Microsoft Visual Studio和C#:如何直观地向控件添加事件?

时间:2023-01-14 21:21:08

Perhaps this is a stupid question, but for the life of me I cannot find a way to do this.


How would one go about adding an event handler to a control in a form in Microsoft Visual Studio (2008) with C#?

如何使用C#在Microsoft Visual Studio(2008)中向表单中的控件添加事件处理程序?

I can do it manually, but opening the Designer.cs file for the Form, but I cannot find a way to do it through the interface. In MSVC 6, with C++ and MFC, you could right click or some other action, and find a list of all the possible events for that control. Then you select it and it would bring up window letting you create a method to associate with that event. In VB it was even easier, you could do it in the code and it listed all the events in the method drop downs.

我可以手动完成,但打开Form的Designer.cs文件,但我无法通过界面找到方法。在MSVC 6中,使用C ++和MFC,您可以右键单击或执行其他操作,并查找该控件的所有可能事件的列表。然后你选择它,它会弹出一个窗口,让你创建一个与该事件相关联的方法。在VB中它更容易,您可以在代码中执行它并且它列出了方法下拉列表中的所有事件。

However, I cannot find anything of the sort in 2008 with C#. Intellisense helps fill in the correct method information. However, it always creates the method in the Designer.cs file, not the other half of the partial class where it should be.

但是,我在2008年用C#找不到任何类似的东西。 Intellisense有助于填写正确的方法信息。但是,它总是在Designer.cs文件中创建方法,而不是它应该在的部分类的另一半。

Thank you.

2 个解决方案


In the designer, click the control of interest.


In the properties window (hit F4 to bring it up), there should be a little lightning bolt icon. Clicking the icon takes you to the list of available events for that control. Double-clicking the event name will wire up a stub handler and take you to the code-behind for it.


Microsoft Visual Studio和C#:如何直观地向控件添加事件?

Edit: the astute reader will see that the posted screenshot is for a web app (whups), but it's the exact same thing for a winforms app.



All you have to do is to have the form/control open in designer view, have the control in question in focus/selected, open up the properties view and flick over to the events tab. Double click on the event that you're interested in handling.


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In the designer, click the control of interest.


In the properties window (hit F4 to bring it up), there should be a little lightning bolt icon. Clicking the icon takes you to the list of available events for that control. Double-clicking the event name will wire up a stub handler and take you to the code-behind for it.


Microsoft Visual Studio和C#:如何直观地向控件添加事件?

Edit: the astute reader will see that the posted screenshot is for a web app (whups), but it's the exact same thing for a winforms app.



All you have to do is to have the form/control open in designer view, have the control in question in focus/selected, open up the properties view and flick over to the events tab. Double click on the event that you're interested in handling.


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