I want to print my html page. I have more than 1 page and I want print my footer only at the bottom of the last page. My css
@page {
size: 8.5in 11.0in;
margin-left: 0.7cm;
margin-top: 0.7cm;
margin-top: 0.7cm;
margin-bottom: 2.6cm;
margin-right: 0.5cm
#footer {
clear: both;
position: running(footer);
z-index: 10;
margin-top: -1em;
vertical-align: bottom;
height: 5%;
@page {
@bottom-center {
content: element(footer);
<body><div id="content"></div>
<div id="footer"></div>
It works, but when I have very big table in the end my content, for example 6 pages table, my footer populates for all pages with table.
1 个解决方案
To make it more simple you could position the footer within a media query for printing another way:
@media print {
body {
position: relative;
#printfooter {
position: absolute;
bottom: 0;
As a quick work-around suggestion. Or you use css3 with the @page extension:
@page:last {
@bottom-center {
content: element(footer);
For further information w3 has a pretty good documentary about CSS Paged Media Modules. 5.3, Example 7 is the information your good to go with!
有关更多信息,w3有一个非常好的关于CSS分页媒体模块的纪录片。 5.3,例7是您的好消息!
Hope one of this helps! If, or if not please let me know.
Best regards, Marian.
To make it more simple you could position the footer within a media query for printing another way:
@media print {
body {
position: relative;
#printfooter {
position: absolute;
bottom: 0;
As a quick work-around suggestion. Or you use css3 with the @page extension:
@page:last {
@bottom-center {
content: element(footer);
For further information w3 has a pretty good documentary about CSS Paged Media Modules. 5.3, Example 7 is the information your good to go with!
有关更多信息,w3有一个非常好的关于CSS分页媒体模块的纪录片。 5.3,例7是您的好消息!
Hope one of this helps! If, or if not please let me know.
Best regards, Marian.