
时间:2022-10-24 21:04:22

Before ios5 I was able to access a UIWebView's UIScrollView delegate like this:


for (id subview in webView1.subviews){
    if ([[subview class] isSubclassOfClass: [UIScrollView class]])  {
        UIScrollView * s = (UIScrollView*)subview;
        OldDelegate = s.delegate;//OldDelegate is type id
                    s.delegate = self;

Now, I know that's not the right way to do it, but at the time (as far as I understood) it was the only way to do it. iOS 5 has changed that, so I am trying to do it the iOS 5 way:


UIScrollView * s = webView.scrollView;
Olddelegate = s.delegate;
s.delegate = self;

But either way I try to do it, the value of my OldDelegate object is 0x0. It is really important that I retain this delegate value, but try as I might, I'm just getting 0x0.


Any ideas?


I'm not using ARC...


2 个解决方案



The scrollView property of UIWebView is a subclass of UIScrollView. This private class, called _UIWebViewScrollView does not use the delegate property, it is always nil. Maybe you could do some refactoring and get the real scrollview-delegate, but i'm almost 100% sure apple will reject your app doing so.




Yes, if your using arc, its possible that its doing garbage collection on your unretained Olddelegate, you can either mark the file to not use arc with -fno-objc-arc and handle the retain and release on your own like you used to. Or you can implement strong references as described here to help you retain the variable. https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/#releasenotes/ObjectiveC/RN-TransitioningToARC/Introduction/Introduction.html

是的,如果您使用arc,它可能会在未保留的Olddelegate上进行垃圾收集,您可以标记文件,使其不使用带有-fno-objc-arc的arc,并像以前一样自己处理retain和release。或者可以实现这里描述的强引用,以帮助您保留变量。https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/ releasenotes / ObjectiveC RN-TransitioningToARC /介绍/ Introduction.html



The scrollView property of UIWebView is a subclass of UIScrollView. This private class, called _UIWebViewScrollView does not use the delegate property, it is always nil. Maybe you could do some refactoring and get the real scrollview-delegate, but i'm almost 100% sure apple will reject your app doing so.




Yes, if your using arc, its possible that its doing garbage collection on your unretained Olddelegate, you can either mark the file to not use arc with -fno-objc-arc and handle the retain and release on your own like you used to. Or you can implement strong references as described here to help you retain the variable. https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/#releasenotes/ObjectiveC/RN-TransitioningToARC/Introduction/Introduction.html

是的,如果您使用arc,它可能会在未保留的Olddelegate上进行垃圾收集,您可以标记文件,使其不使用带有-fno-objc-arc的arc,并像以前一样自己处理retain和release。或者可以实现这里描述的强引用,以帮助您保留变量。https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/ releasenotes / ObjectiveC RN-TransitioningToARC /介绍/ Introduction.html