为什么C#不支持变体泛型类? [重复]

时间:2021-06-07 21:00:47

This question already has an answer here:


Take this small LINQPad example:


void Main()
    Foo<object> foo = new Foo<string>();

class Foo<out T>
    public T Get()
        return default(T);

It fails to compile with this error:


Invalid variance modifier. Only interface and delegate type parameters can be specified as variant.


I don't see any logical problem with the code. Everything can be statically verified. Why is this not allowed? Would it cause some inconsistency in the language, or was it deemed too expensive to implement due to a limitation in the CLR? If it is the latter, what should I as a developer know about said limitation?


Considering that interfaces support it, I would have expected class support to logically follow from that.


2 个解决方案



One reason would be:


class Foo<out T>
  T _store;
  public T Get()
    _store = default(T);
    return _store;

This class contains a feature that is not covariant, because it has a field, and fields can be set to values. It is though used in a covariant way, because it is only ever assigned the default value and that is only ever going to be null for any case where covariance is actually used.


As such it's not clear if we could allow it. Not allowing it would irritate users (it does after all match the same potential rules you suggest), but allowing it is difficult (the analysis has gotten slightly tricky already and we're not that even beginning to hunt for really tricky cases).


On the other hand, the analysis of this is much simpler:


void Main()
  IFoo<object> foo = new Foo<string>();

interface IFoo<out T>
  T Get();

class Foo<T> : IFoo<T>
  T _store;
  public T Get()
    _store = default(T);
    return _store;

It's easy to determine that none of the implementation of IFoo<T> breaks the covariance, because it hasn't got any. All that's necessary is to make sure that there is no use of T as a parameter (including that of a setter method) and it's done.

很容易确定IFoo 的实现都没有打破协方差,因为它没有任何协方差。所有必要的是确保不使用T作为参数(包括setter方法的参数)并完成它。

The fact that the potential restriction is a lot more arduous on a class than on an interface for similar reasons, also reduces the degree to which covariant classes would be useful. They certainly wouldn't be useless, but the balance of how useful they would be over how much work it would be to specify and implement the rules about what they would be allowed to do is much less than the balance of how useful covariant interfaces are over how over how much work it was to specify and implement them.


Certainly, the difference is enough that it's past the point of "well, if you're going to allow X it would be silly to not allow Y…".

当然,差异足以让它超过“好吧,如果你要允许X,那么不允许Y ......就是愚蠢的”。



A class would need to contain only output method parameters (in order to be covariant) and only input method parameters (in order to be contravariant). The point is that it's hard to guarantee that for classes: for example, covariant class (by T type parameter) cannot have fields of T, because you could write to those fields. It would work great for truly immutable classes, but there is no a comprehensive support for immutability in C# at the moment (say, as in Scala).




One reason would be:


class Foo<out T>
  T _store;
  public T Get()
    _store = default(T);
    return _store;

This class contains a feature that is not covariant, because it has a field, and fields can be set to values. It is though used in a covariant way, because it is only ever assigned the default value and that is only ever going to be null for any case where covariance is actually used.


As such it's not clear if we could allow it. Not allowing it would irritate users (it does after all match the same potential rules you suggest), but allowing it is difficult (the analysis has gotten slightly tricky already and we're not that even beginning to hunt for really tricky cases).


On the other hand, the analysis of this is much simpler:


void Main()
  IFoo<object> foo = new Foo<string>();

interface IFoo<out T>
  T Get();

class Foo<T> : IFoo<T>
  T _store;
  public T Get()
    _store = default(T);
    return _store;

It's easy to determine that none of the implementation of IFoo<T> breaks the covariance, because it hasn't got any. All that's necessary is to make sure that there is no use of T as a parameter (including that of a setter method) and it's done.

很容易确定IFoo 的实现都没有打破协方差,因为它没有任何协方差。所有必要的是确保不使用T作为参数(包括setter方法的参数)并完成它。

The fact that the potential restriction is a lot more arduous on a class than on an interface for similar reasons, also reduces the degree to which covariant classes would be useful. They certainly wouldn't be useless, but the balance of how useful they would be over how much work it would be to specify and implement the rules about what they would be allowed to do is much less than the balance of how useful covariant interfaces are over how over how much work it was to specify and implement them.


Certainly, the difference is enough that it's past the point of "well, if you're going to allow X it would be silly to not allow Y…".

当然,差异足以让它超过“好吧,如果你要允许X,那么不允许Y ......就是愚蠢的”。



A class would need to contain only output method parameters (in order to be covariant) and only input method parameters (in order to be contravariant). The point is that it's hard to guarantee that for classes: for example, covariant class (by T type parameter) cannot have fields of T, because you could write to those fields. It would work great for truly immutable classes, but there is no a comprehensive support for immutability in C# at the moment (say, as in Scala).
