在Spring MVC中返回@Async方法结果并将其返回到Ajax客户端 - 继续

时间:2022-04-16 21:07:09

This is continuation of this question:


Return @Async method result in Spring MVC and return it to Ajax client

在Spring MVC中返回@Async方法结果并将其返回给Ajax客户端

I have @Async task which calculates something and return it to the Future the calculation happens on the request and might take up to 15 minutes. I don't want to create new Ajax request every few seconds to check whether calculation is done and I don't want to keep my connection Open for up to 15 minutes till result is calculated.


What might be the best solution for Spring MVC in such cases?

在这种情况下,Spring MVC可能是最好的解决方案吗?

1 个解决方案



I agree, you definitely don't want to keep the connection open.


With respect to eliminating polling requests, I'm not sure you have a choice.


Remember HTTP is a stateless request/response protocol.


You will need some sort of polling to check on the status.


Can you send out an email to the user containing a link to the calculation once it is done?


You can also take a look at the Comet framework. Comet allows us to extend HTTP capabilities by keeping open a connection and allowing the server to push data to the client.

您还可以查看Comet框架。 Comet允许我们通过保持打开连接并允许服务器将数据推送到客户端来扩展HTTP功能。



I agree, you definitely don't want to keep the connection open.


With respect to eliminating polling requests, I'm not sure you have a choice.


Remember HTTP is a stateless request/response protocol.


You will need some sort of polling to check on the status.


Can you send out an email to the user containing a link to the calculation once it is done?


You can also take a look at the Comet framework. Comet allows us to extend HTTP capabilities by keeping open a connection and allowing the server to push data to the client.

您还可以查看Comet框架。 Comet允许我们通过保持打开连接并允许服务器将数据推送到客户端来扩展HTTP功能。