
时间:2022-09-24 20:48:41

I want to write the equivalent Java code of a C# code.


My C# code is as follows:


public abstract class A<T> where T : A<T>, new()
    public static void Process()
        Process(new T());

    public static void Process(T t)
        // Do Something...

public class B : A<B>

public class C : A<C>

Java equivalent of my code looks like this.


public abstract class A<T extends A<T>>
    public static <T extends A<T>> void process()
        process(new T()); // Error: Cannot instantiate the type T 

    public static <T extends A<T>> void process(T t)
        // Do Something...

    public class B extends A<B>

    public class C extends A<C>

Here the "new()" syntax in class declaration forces derived classes to write a default constructer which makes possible to call "new T()" from base class. In other words when i am wrting the base class i am sure that the derived class will have a default constructer, so that i can instantiate a derived class object from base class.

这里,类声明中的“new()”语法强制派生类编写一个默认的构造函数,从而可以从基类调用“new T()”。换句话说,当我在使用基类时,我确信派生类将具有默认构造函数,以便我可以从基类实例化派生类对象。

My problem in Java is, I cannot instantiate a derived class object from super class. I get "Cannot instantiate the type T" error for "new T()" call. Is there any C# similar way in Java or should I use something like prototype pattern and cloning?

我在Java中的问题是,我无法从超类中实例化派生类对象。我为“new T()”调用得到“无法实例化类型T”错误。在Java中是否有类似的C#方式,或者我应该使用原型模式和克隆之类的东西?

6 个解决方案



Java doesn't support reified generics, so there is no equivalent to "new T();". The way I work around this is to use reflection against a type token. The type token indicates what the generic type is.

Java不支持reified泛型,因此没有相当于“new T();”的东西。我解决这个问题的方法是对类型令牌使用反射。类型标记表示泛型类型。

public abstract class A<T> {
  private Class<T> typeToken;
  // constructor
  public A() {
        typeToken = (Class<T>) ((ParameterizedType) getClass().getGenericSuperclass()).getActualTypeArguments()[0];

Then use reflection to instantiate the class. It's ugly, but it gets the job done.




You can find some explanation of the difference between generics in C# and Java from this li nk - comparing java and C# generics.

你可以从这篇文章中找到C#和Java中泛型之间差异的一些解释 - 比较java和C#泛型。

Java generics are a completely compile-time construct. You cannot do anything with generic type parameters that rely in any way on runtime information. This includes:


  • Creating instances of generic type parameters.
  • 创建泛型类型参数的实例。

  • Creating arrays of generic type parameters.
  • 创建泛型类型参数的数组。

  • Quering the runtime class of a generic type parameter.
  • 查询泛型类型参数的运行时类。

  • Using instanceof with generic type parameters.
  • 使用带有泛型类型参数的instanceof。

You can bypass this restriction with java.lang.reflect namepsace. For example see this * question: Genercs and Class.forName()

您可以使用java.lang.reflect namepsace绕过此限制。例如,请参阅此*问题:Genercs和Class.forName()



Also, beware of this if you are using generics.


T[] someArray = new T[];

This is one reason to prefer ArrayList to arrays. The reason for the problem lies with reifiability and type erasure.




Just use the bog standard Abstract Factory pattern. You then get the additional benefits that you are not tying down to a specific type, the implementation type need not have a specific constructor, the instance can have some parameterisation, instances can be cached, etc., etc.


For the love of god, don't use reflection.




In addition to the other comments, I would suggest not using generics. They are not needed--they get stripped out at compile time anyway--and if you do not know them well you will try to make them do things they cannot.

除了其他评论,我建议不要使用泛型。它们不是必需的 - 无论如何它们都会在编译时被剥离 - 如果你不熟悉它们,你会试着让它们做他们做不到的事情。

Once you have your class working properly, then add them back in. Your IDE will, at that point, give you a lot of useful and intelligible advice, and the generics will warn you when you use objects of the wrong class.


It does look possible to me that this class will not need generics at all when finished. (I don't know what else this class may do, and I do not understand the use of the static methods--they will never have access to an individual instance's type information.)

我觉得这个类在完成后根本不需要泛型。 (我不知道这个类可以做什么,我不明白静态方法的使用 - 他们永远不会访问单个实例的类型信息。)



Actually this is not a problem in Java. The idiom is passing the class


    public static <T extends A<T>> T process(Class<T> clazz) 
        T o = clazz.newInstance();
        process( o ); 
        return o;

    X x = process(X.class); // not too verbose

I added a return value to illustrate the general case.




Java doesn't support reified generics, so there is no equivalent to "new T();". The way I work around this is to use reflection against a type token. The type token indicates what the generic type is.

Java不支持reified泛型,因此没有相当于“new T();”的东西。我解决这个问题的方法是对类型令牌使用反射。类型标记表示泛型类型。

public abstract class A<T> {
  private Class<T> typeToken;
  // constructor
  public A() {
        typeToken = (Class<T>) ((ParameterizedType) getClass().getGenericSuperclass()).getActualTypeArguments()[0];

Then use reflection to instantiate the class. It's ugly, but it gets the job done.




You can find some explanation of the difference between generics in C# and Java from this li nk - comparing java and C# generics.

你可以从这篇文章中找到C#和Java中泛型之间差异的一些解释 - 比较java和C#泛型。

Java generics are a completely compile-time construct. You cannot do anything with generic type parameters that rely in any way on runtime information. This includes:


  • Creating instances of generic type parameters.
  • 创建泛型类型参数的实例。

  • Creating arrays of generic type parameters.
  • 创建泛型类型参数的数组。

  • Quering the runtime class of a generic type parameter.
  • 查询泛型类型参数的运行时类。

  • Using instanceof with generic type parameters.
  • 使用带有泛型类型参数的instanceof。

You can bypass this restriction with java.lang.reflect namepsace. For example see this * question: Genercs and Class.forName()

您可以使用java.lang.reflect namepsace绕过此限制。例如,请参阅此*问题:Genercs和Class.forName()



Also, beware of this if you are using generics.


T[] someArray = new T[];

This is one reason to prefer ArrayList to arrays. The reason for the problem lies with reifiability and type erasure.




Just use the bog standard Abstract Factory pattern. You then get the additional benefits that you are not tying down to a specific type, the implementation type need not have a specific constructor, the instance can have some parameterisation, instances can be cached, etc., etc.


For the love of god, don't use reflection.




In addition to the other comments, I would suggest not using generics. They are not needed--they get stripped out at compile time anyway--and if you do not know them well you will try to make them do things they cannot.

除了其他评论,我建议不要使用泛型。它们不是必需的 - 无论如何它们都会在编译时被剥离 - 如果你不熟悉它们,你会试着让它们做他们做不到的事情。

Once you have your class working properly, then add them back in. Your IDE will, at that point, give you a lot of useful and intelligible advice, and the generics will warn you when you use objects of the wrong class.


It does look possible to me that this class will not need generics at all when finished. (I don't know what else this class may do, and I do not understand the use of the static methods--they will never have access to an individual instance's type information.)

我觉得这个类在完成后根本不需要泛型。 (我不知道这个类可以做什么,我不明白静态方法的使用 - 他们永远不会访问单个实例的类型信息。)



Actually this is not a problem in Java. The idiom is passing the class


    public static <T extends A<T>> T process(Class<T> clazz) 
        T o = clazz.newInstance();
        process( o ); 
        return o;

    X x = process(X.class); // not too verbose

I added a return value to illustrate the general case.
