在Spring MVC中返回@Async方法结果并将其返回给Ajax客户端

时间:2021-01-26 21:07:19

I Have some method inside my Controller which executes @Async task


public Future<String> getResultFromServer(){
    String result = ......
    return new AsyncResult<String>(result);

The method execution time is up to 1o minutes. All I need to do is just to return result to client side which will be connected using AJAX/JQuery.

方法执行时间最长为1分钟。我需要做的就是将结果返回给客户端,使用AJAX / JQuery进行连接。

I don't want the client to request my server every second whether @Async method executed or not. I just want to keep my connection open and then just "push" result to Server.


@RequestMapping(value="/async.do", method=RequestMethod.POST)
public void getResult(HttpServletResponse res){
    String result = null;
    PrintWriter out = res.getWriter();
    Future<String> future = getResultFromServer();
    try {
        if (future.isDone())
            result = future.get();
    } catch (InterruptedException e) {
    } catch (ExecutionException e) {

I understand that this very close to Comit model, but I'm not familiar with comet in general.


My question is how can I keep connection open on client side using JavaScript/JQuery?

我的问题是如何使用JavaScript / JQuery在客户端保持连接打开?

and will my @RequestMapping(value="/async.do", method=RequestMethod.POST) method push result to the client?

并且我的@RequestMapping(value =“/ async.do”,method = RequestMethod.POST)方法会将结果推送到客户端吗?

1 个解决方案



The easiest way would be not to invoke the method in a asynchronous way, instead invoke it directly from the controller in a synchronous way.


Then the request will need to "wait" until the method result is calculated, and it can be returned as soon as it is created.


Of course this means, that the connection will be open for how long it takes do the job (1 minute).




The easiest way would be not to invoke the method in a asynchronous way, instead invoke it directly from the controller in a synchronous way.


Then the request will need to "wait" until the method result is calculated, and it can be returned as soon as it is created.


Of course this means, that the connection will be open for how long it takes do the job (1 minute).
