
时间:2021-10-28 21:02:26

Is there any way to start/lunch a program through Process in another screen?


Someone asked that here but there was no answer.


Note: it is not a form in my app, I'm asking about running an external program in another screen!


5 个解决方案



Since the window is not yours, you can only move it by invoking the Windows API. You will have to do this:

由于窗口不是您的,因此您只能通过调用Windows API来移动它。你必须这样做:

  • Launch the process.


  • Use FindWindow to retrieve the handle to the window. If the window doesn’t exist yet, the process hasn’t created it yet; sleep for 500ms and then try again. (But don’t go into an infinite loop; stop if you can’t find the window after a reasonable timeout.)

    使用FindWindow检索窗口的句柄。如果窗口尚不存在,则该进程尚未创建它;睡500码,然后再试一次。 (但不要进入无限循环;如果在合理的超时后找不到窗口,请停止。)

  • Use SetWindowPos to change the position of the window.


If you don’t know the title of the window, you can’t use FindWindow. In that case,


  • Launch the process and get the process handle by retrieving Process.Handle.


  • Use EnumWindows to retrieve all the windows. For each window, use GetWindowThreadProcessId to check whether it belongs to your process. If no window belongs to your process, wait and keep trying.


  • Use SetWindowPos to change the position of the window.


Of course, you can use Screen.AllScreens[n].WorkingArea to retrieve the position and size of the screen you want, and then you can position the window relative to that.

当然,您可以使用Screen.AllScreens [n] .WorkingArea来检索所需屏幕的位置和大小,然后您可以相对于该窗口定位窗口。



First get out the area of the second monitor using something like:


Rectangle area = Screen.AllScreens[1].WorkingArea;

The use the Windows API SetWindowPos to move it, using the Process.MainWindowHandle you got from the starting of the other process as the handle.

使用Windows API SetWindowPos移动它,使用从另一个进程启动时获得的Process.MainWindowHandle作为句柄。



Timwi provided a very useful tip, so I decided to create a powershell script calling a library with these functions for easier use, and share the solution.


I needed to run multiple Chrome windows on startup, and the solution on GitHub targets exactly this problem (related question: https://superuser.com/a/901790/111424).


But the underlying logic is the same:


  1. Find Windows Handle to operate with. You may use FindWindow or EnumWindows in generic case as Timwi mentioned. But if your process is simple one and has a single main window, it is just:


    var hndl = proc.MainWindowHandle
  2. Having the handle, you may use the following function. You just need to provide Display number (starting from 1) and the handle:


    public static bool MoveToMonitor(IntPtr windowHandle, int monitor){    monitor = monitor - 1;    return WinApi.SetWindowPos(windowHandle, IntPtr.Zero, Screen.AllScreens[monitor].WorkingArea.Left,        Screen.AllScreens[monitor].WorkingArea.Top, 1000, 800, SetWindowPosFlags.SWP_NOZORDER | SetWindowPosFlags.SWP_NOREDRAW);}

All enums and function imports you may find on http://www.pinvoke.net/ or just copy my code on GitHub: https://github.com/alex-tomin/Tomin.Tools.KioskMode.




You would need to start the process, get the processes main window and use an API call like SetWindowPos() to move the window to the screen you want.




Try to put this code in the form_load method:


this.setdesktoplocation(int x, int y);this.windowstate = formwindowstate.maximized;

The value of x must be greater than the width of your main screen. For example, if your main screen has a resolution of 1366 by 786 pixels, you should give x a value of at least 1368 or above.

x的值必须大于主屏幕的宽度。例如,如果您的主屏幕的分辨率为1366 x 786像素,则应该为x赋予至少1368或更高的值。

It worked for me. But it is just for debugging purposes only. After all, you'll have to run it in the main monitor when the app is finished.




Since the window is not yours, you can only move it by invoking the Windows API. You will have to do this:

由于窗口不是您的,因此您只能通过调用Windows API来移动它。你必须这样做:

  • Launch the process.


  • Use FindWindow to retrieve the handle to the window. If the window doesn’t exist yet, the process hasn’t created it yet; sleep for 500ms and then try again. (But don’t go into an infinite loop; stop if you can’t find the window after a reasonable timeout.)

    使用FindWindow检索窗口的句柄。如果窗口尚不存在,则该进程尚未创建它;睡500码,然后再试一次。 (但不要进入无限循环;如果在合理的超时后找不到窗口,请停止。)

  • Use SetWindowPos to change the position of the window.


If you don’t know the title of the window, you can’t use FindWindow. In that case,


  • Launch the process and get the process handle by retrieving Process.Handle.


  • Use EnumWindows to retrieve all the windows. For each window, use GetWindowThreadProcessId to check whether it belongs to your process. If no window belongs to your process, wait and keep trying.


  • Use SetWindowPos to change the position of the window.


Of course, you can use Screen.AllScreens[n].WorkingArea to retrieve the position and size of the screen you want, and then you can position the window relative to that.

当然,您可以使用Screen.AllScreens [n] .WorkingArea来检索所需屏幕的位置和大小,然后您可以相对于该窗口定位窗口。



First get out the area of the second monitor using something like:


Rectangle area = Screen.AllScreens[1].WorkingArea;

The use the Windows API SetWindowPos to move it, using the Process.MainWindowHandle you got from the starting of the other process as the handle.

使用Windows API SetWindowPos移动它,使用从另一个进程启动时获得的Process.MainWindowHandle作为句柄。



Timwi provided a very useful tip, so I decided to create a powershell script calling a library with these functions for easier use, and share the solution.


I needed to run multiple Chrome windows on startup, and the solution on GitHub targets exactly this problem (related question: https://superuser.com/a/901790/111424).


But the underlying logic is the same:


  1. Find Windows Handle to operate with. You may use FindWindow or EnumWindows in generic case as Timwi mentioned. But if your process is simple one and has a single main window, it is just:


    var hndl = proc.MainWindowHandle
  2. Having the handle, you may use the following function. You just need to provide Display number (starting from 1) and the handle:


    public static bool MoveToMonitor(IntPtr windowHandle, int monitor){    monitor = monitor - 1;    return WinApi.SetWindowPos(windowHandle, IntPtr.Zero, Screen.AllScreens[monitor].WorkingArea.Left,        Screen.AllScreens[monitor].WorkingArea.Top, 1000, 800, SetWindowPosFlags.SWP_NOZORDER | SetWindowPosFlags.SWP_NOREDRAW);}

All enums and function imports you may find on http://www.pinvoke.net/ or just copy my code on GitHub: https://github.com/alex-tomin/Tomin.Tools.KioskMode.




You would need to start the process, get the processes main window and use an API call like SetWindowPos() to move the window to the screen you want.




Try to put this code in the form_load method:


this.setdesktoplocation(int x, int y);this.windowstate = formwindowstate.maximized;

The value of x must be greater than the width of your main screen. For example, if your main screen has a resolution of 1366 by 786 pixels, you should give x a value of at least 1368 or above.

x的值必须大于主屏幕的宽度。例如,如果您的主屏幕的分辨率为1366 x 786像素,则应该为x赋予至少1368或更高的值。

It worked for me. But it is just for debugging purposes only. After all, you'll have to run it in the main monitor when the app is finished.
