
时间:2022-04-07 21:00:12

Is writing to stdout using printf thread-safe on Linux? What about using the lower-level write command?


5 个解决方案



It's not specified by the C standard -- it depends on your implementation of the C standard library. In fact, the C standard doesn't even mention threads at all, since certain systems (e.g. embedded systems) don't have multithreading.


In the GNU implementation (glibc), most of the higher-level functions in stdio that deal with FILE* objects are thread-safe. The ones that aren't usually have unlocked in their names (e.g. getc_unlocked(3)). However, the thread safety is at a per-function call level: if you make multiple calls to printf(3), for example, each of those calls is guaranteed to output atomically, but other threads might print things out between your calls to printf(). If you want to ensure that a sequence of I/O calls gets output atomically, you can surround them with a pair of flockfile(3)/funlockfile(3) calls to lock the FILE handle. Note that these functions are reentrant, so you can safely call printf() in between them, and that won't result in deadlock even thought printf() itself makes a call to flockfile().


The low-level I/O calls such as write(2) should be thread-safe, but I'm not 100% sure of that - write() makes a system call into the kernel to perform I/O. How exactly this happens depends on what kernel you're using. It might be the sysenter instruction, or the int (interrupt) instruction on older systems. Once inside the kernel, it's up to the kernel to make sure that the I/O is thread-safe. In a test I just did with the Darwin Kernel Version 8.11.1, write(2) appears to be thread-safe.




Whether you'd call it "thread-safe" depends on your definition of thread-safe. POSIX requires stdio functions to use locking, so your program will not crash, corrupt the FILE object states, etc. if you use printf simultaneously from multiple threads. However, all stdio operations are formally specified in terms of repeated calls to fgetc and fputc, so there is no larger-scale atomicity guaranteed. That is to say, if threads 1 and 2 try to print "Hello\n" and "Goodbye\n" at the same time, there's no guarantee that the output will be either "Hello\nGoodbye\n" or "Goodbye\nHello\n". It could just as well be "HGelolodboy\ne\n". In practice, most implementations will acquire a single lock for the entire higher-level write call simply because it's more efficient, but your program should not assume so. There may be corner cases where this is not done; for instance an implementation could probably entirely omit locking on unbuffered streams.

您是否将它称为“线程安全”取决于您对线程安全的定义。POSIX要求stdio函数使用锁定,因此如果您同时从多个线程使用printf,您的程序将不会崩溃、损坏文件对象状态等。但是,所有stdio操作都是根据对fgetc和fputc的重复调用而正式指定的,因此不能保证更大的原子性。也就是说,如果线程1和线程2同时尝试打印“Hello\n”和“Goodbye\n”,则不能保证输出是“Hello\nGoodbye\n”或“Goodbye\nHello\ nHello\n”。它也可以是“HGelolodboy\ne\n”。在实践中,大多数实现都会为整个高级的写调用获取一个锁,这仅仅是因为它更有效,但是您的程序不应该这样假设。在某些情况下,这是不可能的;例如,实现可能会完全忽略对未缓冲流的锁定。

Edit: The above text about atomicity is incorrect. POSIX guarantees all stdio operations are atomic, but the guarantee is hidden in the documentation for flockfile: http://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/9699919799/functions/flockfile.html


All functions that reference ( FILE *) objects shall behave as if they use flockfile() and funlockfile() internally to obtain ownership of these ( FILE *) objects.

引用(FILE *)对象的所有函数都应该像使用flockfile()和funlockfile()一样,以获得这些(文件*)对象的所有权。

You can use the flockfile, ftrylockfile, and funlockfile functions yourself to achieve larger-than-single-function-call atomic writes.




They are both thread-safe to the point that your application won't crash if multiple threads call them on the same file descriptor. However, without some application-level locking, whatever is written could be interleaved.




It's thread-safe; printf should be reentrant, and you won't cause any strangeness or corruption in your program.


You can't guarantee that your output from one thread won't start half way through the output from another thread. If you care about that you need to develop your own locked output code to prevent multiple access.




C got a new standard since this question was asked (and last answered).


C11 now comes with multithreading support and addresses multithreaded behavior of streams:


§7.21.2 Streams


¶7 Each stream has an associated lock that is used to prevent data races when multiple threads of execution access a stream, and to restrict the interleaving of stream operations performed by multiple threads. Only one thread may hold this lock at a time. The lock is reentrant: a single thread may hold the lock multiple times at a given time.


¶8 All functions that read, write, position, or query the position of a stream lock the stream before accessing it. They release the lock associated with the stream when the access is complete.


So, an implementation with C11 threads must guarantee that using printf is thread-safe.


Whether atomicity (as in no interleaving1) is guaranteed, wasn't that clear to me at a first glance, because the standard spoke of restricting interleaving, as opposed to preventing, which it mandated for data races.

原子性(在no interleaving1中)是否得到保证,我第一眼就看不太清楚,因为标准谈到了限制交叉,而不是防止,它要求数据竞争。

I lean towards it being guaranteed. The standard speaks of restricting interleaving, as some interleaving that doesn't change the outcome is still allowed to happen; e.g. fwrite some bytes, fseek back some more and fwrite till the original offset, so that both fwrites are back-to-back. The implementation is free to reorder these 2 fwrites and merge them into a single write.

我倾向于得到保证。标准说的是限制交错,一些不会改变结果的交错仍然是允许的;例如:fwrite一些字节,fseek back一些字节,fwrite直到原始的偏移量,这样两个fwrite都是背对背的。实现可以*地重新排序这两个fwrite,并将它们合并到一个写入中。

1: See the strike-through text in R..'s answer for an example.

1:在R.. .看文章。这是一个例子。



It's not specified by the C standard -- it depends on your implementation of the C standard library. In fact, the C standard doesn't even mention threads at all, since certain systems (e.g. embedded systems) don't have multithreading.


In the GNU implementation (glibc), most of the higher-level functions in stdio that deal with FILE* objects are thread-safe. The ones that aren't usually have unlocked in their names (e.g. getc_unlocked(3)). However, the thread safety is at a per-function call level: if you make multiple calls to printf(3), for example, each of those calls is guaranteed to output atomically, but other threads might print things out between your calls to printf(). If you want to ensure that a sequence of I/O calls gets output atomically, you can surround them with a pair of flockfile(3)/funlockfile(3) calls to lock the FILE handle. Note that these functions are reentrant, so you can safely call printf() in between them, and that won't result in deadlock even thought printf() itself makes a call to flockfile().


The low-level I/O calls such as write(2) should be thread-safe, but I'm not 100% sure of that - write() makes a system call into the kernel to perform I/O. How exactly this happens depends on what kernel you're using. It might be the sysenter instruction, or the int (interrupt) instruction on older systems. Once inside the kernel, it's up to the kernel to make sure that the I/O is thread-safe. In a test I just did with the Darwin Kernel Version 8.11.1, write(2) appears to be thread-safe.




Whether you'd call it "thread-safe" depends on your definition of thread-safe. POSIX requires stdio functions to use locking, so your program will not crash, corrupt the FILE object states, etc. if you use printf simultaneously from multiple threads. However, all stdio operations are formally specified in terms of repeated calls to fgetc and fputc, so there is no larger-scale atomicity guaranteed. That is to say, if threads 1 and 2 try to print "Hello\n" and "Goodbye\n" at the same time, there's no guarantee that the output will be either "Hello\nGoodbye\n" or "Goodbye\nHello\n". It could just as well be "HGelolodboy\ne\n". In practice, most implementations will acquire a single lock for the entire higher-level write call simply because it's more efficient, but your program should not assume so. There may be corner cases where this is not done; for instance an implementation could probably entirely omit locking on unbuffered streams.

您是否将它称为“线程安全”取决于您对线程安全的定义。POSIX要求stdio函数使用锁定,因此如果您同时从多个线程使用printf,您的程序将不会崩溃、损坏文件对象状态等。但是,所有stdio操作都是根据对fgetc和fputc的重复调用而正式指定的,因此不能保证更大的原子性。也就是说,如果线程1和线程2同时尝试打印“Hello\n”和“Goodbye\n”,则不能保证输出是“Hello\nGoodbye\n”或“Goodbye\nHello\ nHello\n”。它也可以是“HGelolodboy\ne\n”。在实践中,大多数实现都会为整个高级的写调用获取一个锁,这仅仅是因为它更有效,但是您的程序不应该这样假设。在某些情况下,这是不可能的;例如,实现可能会完全忽略对未缓冲流的锁定。

Edit: The above text about atomicity is incorrect. POSIX guarantees all stdio operations are atomic, but the guarantee is hidden in the documentation for flockfile: http://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/9699919799/functions/flockfile.html


All functions that reference ( FILE *) objects shall behave as if they use flockfile() and funlockfile() internally to obtain ownership of these ( FILE *) objects.

引用(FILE *)对象的所有函数都应该像使用flockfile()和funlockfile()一样,以获得这些(文件*)对象的所有权。

You can use the flockfile, ftrylockfile, and funlockfile functions yourself to achieve larger-than-single-function-call atomic writes.




They are both thread-safe to the point that your application won't crash if multiple threads call them on the same file descriptor. However, without some application-level locking, whatever is written could be interleaved.




It's thread-safe; printf should be reentrant, and you won't cause any strangeness or corruption in your program.


You can't guarantee that your output from one thread won't start half way through the output from another thread. If you care about that you need to develop your own locked output code to prevent multiple access.




C got a new standard since this question was asked (and last answered).


C11 now comes with multithreading support and addresses multithreaded behavior of streams:


§7.21.2 Streams


¶7 Each stream has an associated lock that is used to prevent data races when multiple threads of execution access a stream, and to restrict the interleaving of stream operations performed by multiple threads. Only one thread may hold this lock at a time. The lock is reentrant: a single thread may hold the lock multiple times at a given time.


¶8 All functions that read, write, position, or query the position of a stream lock the stream before accessing it. They release the lock associated with the stream when the access is complete.


So, an implementation with C11 threads must guarantee that using printf is thread-safe.


Whether atomicity (as in no interleaving1) is guaranteed, wasn't that clear to me at a first glance, because the standard spoke of restricting interleaving, as opposed to preventing, which it mandated for data races.

原子性(在no interleaving1中)是否得到保证,我第一眼就看不太清楚,因为标准谈到了限制交叉,而不是防止,它要求数据竞争。

I lean towards it being guaranteed. The standard speaks of restricting interleaving, as some interleaving that doesn't change the outcome is still allowed to happen; e.g. fwrite some bytes, fseek back some more and fwrite till the original offset, so that both fwrites are back-to-back. The implementation is free to reorder these 2 fwrites and merge them into a single write.

我倾向于得到保证。标准说的是限制交错,一些不会改变结果的交错仍然是允许的;例如:fwrite一些字节,fseek back一些字节,fwrite直到原始的偏移量,这样两个fwrite都是背对背的。实现可以*地重新排序这两个fwrite,并将它们合并到一个写入中。

1: See the strike-through text in R..'s answer for an example.

1:在R.. .看文章。这是一个例子。