
时间:2022-01-19 20:47:35

When should I be using an Event Handler versus an Event Aggregator?


In my code, I have two ViewModels that controlled by a parent ViewModel, I am trying to decide if I should just use an event handler to talk between them? Or use an Event Aggregator? It is going to just be simple method call, I don't require parameters to be passed between them.

在我的代码中,我有两个由父ViewModel控制的ViewModel,我试图决定是否应该使用事件处理程序在它们之间进行通信?或者使用Event Aggregator?它只是简单的方法调用,我不需要在它们之间传递参数。

1 个解决方案



The way I see it, the EventAggregator is usually the heavy gun used when you want to publish an event to the entire application and more specifically - when you don't know who exactly is listening.

我看到它的方式,EventAggregator通常是你想要将事件发布到整个应用程序时使用的重枪 - 更具体地说 - 当你不知道究竟是谁正在收听时。

In your scenario that's not really the case, you have 2 view models that want to communicate, but they both know each other. So there is no real reason you can't use events.


I'll just mention that if you want to keep it a little more loosely-coupled - make an interface for each of the viewmodels that exposes the event. This way each VM will use the other VM's Interface instead of a specific instance.

我只想提一下,如果你想保持它更松散耦合 - 为每个暴露事件的视图模型创建一个接口。这样,每个VM将使用另一个VM的接口而不是特定的实例。



The way I see it, the EventAggregator is usually the heavy gun used when you want to publish an event to the entire application and more specifically - when you don't know who exactly is listening.

我看到它的方式,EventAggregator通常是你想要将事件发布到整个应用程序时使用的重枪 - 更具体地说 - 当你不知道究竟是谁正在收听时。

In your scenario that's not really the case, you have 2 view models that want to communicate, but they both know each other. So there is no real reason you can't use events.


I'll just mention that if you want to keep it a little more loosely-coupled - make an interface for each of the viewmodels that exposes the event. This way each VM will use the other VM's Interface instead of a specific instance.

我只想提一下,如果你想保持它更松散耦合 - 为每个暴露事件的视图模型创建一个接口。这样,每个VM将使用另一个VM的接口而不是特定的实例。