
时间:2022-03-15 21:00:46

I'm working on Open XML document format for excel sheets.

我正在为excel表格开发Open XML文档格式。

var nodeList = WorksheetXml.SelectNodes(@"//c[child::f]");

it should return all rows with formulas, but it doesn't return anything. The same xml on Oxygen Editor, when applied the same xpath expression, returns all of them.

它应该返回带有公式的所有行,但它不会返回任何内容。 Oxygen Editor上的相同xml,当应用相同的xpath表达式时,将返回所有这些xml。

I am copying WorksheetXml inner xml to assure the content is the same... do you know why C# is not working the expected way?


EDIT: Namespace issue


I've put this:


var manager = new XmlNamespaceManager(WorksheetXml.NameTable);
manager.AddNamespace(string.Empty, @"http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/spreadsheetml/2006/main");
manager.AddNamespace("r", @"http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships");

var nodeList = WorksheetXml.SelectNodes(@"//c[child::f]", manager);

and it didn't work, I think it is not a namespace problem.


2 个解决方案


Is it possible that Oxygen Editor is handling namespaces differently? My guess is that the c element is in a namespace, but you aren't specifying one.

Oxygen Editor是否可能以不同方式处理命名空间?我的猜测是c元素在命名空间中,但你没有指定一个。

See this very similar question for sample code - and if that's not the problem, please post more details.

有关示例代码,请参阅此非常相似的问题 - 如果不是问题,请发布更多详细信息。

EDIT: The code you've posted still doesn't use a namespace in the XPath. Try this:


var manager = new XmlNamespaceManager(WorksheetXml.NameTable);

var nodeList = WorksheetXml.SelectNodes("//n:c[child::n:f]", manager);

(I don't know which namespace the c and f elements are meant to be in - adjust appropriately.)

(我不知道c和f元素应该在哪个命名空间中 - 适当调整。)

(Note that there's no need to use a verbatim string literal when you have no backslashes and the string is on one line.)



You did not specify OpenXML namespace for the nodes in your XPath expression. All stock .NET XPath APIs that I know of do not inherit any namespaces from document context - so if you do not explicitly specify it, and don't use any prefixes in XPath expression, it is treated as empty namespace.

您没有为XPath表达式中的节点指定OpenXML名称空间。我所知道的所有库存.NET XPath API都没有从文档上下文继承任何名称空间 - 因此,如果您没有显式指定它,并且不在XPath表达式中使用任何前缀,则将其视为空名称空间。

Assuming that this is a call to XmlNode.SelectNode, you need the 2-argument overload where the second argument is XmlNamespaceManager.



Is it possible that Oxygen Editor is handling namespaces differently? My guess is that the c element is in a namespace, but you aren't specifying one.

Oxygen Editor是否可能以不同方式处理命名空间?我的猜测是c元素在命名空间中,但你没有指定一个。

See this very similar question for sample code - and if that's not the problem, please post more details.

有关示例代码,请参阅此非常相似的问题 - 如果不是问题,请发布更多详细信息。

EDIT: The code you've posted still doesn't use a namespace in the XPath. Try this:


var manager = new XmlNamespaceManager(WorksheetXml.NameTable);

var nodeList = WorksheetXml.SelectNodes("//n:c[child::n:f]", manager);

(I don't know which namespace the c and f elements are meant to be in - adjust appropriately.)

(我不知道c和f元素应该在哪个命名空间中 - 适当调整。)

(Note that there's no need to use a verbatim string literal when you have no backslashes and the string is on one line.)



You did not specify OpenXML namespace for the nodes in your XPath expression. All stock .NET XPath APIs that I know of do not inherit any namespaces from document context - so if you do not explicitly specify it, and don't use any prefixes in XPath expression, it is treated as empty namespace.

您没有为XPath表达式中的节点指定OpenXML名称空间。我所知道的所有库存.NET XPath API都没有从文档上下文继承任何名称空间 - 因此,如果您没有显式指定它,并且不在XPath表达式中使用任何前缀,则将其视为空名称空间。

Assuming that this is a call to XmlNode.SelectNode, you need the 2-argument overload where the second argument is XmlNamespaceManager.
