
时间:2021-01-30 20:51:52

I'm having trouble getting Processing 3.3.6 (x64) for Windows 10 to recognize my LG V20 android device.

我在为Windows 10处理3.3.6(x64)以识别我的LG V20安卓设备时遇到了麻烦。

At first, I was getting a NoClassDefFoundError when I tried to run a sketch, and the Android SDK updater had 2 suggested updates that I couldn't install due to more errors. My phone was not listed in Processing. The device was I've enabled USB debugging, and the connection works; I can transfer files fine.

起初,当我尝试运行草图时,我得到了NoClassDefFoundError,并且Android SDK更新程序有2个建议的更新,由于更多错误我无法安装。我的手机没有列在Processing中。该设备是我启用USB调试,连接工作;我可以传输文件。

After reading across the internet with little advice or success, I tried uninstalling all Android-related files on my computer, as well as any Processing-related files. I uninstalled Java, JRE and JDK. I then reinstalled them all:


  • Java 8u161 JDK and JRE

    Java 8u161 JDK和JRE

  • Processing 3.3.6

  • Android SDK (auto-installed by Processing)

    Android SDK(由Processing自动安装)

It all installed without complaint, and everything seemed fine. However, Processing still can't find or recognize my device. I've also tried these exact steps on my laptop which has a mostly clean install of Windows 10 (apart from chrome and some bloatware) with the same results.

这一切安装没有抱怨,一切似乎都很好。但是,Processing仍无法找到或识别我的设备。我也在我的笔记本电脑上尝试了这些确切的步骤,这些步骤大部分都是干净安装的Windows 10(除了镀铬和一些英国媒体报道),结果相同。

I also tried running something via Processing's emulator; I may have done this wrong, but this comes up with a "Lost connection with emulator while launching" error.


From this, it feels like it HAS to be an issue with the phone, since it's on multiple PCs. But it also HAS to be an issue with the PC, since it occurs on both a phone and an emulator. Frankly, I'm dumbfounded as to what the problem is.


I'm not really sure what else I can do or try; I haven't found my problem anywhere else, and tried the solutions to all similar problems with no success. Does anybody have any ideas?


EDIT: I fixed the problem. I tracked down the location of my adb.exe, and ran "adb devices" in cmd at that location. It listed one device (mine), and said it was unauthorized. A prompt appeared on my phone, and upon confirming it, the device was authorized.

编辑:我修复了问题。我找到了adb.exe的位置,并在该位置的cmd中运行了“adb devices”。它列出了一个设备(我的),并表示它是未经授权的。我的手机上出现提示,确认后,设备已获得授权。

1 个解决方案



first off all check is your device connected to sdk by running this command


sdk/platform-tools/adb devices

if your device name not found make sure that you have USB debug enabled


goto settings/developer settings/ allow USB debug mode


if you don't see this option search how to enable developer settings for your phone mine was like goto settings/about/software info and tap constantly on build-number for 7 times




first off all check is your device connected to sdk by running this command


sdk/platform-tools/adb devices

if your device name not found make sure that you have USB debug enabled


goto settings/developer settings/ allow USB debug mode


if you don't see this option search how to enable developer settings for your phone mine was like goto settings/about/software info and tap constantly on build-number for 7 times
