 fx的。它可以在4.0框架下工作,但是你看不到一些功能,比如没有智能任务,或者你不能拖拽到一个受支持的控件上,比如VS 2010 Beta2。你需要重新定位工具包源代码来使用4.0 fx并重新构建它。



Reset the toolbox and add again all your customized server control and will be fixed




After the file has been downloaded (and extracted), you may need to UNBLOCK the AjaxControlToolKit.Dll

下载(并提取)文件之后,您可能需要解除ajaxcontroltool . dll的阻塞