做自己的Android ROM,屏蔽对framework中的系统APK的签名检查

时间:2021-02-14 21:04:17



我的测试的机器:htc one 电信定制版(802d),Android版本:4.2.2;LG Nexus 4,Android版本:4.3。




使用我自己编译出来的SystemUI.apk,替换Nexus 4的SystemUI.apk,通过 adb logcat > 1.txt 查看日志,直接报下面的错;

W/PackageManager(  530): Signature mismatch for shared user : SharedUserSetting{41ea0bc8 android.uid.system/1000}

E/PackageManager(  530): Package com.android.systemui has no signatures that match those in shared user android.uid.system; ignoring!

签名有问题,根据这个关键字“has no signatures that match those” 去搜索Android源代码,可以在PackageManagerService.java中找到如下函数:

    private boolean verifySignaturesLP(PackageSetting pkgSetting,
PackageParser.Package pkg) {
if (pkgSetting.signatures.mSignatures != null) {
// Already existing package. Make sure signatures match
if (compareSignatures(pkgSetting.signatures.mSignatures, pkg.mSignatures) !=
PackageManager.SIGNATURE_MATCH) {
Slog.e(TAG, "Package " + pkg.packageName
+ " signatures do not match the previously installed version; ignoring!");
return false;
// Check for shared user signatures
if (pkgSetting.sharedUser != null && pkgSetting.sharedUser.signatures.mSignatures != null) {
if (compareSignatures(pkgSetting.sharedUser.signatures.mSignatures,
pkg.mSignatures) != PackageManager.SIGNATURE_MATCH) {
Slog.e(TAG, "Package " + pkg.packageName
+ " has no signatures that match those in shared user "
+ pkgSetting.sharedUser.name + "; ignoring!");
return false;
return true;




进一步分析,services目录下的内容,最终会被编译成 services.jar,adb shell 后,在 /system/framework 下可以找到 services.jar。

root@android:/system/framework # ls servi*
ls servi*

在 out/target/product/generic/dex_bootjars/system/framework 这个目录下可以找到 services.jar,

直接使用自己编译出来的services.jar去替换 /system/framework下的同名jar包,重启os后,好像报的这个错误:DexOpt: mismatch dep signature


根据“DexOpt: mismatch dep signature”这个关键字搜索,在DexPrepare.cpp中有对应的检查:

if (memcmp(signature, ptr, kSHA1DigestLen) != 0) {
LOGI("DexOpt: mismatch dep signature for '%s'", cacheFileName);
goto bail;


既然第三步也不行,那我用自己编译出来的“libdvm.so” 将/system/lib下的同名文件更新掉,重启os后,还是类似的错误,签名摘要校验不过。

当前陷入了短时间的僵局,上网找了很多资料参考,大部分仅能参考,写得太不详细,直接我遇到了这个文档:《MIUI ROM定制教程》,

已经在我的百度网盘共享: http://pan.baidu.com/share/link?shareid=198381908&uk=4145338314


下面的过程是基于HTC ONE(802d)来测试的:



2、将原有包中的services.jar转成smali文件,通过 baksmali-1.4.2.jar 进行将 jar中的dex文件转成smali文件,将PackageManagerService.smali中的verifySignaturesLP函数的实现给修改掉,然后再使用smali-1.4.2.jar将反编译出的包含smali文件的目录转成dex文件,使用winrar打开services.jar,将新生成的classes.dex覆盖jar包中的classes.dex,将这个新jar包替换原ROM zip包中的同名文件。

再使用“土豆ROM工具箱” 将新ROM zip包重新签名下,再进行刷机。

经过几分钟的等待后,系统可用,并且使用我自己编译出的 SystemUI.apk 直接覆盖 /system/framework/ 下的同名文件,也不会再报签名错误,只是无法正常运行。

为了进一步验证,我将系统的 SystemUI.apk 复制我的电脑上,使用“土豆ROM工具箱”将其重新签名,然后再替换原生 SystemUI.apk,HTC手机也是可以正常运行的。



C:\Users\zhao3546\Desktop\Android\Android_framework_4.2>java -jar smali-1.4.2.jar -h
usage: java -jar smali.jar [options] [--] [<smali-file>|folder]*
assembles a set of smali files into a dex file
-?,--help prints the help message then exits. Specify
twice for debug options
-a,--api-level <API_LEVEL> The numeric api-level of the file to generate,
e.g. 14 for ICS. If not specified, it defaults
to 14 (ICS).
-o,--output <FILE> the name of the dex file that will be written.
The default is out.dex
-v,--version prints the version then exits
-x,--allow-odex-instructions allow odex instructions to be compiled into the
dex file. Only a few instructions are supported
- the ones that can exist in a dead code path
and not cause dalvik to reject the class C:\Users\zhao3546\Desktop\Android\Android_framework_4.2>java -jar baksmali-1.4.2.jar -h
usage: java -jar baksmali.jar [options] <dex-file>
disassembles and/or dumps a dex file
-?,--help prints the help message then exits.
Specify twice for debug options
-a,--api-level <API_LEVEL> The numeric api-level of the file
being disassembled. If not
specified, it defaults to 14 (ICS).
-b,--no-debug-info don't write out debug info (.local,
.param, .line, etc.)
-c,--bootclasspath <BOOTCLASSPATH> the bootclasspath jars to use, for
analysis. Defaults to
id.policy.jar:services.jar. If the
value begins with a :, it will be
appended to the default
bootclasspath instead of replacing
-d,--bootclasspath-dir <DIR> the base folder to look for the
bootclasspath files in. Defaults to
the current directory
-f,--code-offsets add comments to the disassembly
containing the code offset for each
-l,--use-locals output the .locals directive with
the number of non-parameter
registers, rather than the .register
directive with the total number of
-m,--no-accessor-comments don't output helper comments for
synthetic accessors
-o,--output <DIR> the directory where the disassembled
files will be placed. The default is
-p,--no-parameter-registers use the v<n> syntax instead of the
p<n> syntax for registers mapped to
method parameters
-r,--register-info <REGISTER_INFO_TYPES> print the specificed type(s) of
register information for each
instruction. "ARGS,DEST" is the
default if no types are specified.
Valid values are:
ALL: all pre- and post-instruction
ALLPRE: all pre-instruction
ALLPOST: all post-instruction
ARGS: any pre-instruction registers
used as arguments to the instruction
DEST: the post-instruction
destination register, if any
MERGE: Any pre-instruction register
has been merged from more than 1
different post-instruction register
from its predecessors
FULLMERGE: For each register that
would be printed by MERGE, also show
the incoming register types that
were merged
-s,--sequential-labels create label names using a
sequential numbering scheme per
label type, rather than using the
bytecode address
-v,--version prints the version then exits
-x,--deodex deodex the given odex file. This
option is ignored if the input file
is not an odex file